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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Shades' Bottom Deal by Shades
"The DVD does a very good job of explaining the Bottom Deal and Shade executes the deals very well. The advice he offers is solid. I would say that anyone who wants to learn a good practical Bottom Deal - or anyone who wishes to explore it further - would benefit greatly from this DVD." - Peter Duffie
Any serious exponent of the pasteboards would consider this the ultimate move in card artistry achievement. The bottom deal is one of the most difficult sleights to master and opens a world of possibilities to advanced practitioners of card mechanics.

This download DVD provides an in-depth thesis on...

★★★★★ $15
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MP4 (video)

Latex by Nefesch
"The most visual balloon trick I've ever seen" - Dan Hauss

"BIG THUMBS up on this. It's clever, it's easy and people are amazed by it." - Zombie Magic (themagiccafe)

You borrow a coin from a spectator. You ask the spectator to sign the coin, on both sides, to verify that it is their signed coin that you are using. You show the spectator a balloon and ask them to place their signed coin inside the balloon. You then inflate and tie off the balloon. For effect, you can shake the balloon to verify that the signed coin is still inside. You then proceed to do the impossible; you start to pull...
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Unknown Mentalist
Trialogue by Unknown Mentalist

This is a physical product that will be shipped to you. You get 3 beautifully produced plastic cards in wallet size (one additional card you will have to print out yourself), which should last you for a very long time with reasonable care. The accompanying PDF can be downloaded from your digital shelf instantly.

According to the dictionary, Trialogue means a dialogue between three persons or groups. But here the trialogue is between the past, the present and the future of the participant.

The basic principle is an old classic. But the premise, presentation and props are very novel and...

★★★★★ $18
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gimmick & PDF

Devin Knight
Double Coincidence: Civil War Edition by Devin Knight

Important: These are not directions for making this yourself. These are the instructions that came with this trick that sold for $89.00 and included the civil war book: The Road To Gettysburg. These directions are geared ONLY for that book. This PDF is designed for collectors who may have the props, but no directions, magic historians, and those simply curious as to how this trick was done. If you want to make this up using any book then check out this PDF: Double Coincidence.

Mentalist tells the audience that before the show, he gave a lady a dictionary, a red crayon and an envelope. He asked her to secretly...

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Hen Fetsch
Milk Pitcher Magic by Hen Fetsch

A collection of more than 100 routines, tips, presentations, gags, suggestions, ideas for the "vanishing milk pitcher".

    • Its Care
    • Type of Liquids
    • Presentation
    • Milk Marker
    • Showmanly Spills
    • A Blackstone Tip
    • Personal Preference
    • The Paper Cone
    • Opening The Cone
    • Loading The Cone
    • Handling The Cone
    • Water-Proof Cone
    • Rice Silks or Beer
    • Liquid Flowers
    • Flower Silk
    • Rice Silk
    • Bowl and Pitcher
    • Snow Time
    • Flower Flash
    • Bunko Beans ...
★★★★★ $3
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Franz (Ronnay) Rosensteiner
Symphonie in Rot und Blau by Franz (Ronnay) Rosensteiner

Eine aussergewöhnliche Routine mit 8 verblüffenden Effekten - und zwei 32 Blatt Spielen - Rot und Blau.

  1. Effekt: Das Mirakel mit einer gedachten Karte
  2. Effekt: Die zwei vorgeschobenen Karten
  3. Effekt: Die zwei gemischten Spiele
  4. Effekt: Die umgewendete Karte
  5. Effekt: Die zwei frei gewählten Karten
  6. Effekt: Zwei gedachte Karten
  7. Effekt: Des Magiers gemerkte Karte
  8. Effekt: Eine unglaubliche Duplizität

Erstausgabe 1976, 16 Seiten; erste digitale Ausgabe 2016, 17 Seiten.

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Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 68 (May 2016) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 12, No. 2, May 2016; 60 pages

Cover: Joshua Jay

  1. Editor's Letter
  2. What's Inside - contents
  3. Joshua Jay, Just Magic! - cover article/interview by George Luck
  4. Letters
  5. Blackpool Convention - What Went On?
  6. You'll Like This ... A Brief Look at the Magic Life of Paul Daniels - Mark Leveridge
  7. Paul Daniels 'I Thought You Were My Dad!' - Jay Fortune
  8. In The News
  9. In The Phonebox with: ... Daz Crawford
  10. How to Book Moor Shows at a Higher Average Fee - Clive Hyams
  11. Vox Magique - Two to Tango! - Tim Osler and Faye Smith interviewed by Graham Hey
  12. Clowns - More than Just a Children's Entertainer in a Costume...
★★★★ $5
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Brian T. Lees
Performing as a Business by Brian T. Lees

A primer for entertainers wanting to go "full time" performing as a career.

  • Business Plan
  • Services / Products
  • Performance Costs
  • Administrative Costs
  • License / Insurance
  • Marketing Expenses
  • Business Documents
  • Growth Projections
  • Profit / Loss Statement
  • Wrapping it Up

1st edition 2016, 25 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Tom Phoenix
Multiplicity by Tom Phoenix

This is a fun, interesting effect, in which a free selection multiplies itself, leaving you with 3 of the same selection. It ends with a 3 card change, followed by a surprising transposition!

This is entirely clean, requires no forces, and is sure to astonish and amaze your audience.


  • In-depth instruction
  • A few sneaky techniques
  • Multiple options for handling
1st edition 2016, length 17 min

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MP4 (video)

Larry Brodahl
Scripted #3: Sympathetic Silks by Larry Brodahl

A fairly forgotten classic turned into a beautiful performance piece for any group. Includes the script, full instructions, and a performance video.

One of the more difficult tasks facing magicians is coming up with scripts - of any sort. How do you explain to an audience in a reasonable manner how and why this fabulous magic is happening?

Well, the author of How To Write A Script shows you how he used his methodology to write a script that successfully a bare minimum of script...the Sympathetic Silks.

Part of the scripts' charm is that the audience sees a trick performed in just FOUR words. ...

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David Devlin
How To Sell Snake Oil by David Devlin

If you love scams, hustles, cons, bar betchyas, flim-flam, stings, snow jobs, bamboozles, chicanery, shams, fixes, baloney, and other dirty tricks then this ebook is for YOU!

In this follow-up to his popular eBook How to Sell Bridges, David Devlin teaches the finer points of some of the many scams and hustles that have made him a lot of money. He also discusses some of the more elaborate cons that have been used throughout history and the cons who pulled them off. Also discussed are cons used today including selling ridiculous products, phony business "opportunities", scamming major corporations out of thousands...

★★★★★ $15
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Ravi Mayar
Collision Volume 1 by Ravi Mayar

Ravi has a real knack for making use of normal, everyday objects as part of his repetoire. His tricks are highly visual, easy to do and they get great reactions in the real world. It won't take you an age to competently perform Ravi's effects - invest a short time to practice and then you can deliver accomplished results without any complicated sleight of hand or unnecessary, complex routining. In short, you'll be amazing people before you know it!

'Real Counterfeit Money' is a terrific money change effect and 'Corner Light' is a spectacularly devious little number - leaving part of a spectator's...

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Ravi Mayar
Collision Volume 2 by Ravi Mayar


A ten phase, powerhouse visual routine, done with just one ring. Each phase is modular leaving you the opportunity to do each phase, one phase or mix them up.

Damn Gum

Remove a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe. Simply change it into the inner wrap of the gum package; change it again into a full, store bought pack of gum. Take out a piece of gum, eat it or give the piece to your spectator.

S.C.T.B (Signed Coin Thru Bill)

Borrow a bill, borrow a coin. Have the spectator sign the coin. Fold the bill in half and place the coin inside the bill. Crimp the coin inside...

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MP4 (video)

Unknown Mentalist
Karma Deck Psyclical by Unknown Mentalist

If you already own Karma Deck Pro or buy along with this, you will get this ebook for $3 only.

This ebook gives you 7 cyclical stacks based on the Karma Deck. The stacks have random sequence of values and suits and it is very easy to know the next card given any card in the stack.

Basically the Karma Deck was designed for use as a memorized deck without the sweat of actually memorizing it. One could learn the Karma Deck in 5 minutes and then know which card is in which position and vice versa. The basic principle was simple enough for that and at the same time powerful enough to generate 7 different...

★★★★★ $12
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Paul A. Lelekis
Classic Card Magic IV by Paul A. Lelekis

This is the fourth e-book in this series of Classic Card effects. Check out Classic Card Magic I, II, and III. Included are six more classics of card magic that will truly elevate your performances to another level. Look what's included:

1) THE KANNIBAL KARDS - This is probably the greatest and most entertaining routine of all time. The full routine, all sleights and all of the patter is included with a fantastic ending. Every magician should perform this excellent is truly a monster.

BONUS! Learn the real deal of the Ascanio Spread. This important sleight scares some people...but Paul will teach...

★★★★ $12
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Percy Abbott
Hellstromism (Abbott) by Percy Abbott

This lesson in telepathic experiments makes mind reading an understandable and practical thing. A method of reading one's thoughts that you can learn and apply. The secret mental equipment needed for your success as a mental performer. The late Axel Hellstrom, a German mental marvel, astounded the entire scientific world with his uncanny ability to read the thoughts of a person with whom he was in contact and to interpret these thoughts correctly. He would execute mental (not written) commands with lightning rapidity - find hidden articles wherever they were secreted - deliver sealed messages...

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Marconick Magic Nr. 2 by Marconick
  • Foreword
  • Yrutnec Hteitnewt
  • Coin Materialisation
  • The Coins Disappear
  • Ring Penetration
  • The Patriotic Change
  • The Inca Ring
  • Two Colour Production Tube
  • Two In One
  • Riffle Rice
  • A Ribbon Mystery
  • The Dove Mat Illusion
  • The Travelling Flame
  • Thimble Penetration
  • Mr. Rabbit
  • A Stacked Deck
  • Kleenex Production
  • Looped Rope Through Neck
  • Rope Through Neck
  • Silk Chain
  • Production Of A Silk
  • The Dancing Rings And Umbrella Finale
1st edition 1968, 32 pages; 1st digital edition 2016, 42 pages.
★★★★ $3
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George C. Bartlett
The Salem Seer by George C. Bartlett

Reminiscences of Charles H. Foster who some consider the most gifted and remarkable spiritual medium since Emanuel Swedenborg. This account gives facts and descriptions of many seances held in different parts of the world.

This is a fascinating account of Charles H. Foster's story - a medium who exhibited mostly skin writing (dermography) and pellet reading. When Foster visited England in 1861 materialization phenomena were added to his performances.

Foster enjoyed drinking alcohol and smoking cigars in barrooms with his companions as much as he did transmitting messages from the dead....

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Michael Ammar
Gummi Band Tricks by Michael Ammar
  • Linking Rubber Bands
  • The Linking Bands Pinch
  • Broken And Restored Rubberband Finesse
  • Ring Band - It
  • The Crazy Man's Handcuffs
  • TV Thumbtip Finesse
Dies ist die überarbeitete und erweiterte Neuauflage als PDF in digitaler Form.

Für all' diejenigen von Ihnen, die ihn damit noch nicht erleben konnten: Sie müssen sich das einmal so richtig vorstellen: Da steht Mike vor einem ca. fünfzigköpfigen Publikum, zieht einen, nein zwei, Gummiringe aus der Tasche und fängt damit zu zaubern an. Jeder sieht, was er macht, jeder staunt und viele versuchen es nachzumachen. Ich selbst staune auch...

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Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 5, Issue 2 (Oct - Dec 2015) by Solyl Kundu

Pioneer and Premier Magic related e-zine. Well, it's a pleasure to present the second topic of volume five of TGM that is full of informative and muttering to reading - literally. Trust us, this issue has loads of goodies to cater the connoisseurs of conjuring - excellent effects and interesting articles contributed by eminent artistes of the Art of Magic from US, UK and of course from India who understand their art. Particularly look through the MagiXposed section where you will get the excellent effects which you can easily create and apply. Nevertheless, on that point is a bunch more, go...

★★★★★ $2
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Brian T. Lees
Safety Magic Show Primer by Brian T. Lees

A primer to help magicians get started with safety based magic, and shows.

  • Foundational Groundwork
  • Potential Markets
  • Sources for Material
  • Sample Routines
  • The Blend
  • Hand Out Materials
  • Wrapping it up

1st edition 2016, 18 pages.

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David Devlin
Boomerang by David Devlin

This is one of David's favorite effects. Not only does it fry laymen, but it also fools magicians as well. It can be performed at any point during your act. It does not have to be an opener or a closer, but it could be used as either. It is a very powerful effect because it seems very hands-off and is extremely visual. It is also easy to do!

Effect: Two red backed jokers are freely shown, and are set aside. A spectator selects a card from a blue backed deck, and signs it (the selection must be signed, or the effect is greatly diminished). In this example let's say that the card is the three...

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Username by Nefesch

Phones are now very personal items. Long time ago in order to perform an effect with pictures; you would have to carry the pictures with you. But now people carry pictures with them all the time. Million of pictures! Using your spectator's phone and his Instagram account the effect goes like this:

Your spectator freely selects any category of pictures. He searches for this category himself; then your spectator selects any picture he wants. This picture could have been uploaded by anybody in the whole world. Yet you read your spectator's mind and accurately find the username that uploaded that...

★★★★★ $4.90
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MP4 (video)

J. H. Johnson
The Open Book by J. H. Johnson

This is the book that tells the truth about cards, dice, punch boards, gambling wheels, races, and all other kinds of gambling.

Don't be a sucker! The Open Book reveals how crooked gamblers, cheats, and con artists fleece the innocent and unwary public out of thousands of dollars daily. Even that carnival game at the local fairgrounds may not be as innocent as it looks. Get the inside scoop.

Valuable secrets of marked cards, gaffed dice, ink formulas, holdouts and other cheating devices -- all clearly explained. Also included are scams and cons used by the unscrupulous to bilk the unwary....

★★★★ $12 $10
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