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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Carl Willmann
Zauberwelt 10. Jahrgang (1904) by Carl Willmann

No. 1

  • Reiseerinnerungen II
  • Die aufdrängliche Karte
  • Willmann's Faun-Maske
  • Die mysteriöse Tuchwanderung / F. Hügli
  • Die Feuerschale
  • Der Ring im Hühnerei
  • Der Tellerlauf eines Billardballes / Phantome
  • Der seine Farbe verändernde Würfel
  • Das Verschlucken eines Cigarrenstummel's
  • Eine Illusion
  • Hat sich die Magie überlebt?
  • Briefkasten

No. 2
  • Reiseerinnerungen III
  • Ben-Zur's Meisterschuss / Ben-Zur
  • Der Spaziergang einer Karte durch das Knie des Künstlers / A. M.
  • Willmann's Tuchdose
  • Das sich vermehrende Licht / Major Ferber
  • Willmann's Billardballkunststück
  • Die magische...
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Carl Willmann
Zauberwelt alle Jahrgänge (1895 - 1904) by Carl Willmann

Die Zauberwelt war die erste Deutsche Zauberzeitschrift. Es war eine ausgezeichnete Publikation. Der Inhalt spannt einen großen Bogen der Zauberkunst von Tricks mit Karten, Münzen und Billardbällen, über Apparaturen und mechanische Tricks, Illusionen, Tricks mit Blumen, Tüchern und Fahnen, bis hin zu mentalen und spiritistischen Routinen. Sogar Chapography, Gesellschaftsscherze und Spiele findet man. Es werden auch Leserbriefe und Anfragen abgedruckt.

Besonders hervorheben sollte man die vielteilige Kartenschule die sich über mehrere Jahrgänge zieht. Es finden sich auch Routinen und...

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Will Andrade
Comedy Magic by Will Andrade

This old manuscript released by Will Andrade revolves around comedy magic. It contains a collection of many gags that can be incorporated in your magic act.

Some gags include:

  • fat and thin lady
  • milk through head
  • shoe lace trick
  • banana gag
  • flap jack trick
  • duck trick
  • famous bullet catching
  • egg shampoo
  • the elusive lady
  • Etc.
PDF 22 pages
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Bob Hummer
Three Pets by Bob Hummer

From the brilliant mind of Bob Hummer comes a triple helping of mental mysteries that are as much fun for you to perform as they are for your audience to experience them. One effect uses cards, another coins, and the last uses a single, unprepared die.

Personality Test - This is a nice "ice breaker" effect with cards that sets the stage for the mental demonstrations yet to come. Captures your spectator's attention and leaves her hungry to see more.

The 'Snappy' Thirteen-Cent Trick - Who knew that thirteen cents could be this much fun? A spectator sets out two nickels and three pennies...

★★★★ $6
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Robert A. Nelson
Nelson Enterprises Manuscript Collection 3 by Robert A. Nelson

The largest collection, yet, in the Nelson Manuscript series. Here are five more, hard-to-find Nelson Enterprises manuscripts for mentalists and magicians, plus a free bonus book.

Mentalists, psychic entertainers, magicians, collectors and magic historians will be pleased to discover the following manuscripts and books from the Nelson Enterprises catalog, now updated and edited for a new generation of performers:

Resistance Secrets - A series of four unbelievable demonstrations where the performer - either man or woman - is able to defy the strength of a powerful, burly spectator. (NE...

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Brick Tilley
Mental Photography Deck by Brick Tilley

A short, to-the-point routine for the mental photography, or nudist, deck that does not require the use of a table. An ideal effect for opening a close-up performance. It requires little skill beyond a few straight cuts of the deck, which means you can focus on the presentation. Full patter is included. Albert Goshman included this effect among his wonders for good reason.

All you will get here is the routine, the patter. You will have to supply your own nudist deck.

1st edition 2019, 4 pages.

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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Impossible Braid Plus Variations by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

This is for advanced folders only, those who want to tackle some of the most difficult and at the same time most beautiful impossible folds there are. Ralf has developed a new method for the Robert E. Neale braided banknote which he is teaching on this video. He will also teach you variations to the braided banknote theme.

However the highlight of the video is the most astounding braid for the Borromean Cube. For this object there was no folding method in existence at all, until Ralf tackled the problem and came up with a remarkable solution. Please note that there is no cutting and gluing involved. (The...

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MP4 (video)

David Davis
Super Unnatural by David Davis

An automatic routine in six phases with many surprises. Absolutely no skill required!

A delightful sequence of clever-looking card magic performed without skill or sleights of any kind. Not one trick but a whole series of tricks blending one into the other and all depending upon one clever set-up. Work it at once! You have only to learn the routine to be able to present it. The working is completely automatic. You'll be amazed yourself as you do it. At the uncanny way everything has been thought so that the performance of one trick leaves you all ready to perform the next.

A pack of cards...

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Reinhard Müller
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 36: Doppelrücken Karten Zauber by Reinhard Müller

Von der Einleitung:

Die Doppelrückenkarten wurden in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts gewitzt von Hofzinser eingesetzt, wurden dann aber vergessen. Um die Jahrhundertwende war nur ein Gag bekannt, den ich Ihnen auch beschreiben werde, und um 1910 ein Zweikarten-Kümmelblättchen von Theodore L. DeLand. Erst in den Zwanziger Jahren unseres Jahrhunderts wurden diese Spezialkarten im Inneren Kreis der New Yorker Kartenleute um Dai Vernon wieder verwendet.

In den folgenden Ausführungen beschreibe ich Ihnen Routinen, Effekte und Handhabungen, die die grundlegenden wirklich erstaunlichen Eigenschaften...

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Scott Creasey
Minimalistic Metaphysical Mentalism Lecture by Scott Creasey

Mentalism routines worked from your pockets using nothing more than a stack of double blank cards and a pen.

This is a selection of the the most audience friendly, commercial and easy to perform routines from Minimalistic, Metaphysical Mentalism volume one and two. Regardless of performance style or level of competency everybody will get something from this ebook.

Minimalistic: using simple elements with little embellishment

Metaphysics: Meta meaning over or beyond and physics meaning the physical, material world. Thus, the combination refers to such concerns that are beyond or transcend...

★★★★ $18.50
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Dale A. Hildebrandt
Reality as Canvas by Dale A. Hildebrandt

Short, to the point, effects created by Dale A. Hildebrandt and a few of his friends some years ago; put together here in one place for your enjoyment

P-Ainting: A painting comes to life on a special night; perfect for the bizarre performer who has access to theatrical settings and technology.

Transplanted: The mentalist is able to communicate with a flower/plant; Variation "Transkey" with keys

Teddy Tear (originally appeard in Half-Baked, the Journal of Ideas That Aren't Issue 11): Ripped and restored teddy bear; Variation "Doll Danger" (created with Adam White) doll & doll head presentation ...

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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Paper Stunts by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Here you will learn simple but surprising looking folds. These are great as gifts, conversation starters, or even items you can sell. For each you will receive a template, a photo of the final result, and detailed video instructions of how to create it.

  • Braid Link
  • Chinese Letter Knot
  • Cross and Arrow
  • Double Braided
  • Linking Stripes

1st edition 2019, length 17:42

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MP4 (video)

Stanley Jaks & J. G. Thompson Jr.
Omar's Prophecies by Stanley Jaks & J. G. Thompson Jr.

Dr. Jaks' Triple Prediction miracle and other mental subtleties are clearly explained in this must-have manuscript for mentalists and psychic entertainers. Dr. Jaks devised a devilishly clever Triple Prediction. Now, J. G. Thompson's clear instructions enable you to perform this amazing demonstration.

Plus, you also get additional chapters on Jaks' techniques for: his billet knife, Chuck Smith's M-T Pad, a devastating card mental test for stage, and how Jaks would stretch the truth to turn a terrific prediction into a mind-blowing spectator experience.

The Triple Prediction effect, as...

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Scott Xavier
Fortunae: The Printed Lottery Ticket Prediction by Scott Xavier

Imagine a triple threat of mentalism that builds to an ultimate end. Fortunae is the perfect lottery prediction. You can buy everything you need to make this work for under $85 on Amazon.

6 audience members are asked to stand and create a random number. The number is shown to have been predicted all along as a scroll revealing this number is lowered from the ceiling. Hit number 1. Next a volunteer calls the number and its the venues phone number! Hit number 2. Now for the insane part. The numbers used by the audience to randomly create the 10 digit prediction are found in a sealed gift box...

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Devin Knight
A Lifetime in Magic 1 by Devin Knight

A selection of some of the best creations by Devin Knight. (Please note that all effects have been released earlier as standalone products and are available individually on See product links throughout the product description.)

Improved Tri-Epic Deluxe - this is a clever three or even four way newspaper prediction effect reminiscent of David Copperfield's Graffiti Wall, but more portable and totally suitable for a one man act.

Psychic Money Sense - designed for an intimate close up show, this experiment apparently shows that a spectator has an excellent psychic sense as he achieves an impossible outcome using three...

★★★★★ $20
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Devin Knight
A Lifetime in Magic 2 by Devin Knight

Volume 2 continues where A Lifetime in Magic Volume 1 left off with detailed explanations for over 20 Devin Knight masterpieces. (Note that this is a compilation of items that were released earlier. All of them are available individually on See links throughout the product description.)

It starts with three stunning effects that appear to be as near to real mindreading as you can get - Almost Real Mindreading Feats. Devin explains little known principles which will enable you to reveal repeatedly which hand a spectator is merely thinking of, to remove the card a spectator simply looked at in a fan, and to name a mentally chosen card...

★★★★★ $20
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Paul Voodini
Palm Reading for Magicians by Paul Voodini

Everything you need to know to start with palm reading - tips, tricks, and techniques. Additionally Paul teaches how to combine palm readings with close-up magic and mentalism to give added resonance and meaning to your routines.

Introduced by Luke Jermay (and with a cameo from magician Wayne Fox), this is a professionally produced video, packed full with information, routines, and real-life performances.

When working at wedding receptions, corporate events, and dinner parties, why is it that Paul Voodini always has crowds of spectators around him? Why is it that long after the "regular" magicians...

★★★★★ $40
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31 Giorni al Mentalismo by Giochidimagia

È passato qualche anno dalla pubblicazione di Mentalismo Moderno con i suoi 3 Volumi e poco tempo dalla pubblicazione di Mentalismo dalla A alla Z. In questi volumi sono state spiegate le tecniche, la psicologia, gli effetti, l'etica e tanto altro che riguarda il mondo del mentalismo.

Questo mondo si rivela sempre immenso in quanto patrimonio della creatività per cui ho voluto pubblicare questa nuova guida con un approccio diverso, ossia senza parlare di tecniche in particolare ma mettendo a disposizione del lettore esclusivamente effetti di mentalismo da eseguire immediatamente. Lo scopo...

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Mentalismo Dalla A alla Z by Giochidimagia

Il titolo riassume lo spirito del manuale, infatti con questo manuale lo scopo è stato proprio quello di dare una visione d'insieme dell'arte del Mentalismo, parlando delle tecniche utilizzate, della psicologia, della Cold Reading e di tanto altro, non perdendosi in descrizioni di particolari che solo il singolo performer può e deve per forza imparare ed affinare provando e riprovando.

Non è stato dato spazio alle presentazioni proprio per tale motivo, sembra un paradosso non parlare della presentazione di un effetto illusionistico quando questa è probabilmente più del 90% dell'effetto...

★★★★ $22
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Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof July 2019 by Brian T. Lees
  • Same Show Over and Over
  • Blog/Journal
  • Productive Rehearsal
  • Referrals Out of Shelf Life
  • That's Old
  • Projection
  • Never End Articles

1st edition 2019, 10 pages.

★★★★★ $0
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Jochen Zmeck
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 37: Knotologie by Jochen Zmeck

Ein Handbuch der Knotenzauberei.

Aus dem Vorwort:

Die Vielzahl der Knotentricks scheint unübersehbar. Ich habe in diesem Buch die besten und praktischsten beschrieben. Mit etwas Phantasie können Sie sich daraus ein ganzes Programm zusammenstellen. Während meiner Profizeit war die "Strippologie" eine Lieblingsroutine von mir, und innerhalb dieser der Abschnitt "Knotologie".

  • Vorwort
  • Kapitel 1: Eine Lektion im Knotenschlagen
    • Die 1. Lektion: Knoten oder kein Knoten
    • Die 2. Lektion: Der Schleifenknoten
    • Die 3. Lektion: Ein Knotenmärchen
  • Kapitel 2: Verschwindende Knoten
    • 2.1....
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Ken de Courcy
Even Stephen by Ken de Courcy

An "even bet" gambling routine in ten stages with no preparation and no sleight of hand.

A gambling routine which is completely different to anything that has gone before, because it doesn't deal with the usual card games such as Poker, Blackjack, Bridge and so on. Even Stephen is a routine, you don't play for money, instead play for matches ... and yet you win. Even with poor luck, you "scoop the pool". It's all so easy to do, the main skill being in presentation. 'The last Bet' is the only one needing a little handling and even that shouldn't place a great strain on your ability. Altogether...

★★★★★ $6
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Randy Wakeman
Formula One Close-Up by Randy Wakeman

From the Foreword by Ed Marlo:

The effects have been constructed with the audience's conditions in mind. By this I mean that practically every close-up, at-the-table worker in a restaurant has to work under the audience's conditions and not the performer's. Thus, angly moves, risky sleights, lapping, etc. have been eliminated from Randy's lay audience routines. Therefore, you can be assured of the practicality of his magic.

As for my section of effects, it is obvious that much of it will not be used if one works under the spectator's conditions. Which also means that I work under my conditions....

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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Card Sculptures by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Seven fascinating and beautiful sculptures you can create from playing cards. "4 Way Card Henge" is out of this world - an incredible 3D sculpture made from a single playing card. All of these sculptures look impossible to make without gluing, but there are no secret cuts and and no glue is used. You merely cut and fold the card(s) the way Ralf teaches you in detail in the video. For the models that need more than a simple cut you will also receive PDF cutting templates.

  • 4 Way Card Henge
  • Card Fan
  • Checker Card
  • Circle
  • Inside Out Card
  • Knot Link
  • Looped

1st edition 2019, length 46:52

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MP4 (video)

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