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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Joseph B.
Intrigue by Joseph B.

This effect is intriguing. Not only will the magician find two chosen cards under impossible conditions, but there will be a series of incredible and numerous predictions. Look at the full performance. The effect is simple to perform and semi-automatic. We are certainly within the magician-fooler category. Everything is done with a normal deck of cards.

1st edition 2023, video 16:03.

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Lee Morgan Andrews
Letters to a Young Mentalist by Lee Morgan Andrews

Mentoring at your fingertips. Inspirations, musings and creative insights.

Letters To A Young Mentalist is a compendium of epistolary wisdom, advice and musing born from the proficuous letter exchange between a seasoned professional and an eager receptive protégé.

In these pages, you will find thoughts on creativity, mentoring, writing, staging and much more. The contents are both practical and inspiring, encouraging a dialogue on what mentalism is and how we can make it more meaningful, artful and reverberating. Some of the insights are thought-provoking, while others are invaluable...

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Sam Dalal
Sam's Scrapbook 2 by Sam Dalal

Over 50 years, I have run a Magician's service, producing and supplying several hundreds of thousands of pieces of over 2500 varieties of props to magic dealers and magicians worldwide, with retail sale value exceeding a million dollars a year over several years, so I figure we have been doing something right!

Many were "classic props" - my favorite sources being books like Hoffman's Modern, More and Later Magic, the many excellent magical secrets series and other illusion books by Will Goldston, and of more modern times, the World of Magic trilogy by Jack Hughes - with an effort to some times modify the props and their use to present...

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Unknown Mentalist
Epic Spin by Unknown Mentalist

Effects involving the number Pi.

The number Pi is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14159. This is also a very fascinating number from a magic and mentalism point of view.

The day of March 14 which represents the Pi value of 3.14 is celebrated across the world as Pi Day, which occurred recently in this year. Some amazing effects can be performed using this Pi number.

Epic Spin is a collection of routines using the Pi number. Although the effects involve numbers of Pi, there is no math involved, largely. And...

★★★★★ $12
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Jon Racherbaumer
Analects and Analogues by Jon Racherbaumer

Ten card mysteries Annemann would have loved.

This book was part of a two-person three-hour lecture session given by Harry Anderson that Jon gave at a Daytona Magic Conference.

Excerpt from the foreword:

Anneman believed that the effect is the most important thing and, to paraphrase Vince Lombardi, the effect is the only thing.

Anneman believed, as deists believe in a god, that a magician must do something extraordinary with the ordinary…and what is demonstrated must also have no practical use or relevance in the real world. It is a demo, not an application of real power.


★★★★ $19.50
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Wayne Dobson & Jay Fortune
Wayne Dobson Talks to Jay Fortune: The Magic Interview Series No.1 by Wayne Dobson & Jay Fortune

Way back in 2005, I began broadcasting a world-first: an hour dedicated to magic, live from London. At the time, I was presenting my breakfast show on commercial radio. Every Monday evening at 7pm GMT, the airwaves went live with Radio Magic. Each episode featured a ten-minute interview with a famous star of magic (see The Magic Interview Series ebook). As a spin-off from that year-long project, I recorded a few long-form interviews with magicians and these recordings became available as CDs: thus, the Magic Interview Series was born. Looking back, I was podcasting before podcasts! Now, for the first time ever, these...

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Hans-Joachim Brucherseifer
Looking for Erdnase: The Expert at the Card Table by Hans-Joachim Brucherseifer

A docu-drama (dramatized documentary) on the identity of the mystery author of a classic book on sleight-of-hand with cards.

The best magicians of the 21st century set out on a journey to search for the lost author of the most legendary book about the art of sleight of hand. S.W. Erdnase is the pseudonym of the man thought to be the most notorious card shark of the 19th century. His book The Expert at the Card Table is now considered the card conjurer's bible, making it compulsory reading for any magician. It took more than 30 years after its publication for the true value of the book to be appreciated. His true identity remains...

★★★★ $18.99


Caruso Colzi
Fai Cio Che Ti Dico by Caruso Colzi

L’Arte delle Suggestioni, come, quando e perchè utilizzarle.

(Prefazione di Corrado Malanga)

In questo libro ho raccolto tutto quanto concerne la mia esperienza decennale in ambito ipnosi, sia per quanto riguarda gli studi, sia per quanto riguarda il lavoro nella pratica quotidiana.

Il lettore, in un escursus che va dagli antichi egizi all’odierna fisica quantistica, potrà trovare all’interno del testo: spiegazioni, definizioni e metodologie applicate alle suggestioni.

L’aspetto che trovo interessante di questo lavoro è l’assoluta semplicità nell’esposizione di uno...

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Federico Benuzzi
Giocolieri si Diventa by Federico Benuzzi

Manuale pratico di giocoleria

Federico Benuzzi è giocoliere professionista dal 1998 e in questo ebook mette a tua disposizione la sua esperienza per accompagnarti nell’affascinante mondo della giocoleria.

Ti è sicuramente capitato di vedere uno di questi straordinari artisti eseguire evoluzioni incredibili ed impossibili con oggetti di tutti i tipi e chiederti come sia possibile!

Federico Benuzzi già dal titolo del suo libro comincia a spiegarti il segreto, ossia “Giocolieri si diventa”. Si giocolieri si diventa con passione, pratica e perseveranza!

Ci vuole però un maestro...

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Otello Ghigi
Guardami Negli Occhi by Otello Ghigi

Metodo pratico di come si ipnotizza in Teatro

Questo libro è stato scritto dal Professor Otello Ghigi e stampato per la prima volta nel 1977 , Giochidimagia Editore è felice di poter pubblicare questa opera del grande maestro.

Durante la lettura del libro ti accorgerai che l’ordine numerico delle pagine a volte non è rispettato e alcune pagine hanno delle imperfezioni di allineamento, non preoccuparti, il contenuto del libro è stato riportato per intero semplicemente le pagine che non ci sono corrispondono a pagine bianche per esempio di fine capitolo nell’opera originale mentre...

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Antonio Meridda
I Segreti Della Lettura a Freddo 1 by Antonio Meridda

Tecniche, segreti e predizioni

Senza dubbio negli ultimi anni , serie televisive di successo, mentalisti e ipnotisti, Derren Brown per citare il più famoso, hanno risvegliato l’interesse per un particolare tipo di illusionismo detto mentalismo, rivisto in chiave moderna.

In realtà la tecnica di cui tratta questo libro, la lettura a freddo o cold reading è qualcosa che esiste da molto tempo e può essere usata nel contesto del mentalismo moderno e anche da sola.

Questo libro nasce dalle numerose richieste che abbiamo avuto da appassionati, professionisti e semplici curiosi che vogliono...

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Antonio Meridda
I Segreti Della Lettura a Freddo 2 by Antonio Meridda

Predizioni, tarocchi, chiromanzia, oroscopo

In questo secondo volume l’autore Antonio Meridda, coach, esperto lettore a freddo ed ipnotista, esplora le tecniche avanzate di cold reading, pertanto è consigliato studiare prima il Vol.1 in quanto diversamente molti concetti potrebbero risultare incomprensibili.

Antonio Meridda non si ferma al solo uso delle tecniche nell’ambito dell’intrattenimento ma ti da anche consigli e spunti per sfruttare le tecniche di cold reading nella vita di tutti i giorni.

In questo libro trovi:

  • Introduzione
  • Come usare le tecniche di predizione ...
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Aldo Colombini
Soldi Facili by Aldo Colombini

Sette facili routines con le monete

Di Aldo Colombini

Prima edizione italiana

Fresca fresca di traduzione ecco la prima edizione italiana di un delizioso volumetto di Aldo Colombini dedicato a sette routines di facilissima esecuzione e di grande effetto. Ora è il momento di inserirne qualcuna nel tuo repertorio. Ecco un breve descrizione del contenuto .


“Gli effetti magici con le monete sono solitamente piuttosto difficili da eseguire e spesso richiedono particolare destrezza di mano, oltre che l’uso di complesse manipolazioni. Tuttavia, in questo...

★★★★★ $7
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Alex Master
The Secrets of Hypnosis by Alex Master

Do you suffer from a chronic pain disorder? Do you have Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or another condition that leaves you in constant pain? Are you one of the millions of people that have tried everything to lose weight but haven't been able to lose weight and keep it off? Is one of your New Year's Resolutions to finally quit smoking? There is one treatment that can help with all of these conditions and more. Hypnosis. The medical community used to laugh off hypnosis as a parlor trick that magicians did to amuse children at birthday parties or entertain people in night clubs by...

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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Poor Man's PK Pen by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Learn how to make your own PK Pen with household items in a few minutes for about 3 dollars. It will be always ready in your pocket. No electronic, no wires, no threads.

1st edition 2023, video 7:24.

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MP4 (video)

Unknown Mentalist
Freakey by Unknown Mentalist

Freakey is an ungimmicked keychain with a miracle built into it. Ungimmicked in any mechanical, electronic or magnetic way. So it will last you for many years of performances without the need for any refills or consumables. The size is about 2 inches square. So it can be easily and comfortably carried in your pocket.

But it is designed in an unusual manner. It is bound to be a conversation starter. You can carry your car keys, house keys or any other keys on this keychain.

With this keychain in your pocket, you are always ready to perform a miracle for anyone at any time and anywhere....

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gimmick & PDF

Mark Leveridge
Impossible by Mark Leveridge

A spectator freely names a card (e.g. 5D) which is cut into the centre of a blue deck. The performer cuts a card of his choice (e.g. AS) into the centre of a red deck. The spectator and performer are now going to attempt to make their chosen cards reverse themselves while the packs are still inside their boxes.

Having mimed the removal and turning over of cards, the performer fans the spectator's blue deck only to discover that there is one card face up, but it's the AS! The magician then fans his red backed deck - and to everyone's surprise, the only face-up card in that pack is the one...

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Successful Magic by Pavel

A collection of 15 effects with ropes, silks, balls, cards, ribbons, paper, glasses, canes, dice and other objects.

  • The Instant Silk
  • The Ribbon Prediction
  • A Rope Circle Routine
  • Rainbow Balls
  • The Black Die Prediction
  • The Knot Off The Rope
  • Newspaper Knotting II
  • The Ribbon Transposition
  • The Zebra Trick
  • Encore The Silk In The Knot
  • The Spotted Card
  • Six Ideas For Cane Workers

1st edition 1974, PDF 27 pages.

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Mystic Alexandre
The Audiobook by Mystic Alexandre

You wrote this professionally produced audiobook. That's right. No author is mentioned in the recording. The audiobook is called: "M A G I C - A   T R A N S F O R M A T I V E   A R T"

The file you will download is 23.9 MB. I keep it on my phone so it's easy to immediately send to potential customers. The audiobook is 12 minutes long, and narrated by a female voice, we felt it sounded better that way, more pleasing to the ear.

So what's the point?

  • To excite your customers with a gift
  • To get customer contact info
  • To show you're an expert in the field of magic by mentioning you...
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John Ramsay & Victor Farelli
Four Little Beans by John Ramsay & Victor Farelli

Excerpt from the foreword:

Unless I am mistaken, the routine explained in this modest little volume is the first sleight of hand trick I learned. I was then at school - over sixty years ago - and as I have been performing it constantly ever since, I have had, obviously, a lot of practice!

Although I have always done the trick fairly well, I have added, quite recently, a number of improvements which make it, I think, a routine not unworthy of the attention of any close-work magician.

Broadly speaking, it is similar in effect to the Chinese Marble Trick described by Edwin Sachs in...

★★★★ $8
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Victor Farelli
Controlled Coincidence by Victor Farelli

A subtle system for card workers. Four card miracles.

Excerpt from the introduction:

In the Winter of 1928, or early in the following Spring, Messrs. Bagshawe & Co. issued a catalogue entitled "New Magic," in which an item called "Card Control" appeared. Briefly, the effect was that any card (not forced) could be taken from a pack - if desired, in the performer's absence - and the performer was able always to locate in the pack a card of the same VALUE and a card of the same SUIT, as that chosen.

Being struck by the novelty of the effect I wrote to Mr. Bagshawe, requesting him to send...

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Abhinav Bothra
ACAAN meets a Monkey by Abhinav Bothra

A merge of ACCAN and Do As I Do.

ACAAN is one of the most loved card plots and Do As I Do is one of the most ignored. ACAAN meets a Monkey is a unique cross-over between both of them.

Here two cards get chosen, one by the performer and one by the participant. Both cards are then lost and the cards get shuffled. Both cards are later found by the participant at the number that the participant decides on.

Flow of Events:

  • A pack of cards gets cut into 2 packets by the participant.
  • The participant picks one packet and the performer picks the other one.
  • Both of them show one card from...
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TC Tahoe
Coffee Bones by TC Tahoe

A mentalism routine with dice and coffee cups.

Three dice are rolled, and a number is freely and fairly created by the volunteer. No force of any kind. You then show a prediction that has been in full view the entire show, and that prediction is 100% correct.

1st edition 2023, PDF 5 pages.

★★★★ $10
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Unknown Mentalist
Darkey by Unknown Mentalist

Darkey is an ungimmicked keychain with a miracle built into it. Ungimmicked in any mechanical, electronic or magnetic way. So it will last you for many years of performances without the need for any refills or consumables. The size is about 2 inches square. So it can be easily and comfortably carried in your pocket.

But it is designed in an unusual manner so that it first starts a conversation and then ends with a miracle. You can carry your car keys, house keys or any other keys on this keychain.

With this keychain in your pocket, you are always ready to perform a miracle to anyone...

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