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Arthur Conan Doyle
The Adventure of the Empty House by Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle was the most famous and successful author in the detective story genre. One of the locked-room mysteries he wrote was The Adventure of the Empty House. The story plays in 1894, three years after Holmes's apparent death. Ronald Adair, son of the Earl of Maynooth, a colonial governor in Australia, was killed with a soft-nosed revolver bullet to his head while sitting in his room, working on accounts of some kind. The motive was not robbery since nothing was stolen. Adair's door was locked from the inside and the only window in the room presented a 20-foot drop with no sign...

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Wilfred Huggins & Frederic Culpitt
Secrets of the Street Conjurer by Wilfred Huggins & Frederic Culpitt

A collection of conjuring secrets for magicians who entertain when surrounded by spectators.

Excerpt from the preface:

The compilation of "A Street Conjurer's Secrets" is the outcome of many years of observation in this country, Australia, America, France and Germany. That the effects are well-known is not to be denied, but it is extremely doubtful if many conjurers are aware of the actual method used by the street entertainer.

  • Preface
  • Publisher's Note
  • Preparation For The Hands
  • A Table Tip
  • The Guinea-Pig
  • Card Change
  • Flap Disposal-Single Slate
  • Cap And Pence
    • I. The Load ...
★★★★ $5
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Mark Leveridge
Paper Money by Mark Leveridge

You show a piece of white paper on both sides and fold it into a neat package. Instantly and visibly the paper turns into a banknote which can be unfolded, displayed on both sides, and importantly, can be immediately handed out for examination or be spent. Devised in the early 1980s, this version of instant money printing is totally practical and very magical. The fact that the printed note can be examined is a huge plus and helps to increase the effectiveness of the illusion.

1st edition 2017, PDF 2 pages.

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D. Angelo Ferri
Slydini Knotted Silks by D. Angelo Ferri

Dennis Barlotta teaches the famous Slydini Knotted Silks routine. You will learn in minute detail the false knots used, which are of course key to the routine. You will learn the right silks and fabric to use. And you will learn a story that Tony Slydini told Dennis about one time when the routine failed and what he changed to avoid this problem.

1st edition 2023, video 37:18

★★★★★ $20
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MP4 (video)

Stewart James
First Call to Cards by Stewart James

Here are twelve remarkable card tricks invented and performed by Stewart James in Canada, England and the U.S. So many magicians asked to learn these tricks that Stewart decided to reveal them for the first time in this book. Most all of his card magic is done without difficult sleights or trick cards, using subtlety instead.


MIKE AND IKE: — The famous look-alike detectives capture a gang of criminals and identify their leader. A spectator (witness) doesn't tell how the sleuths are disguised until the case is closed.

SEVEN WONDERS — No preparation is necessary to illustrate...

★★★★★ $10
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Bob Farmer
Bammo Cychops by Bob Farmer

When Teller saw this he said: "A work of mad genius."

Here at the Mad Genius Institute (MGI) we spend our days chasing the elusive butterfly of love and when we realize it's just another of the many delusions that sent us here in the first place, we get back to our real work: creating mind-bending magic so far outside the box it's a long-distance call to reality.

What happens when you decide to use not one or two Chop Cups but three? Three Chop Cups and three magnetic balls: you can't get farther from the mundane than that.

  • Phase 1: Ball vanishes and appears in a Crown Royal bag. ...
★★★★ $10
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Gregg Webb
Triplets 7 by Gregg Webb

Following the mentalism issue of Triplets 6, this one, Triplets 7, will also be mainly mentalism, specifically about Equivoque. I learned a lot about this, with 5 objects, from Max Maven's video, and at the same time, I discussed this with Charles Reynolds who in turn discussed it with Pat Page. Then I put in some work of my own and came up with a very practical way of working this.

I will go into every detail. Every mentalist I have shared this with thought my procedural changes worthwhile.

Next, I will go through every object I can think of with which to do this feat. I once saw Kreskin do it with...

★★★★ $4.95
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Magic Ian
Best Dam Tricks: 25 Rubber Penetration Tricks by Magic Ian

Lubor Fiedler's famous dental dam illusion principle is applied to a variety of tricks and routines, not just the penetration of a coin through a rubber sheet. The only sad part here is that the name Lubor Fiedler cannot be found anywhere in this publication. No credit was given.

Excerpt from the introduction by Walter Gibson:

When the rubber penetration came into popularity several years ago, it represented something really new in magic. Here was a trick that was actually accomplished before it began, leaving onlookers baffled by a visible penetration of a coin through a sheet of solid rubber, with no clue whatever...

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John Scarne
Power of Thought by John Scarne

Over the years, many have (incorrectly) assumed that the "Power of Thought" effect that Scarne enjoyed performing uses the same method as the version described in the Scarne On Card Tricks book. This is not the case, as you'll be pleased to discover if you buy this ebook. This is the version Scarne himself used and (unlike the version in the mass market book), this method doesn't rely on swapping cards in your pocket. Indeed, you need not wear a jacket at all; you can perform this effect in your swim trunks if you're so inclined.

This method was originally offered by Scarne to magicians in a 1950 pre-publication...

★★★★ $5
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Bob Farmer
Bammo Ten Card Poker Slam by Bob Farmer

The magician displays a random mix of ten cards, all spot cards and a single Ace of Spades. He explains these cards are used in a game called, "Ten Card Poker Slam" - with just ten cards cheating is impossible. The cards are mixed face down and dealt in a row. The magician and the spectator take turns selecting cards until each has five cards.

The magician reveals his hand: four 2s and an Ace of Spades - Four of a Kind - BUT - - - The spectator's hand is a Straight Flush in diamonds, 6D, 7D, 8D, 9D and 10D - and a Straight Flush beats Four of a Kind, so the magician has the losing hand....

★★★ $10
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Jacques Futrelle
The Problem of Cell 13 by Jacques Futrelle

The premise of this locked-room story is wonderful. The protagonist is Augustus S. F. X. Van Dusen who is in a scientific debate with Dr. Charles Ransom and Alfred Fielding. Augustus, also known as "The Thinking Machine", claims that nothing is impossible when logic and clear thinking are applied. To prove his point, they conduct an experiment where Van Dusen is locked up in a prison for one week with the challenge to escape, which of course he does. But the real fun is in how he does it. It is a tour de force of logic and deductive thinking. Highly recommended to all locked room crime lovers. ...

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John Carey
The Cross Cut Code by John Carey

Routines with the classic cross cut force.

The Cross Cut Code is devoted entirely to the classic cross cut force, with some deadly variations and packed out with some great routines which showcase them. Seven of the routines are unpublished items from John Carey and some superb material from his great friends Cameron Francis, Mike Breggar, Michael Kaminskas, Harrison Trusler, Sean Devine, Jon Racherbaumer and John Gordon.

  • You and Me!
  • Casino Cross Cut
  • Dribble CCF!
  • Carey varies Bannon
  • Cross Cut Do As I Do
  • Subtle CCF
  • Aces A Plenty
  • Crossed Biddle
  • For Bannon!
  • Face- up Fake- out X- force
  • Cross-Cut Nuance
  • Let...
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Abhinav Bothra
Reflections 4 by Abhinav Bothra

Insights from within delves into the transformative power of self-reflection and inner wisdom.

In a world filled with distractions, this eBook invites you to explore the depths of your own consciousness and uncover profound truths of the Art of Magic. It is both thought-provoking and a path to self-discovery that can help you to cultivate clarity, resilience, and authentic growth.

Let's embark on a soul-stirring journey that will awaken your innermost insights and unlock your true potential.

In this fourth volume of the six planned installments I talk about:

  • Hypnosis: Unveiling the...
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Biagio Fasano
Cross the ACAAN (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Si tratta di un effetto semi-automatico completamente impromptu, che può essere subito eseguito in qualsiasi situazione nella quale si disponga di un semplice mazzo di carte: dopo averlo fatto mescolare da uno spettatore, il mago gli farà scegliere un numero ed una carta nella maniera il più possibile casuale (alzando a caso due mazzettini di carte), farà mescolare ancora e tagliare il mazzo più volte, lo ricomporrà e si riproporrà di ritrovare la carta scelta. Ma, dopo averne praticamente dimostrata l’impossibilità affidandosi solamente al caso o alla fortuna, ricorderà che lo...

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Biagio Fasano
Cross the ACAAN by Biagio Fasano

This impromptu semi-automatic effect can be immediately performed in any situation in which a simple deck of cards is available. After having a spectator shuffle the deck, the magician will have her choose a number and a card in the most casual manner possible (by randomly raising two small packs of cards), have the viewer shuffle again and cut the deck several times, reassemble it, and propose to find her chosen card. But, after practically proving its impossibility by relying solely on chance or luck, he will remember that the spectator also secretly keeps a number in her mind and challenge...

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Günther Dammann
Meister der Zauberkunst by Günther Dammann

In fesselnder Darstellungsweise gibt der Verfasser Kenntnis von dem Leben und der künstlerischen Bedeutung von mehreren berühmten Zauberkünstlern des 18. bis 20. Jahrhunderts. Behandelt werden Philadelphia, Döbler, Bosco, Houdin, Bellachini und Houdini.

Erstausgabe 1936, 31 Seiten; PDF 23 Seiten.

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Bob Farmer
Bammo Queen Monte by Bob Farmer

For those who wish to fool those who know all the other gaffed montes (Skinner's, Deland's "Pickitout," the British "Chase the Ace"), the "Bammo Queen Monte" is here and ready to serve.

Those other versions use two gaffed cards, the Bammo Queen Monte does not - which means that there are deceptive displays possible that the others cannot match.

There is no sleight of hand: the special cards do all the work.

The entire routine happens on the table just like the real monte. Alternately, for maximum visibility, larger cards can be used with some card holders.

Three cards are shown,...

★★★★★ $10
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Fraser Parker
Zarathustra by Fraser Parker

In Zarathustra Fraser shares a few pieces from his notebooks. This is work Fraser has created over the past eight months. Following on from his decision to break down the larger book he was working on into smaller releases, he has decided to now share these ideas with you. This work compliments his other released work perfectly and will give you yet more options and different ways into creating feats of seeming real mind reading for your audiences.

To begin, you will learn how to force a single digit number entirely prop-less, in a conversational manner that looks completely fair and only...

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D. Angelo Ferri
Slydini Paper Balls Over the Head by D. Angelo Ferri

Slydini's Paper Balls Over the Head routine is one of the most entertaining routines magic has to offer. The audience is in stitches because they are in on the trick. The only person not knowing what is going on is the volunteer on the stage. He or she is totally amazed and baffled by the magic happening. Paper balls as big as a fist vanish into thin air right in front of their eyes.

Now you can learn this blockbuster of a routine from a long-time student of Slydini.

1st edition 2023, video 35 min.

★★★★★ $20
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MP4 (video)

J. C. Cannell
The Secrets of Houdini by J. C. Cannell

Houdini never explicitly revealed the methods he used to accomplish his feats. After his death, it was too tempting to cash in on revealing his methods. This book can certainly be called informed since J.C. Cannell was a close friend of Will Goldston who in turn was a personal friend of Harry Houdini. A good amount of biographical information is included which makes this ebook a fascinating read for anybody who would like to know more about Houdini and his remarkable career.

Harry Houdini, His Life-Story - Famous Spiritualist Leader Who Became His Friend - Accident Which Brought Him A Life-Partner...

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David de Léon
Some Uses for Smoke Machines in Mentalism by David de Léon

A short and whimsical booklet that explores the uses of smoke machines in mentalism. Even if you never chose to use smoke in your performances, the examples will inspire you to think about ways in which your mentalism might look to your audience.

You will read about ways in which smoke can be used as a visual metaphor, for gags, or to illustrate your "fauxcess" (a term that Derren Brown and Andy Nyman coined to denote the implied method that you want your audience to think you are using).

Fun fact: Derren Brown read the ad text for this book (back when it was a small Xeroxed and hand-cut...

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Bertie Mac
Frac Stack by Bertie Mac

Frac Stack is a groundbreaking tetradistic stack, with fractal and mirror properties that make it easy to learn and hard to forget. Imagine amazing your audience with a regular deck of cards that appears well-mixed, while they never suspect the unbelievable truth. You know the sequence of the cards forwards and backwards. You know the position of every card from the top of the deck, and even the position of every card from the face. You can quickly determine the sum of the values of any group of cards. On top of all this, imagine being able to secretly rearrange the cards mid-performance so...

★★★★ $28
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Max Maven
Mixed Emotions by Max Maven

These are the instructions for Max Maven's trick Mixed Emotions. The props (a small booklet and seven cards) are not included. However, once you know the details of the effect and have read the instructions you could make these up yourself. Or perhaps you have only the props and the instructions are missing.

This trick is based on Bob Hummer's "Voodoo Fortune Telling" combined with a novel presentation Max Maven created around the topic of the biblical seven deadly sins.

1st edition ~1980 by Martin Breese; PDF 9 pages.

★★★ $6
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Gaston Leroux
The Mystery of the Yellow Room by Gaston Leroux

From the author of the famous The Phantom of the Opera comes this detective story. While this is not the first locked room mystery, it is the first such novel that features a detailed floorplan illustrating the crime scene. This provides an additional layer of information for the reader to follow along and try to solve the mystery.

The protagonist is the amateur sleuth and reporter Joseph Rouletabille who is sent to investigate a criminal case at the Château du Glandier and takes along his friend the lawyer Sainclair, who narrates. (This is the successful detective fiction template created...

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