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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Cathy Shadows & Paul Voodini
Cathy Shadows PIMP: Practical Intuition for Mystery Performers by Cathy Shadows & Paul Voodini

This second collaboration between Cathy Shadows and Paul Voodini takes their work to a new level. Concentrating on the practical application of intuition for the mentalist and the mystery performer, this 30+ page PDF is full to bursting with routines, excercises, and ideas. Is intuition a tool that can be utilised by mind-readers? This PDF very definitely thinks so - and even if you aren't sure if you actually believe in intuition, Paul Voodini and Cathy demonstrate how that doesn't actually matter! This is practical intuition, tools that will prove invaluable to all magical performers, both...

★★★★★ $40
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TC Tahoe
Riding the Rainbow by TC Tahoe

An ebook of color based readings.

"I love this book! It has many different styles of color readings. There are many variations here to fit everyone's venue. TC has done his homework on this one, he gets into details on color like no other book. This book is a gem, I love it. Riding The Rainbow contains material that will remain in your arsenal for the rest of your life." - Neal Scrye

"Like a kid in a candy store" is how I felt when I read TC Tahoe's "Riding the Rainbow." It is a delightful book on the subject of readings using color, but it goes much further than that. Going well...

★★★★★ $40
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Gerard Zitta
Effects with Business Cards by Gerard Zitta

Imagine you are anywhere but on stage, and you are unprepared. Somebody asks you to do a 'magic trick' (yeah, they know who you are!). You answer you would like to, but you have nothing with you, but a pen and a few business cards. You take out your business card holder or box, and you start amazing your audience.

Now, imagine you would take a deck of cards. It would be all different … Nobody would believe you are unprepared!

This ebook is a compendium of Gerard Zitta's effects, that can be done with business cards. They all 'look' impromptu, and most of them are indeed impromptu...

★★★★★ $40
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Christopher Bolter
Close-Up Mentalism Part 1 by Christopher Bolter

The Lottery - a frightening adaptation of the classic psychometry routine using a premise you might not have known existed. All based off of Shirley Jackson's famous short story "The Lottery"

Invisible Dreams - a clever adaptation to a prop you probably already own.

Gilbreath Revisited - this card effect is utterly baffling, so much that it's gone by some of the brightest minds in magic!

Psychic Art Thief - a drawing duplication routine that you can do during a walk around performances or even seated at a table.

Intuition - a foolproof cards across routine that never fails!


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Sean Waters
Tailored Suits: Card Routines Befitting a Mentalist by Sean Waters

"I want to crawl up your nose and take a sample of your brain so I can clone it." - Iain Dunford

"It's a great book from cover to cover." - Don Theo

"Every time Sean describes a new card effect to me it feels like coming home to that place where 'Out of This World' is brand new and I wonder what's waiting on the next page." - Mike Ince

"A real treasure chest" - Felix Schellenberg

"An Exceptional Book" - Jan Forster

"If you've ever doubted whether cards have a place in mentalism, READ THIS BOOK!" - Gabe Abelson

"Cards DO have a place in mentalism. Here is over 100 pages that further proves it." - Bryn Reynolds

"I could...

★★★★★ $40
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Atlas Brookings
The Prodigal by Atlas Brookings

"Seriously, this is underpriced...A vast amount of theory and applicable content is squeezed into this... After I get it all integrated, this is going straight into my naked repertoire... This has a huge amount of information to digest, but it's 100% workable, and Atlas has brought many, many new ways to work with this to the table. I think that many don't use this principle simply because a work this all encompassing has never before been written on the topic. This really fills a previously gaping hole in mentalism and opens up many doors. This is incredibly underpriced in my opinion. I...

★★★★★ $40
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Peter Arcane
Zodiac KeyWords by Peter Arcane

Long out of print - now for the first time in eFormat. Over the last 11 years Peter Arcane's Zodiac KeyWords has become a bit a cult classic. Initially limited to 50 copies its long been sought after. Well now it's been released in electronic format for the enjoyment of those that perform miracles and missed out the first time round.

Zodiac KeyWords picks up where Ray Grismer's What's my sign? drops off.

What do you do once you know their sign?

Within the pages you'll find a technique that will allow you to take those next steps and present yourself as someone who has more than an understanding...

★★★★★ $40
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Gerard Zitta
Phone Mysteries & Mimosa by Gerard Zitta

It is impossible nowadays to be a magician or mentalist and not perform an effect with a phone, smartphone, ipad, laptop, etc. It is also perfectly justifiable to use it as a prediction, as an out, a cueing system, a cribsheet, a storyboard, etc.

This bundle is about phones, but it also contains original effects, ideas and principles, sometimes combined with classic ones, and some of them can be applied to your existing routines, or sometimes without a phone. The Mimosa principle will transform your smart phone into an extremely powerful tool that you can use as a multiple out system or emergency...

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Ross Tayler & Fraser Parker
Ouija: billet-less name guess by Ross Tayler & Fraser Parker

As close to real billet-less name guess.

Imagine... In the course of a routine, during a close up performance, you get the spectator to focus on the name of someone close to them. They name a few random letters, including letters from the name. The name is not written down anywhere and exists only in their mind. And you instantly tell them the name they are thinking of.

This is exactly what you DO. There are no billets, tears or peeks. Simply the words you use and the illusion they create, are all you need to be able to accurately guess a name, most of the time. Like real mind reading,...

★★★★★ $40
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Stephen Ablett
Marketing Magic: a guide to getting the gigs by Stephen Ablett

This ebook examines all the markets, promotional material, advertising methods and business strategies in finding, getting and keeping work as a professional magician.

This updated 2020 ebook contains 761 A4 pages with 242 chapters reflecting on the current markets and new information since its was first published in 2015. It also includes new chapters on Comparison sites and Virtual shows.

There is an accompanying video recorded in 2015, lasting 2 hours, 25 minutes discussing some of the key chapters within the initial publication.

He reveals everything from how much performers are...

★★★★★ $40
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Aldo Colombini
Encyclopedia of Comedy by Aldo Colombini

The most complete comedy collection!

Hundreds of pages. Thousands and thousands of one liners, sight gags, ad libs, emcee blockbusters, comedy impressions, boffs and screams, insults, lines from hecklers, openers, closers, things to say when something goes wrong, and much more.

A wealth of material to liven up your act, guaranteed to add variety to your presentation.

★★★★★ $40
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Jim Kleefeld
Bug Magic by Jim Kleefeld

An exciting collection of kidshow magic that focuses on bugs and books - including tricks, routines, ideas and resources to help you make your next magic show one with a theme that really appeals to kids.

  • original bug tricks and routines
  • bug art and bug fonts
  • commercial bug magic resources
  • bug prop resources
  • factual bug information
  • bug jokes

1st edition 2017, 68 pages.

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Paul Voodini
Victorian Seance and the Birth of Mentalism by Paul Voodini

Paul Voodini presents Victorian Seance and the Birth of Mentalism, recounting the rise of Spiritualism in the 1800s, the antics, tricks, and techniques of the fraudulent mediums, and how this led directly to the birth of that branch of the magical arts known as 'mentalism.'

This detailed manuscript outlines and explains such techniques and methods as mesmerism and hypnosis, table-tipping, slates, automatic writing, book tests, 'reading' techniques and Q&A, spirit manifestations, the Ouija board, and much, much more. The text also touches on escapology, quick change, and other magical techniques. ...

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Eckhard Böttcher
Magiro by Eckhard Böttcher

Ein Leben für die Zauberkunst: Matthias Weißl (12. November 1940 - 24. August 2015)

Aus dem Vorwort:

Mit diesem Werk möchte ich Ihnen einen Überblick über das Erfinder-Genie Magiro geben. Bei der Sichtung aller Unterlagen, die mir von Magiros Erfindungen und genialen Verbesserungen zur Verfügung standen, konnte ich leider nur einen Bruchteil in diesem Buch wiedergeben. Schließlich sind es über 400 Zaubertricks, die Magiro im Laufe seiner langjährigen Zauberkarriere erdacht und erfunden hat.

Sein Name wird in einem Atemzug mit anderen genialen Trickerfindern genannt, wie z....

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Paul Voodini
Palm Reading for Magicians by Paul Voodini

Everything you need to know to start with palm reading - tips, tricks, and techniques. Additionally Paul teaches how to combine palm readings with close-up magic and mentalism to give added resonance and meaning to your routines.

Introduced by Luke Jermay (and with a cameo from magician Wayne Fox), this is a professionally produced video, packed full with information, routines, and real-life performances.

When working at wedding receptions, corporate events, and dinner parties, why is it that Paul Voodini always has crowds of spectators around him? Why is it that long after the "regular" magicians...

★★★★★ $40
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Tommy Burnett
Advancing Mother by Tommy Burnett

Advancing Mother is a 'progressive' advancement in the revelation of the famous effect, Mother Of All Book Tests (MOABT) by Ted Karmilovich. If you already own a copy of MOABT then Advancing Mother is for you. If you don't, then hopefully this will inspire you to get one for yourself.

Tommy Burnett's thinking will take you down a short but winding road towards the goal of revealing a thought of word. By using Tommy's well thought out system you no longer need to secretly discover the first letter of the word. You can get an immediate hit without asking anything and in most cases get hit after...

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J. G. Thompson Jr.
The Miracle Makers (used) by J. G. Thompson Jr.

Harcover with dustjacket. A clean and tight copy. For details on content see the digital edition.

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Silas Linden
Birthday by Silas Linden

Any person in the world has a unique moment ... that moment in which everything started ... Silas Linden's Birthday is a unique system to the Date-of-Birth revelation. A masterpiece that he was holding for a long time is finally available.

  • 100% propless
  • No language restriction
  • No math procedures
  • No psychological forces
  • 100% reliable and practical
Just in a casual interaction and conversation, you will be able to reveal that intimate and personal information. You will be able to reveal not just the participant zodiac sign in a direct and simple manner, but also pushing further and be...
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Lance Burton
Lance Burton Collectible Puzzle Design #3 by Lance Burton

This is a brand new Lance Burton puzzle from the collectible puzzle series. It is design #3. The box is still in its original shrink wrap and has never been opened. As the cover states, the puzzle is 18" x 24" when assembled. Manufactured by Marcelo Contento Productions in Watertown, MA, USA.

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Edward Marlo & Wesley James
MINT 1963 Annotated by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

After releasing M.I.N.T III, IV, V, and VI, Wesley has set about to complete the full run of Marlo In New Tops material with extensive annotations and supplemental bonus material. This is the first installment of the years from 1963 through 1979. 1964 - 68 are already well underway. Beyond the eight major articles in this, the first year of Marlo’s material in New Tops, there are innovative and ground-breaking plots, sleights, and subtleties, that have been largely unavailable since the run of the New Tops ended, notwithstanding the flat text of L & L’s MINT I and MINT II. If those books had been...

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Edward Marlo & Wesley James
MINT 1964 Annotated by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

Thanks to Wesley James, M.I.N.T III, IV, V, VI, and M.I.N.T. 1963 Annotated are already available. The move toward the availability of the entire run of Marlo In New Tops material with Wesley's extensive annotations and supplemental Bonus material is well underway. The material in this volume is extraordinary. This volume includes 13 articles - something for almost everyone - with themes: Seven months are focused on technique. Two of the techniques were truly ground breaking. Both ATFUS and FUFU were revolutionary. Marlo also extends his exploration of the powerful and intriguing Incomplete Faro. One technique that...

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Edward Marlo & Wesley James
MINT 1965 Annotated by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

The Annotated M.I.N.T. series continues. Thanks to Ed Marlo and Wesley James, M.I.N.T III, IV, V, VI, and Annotated M.I.N.T. 1963 and 1964 are already available. The release of this volume takes another step toward the availability of the entire run of Marlo In New Tops material with Wesley's extensive annotations, and his supplemental and bonus material. The material in this volume is truly extraordinary. This volume includes 11 Marlo articles plus 25 Wesley James contributions. Two of Ed's finest New Tops contributions - the "Olram Subtlety" and "Marlo's Aces" - appeared in 1965. Additionally, "A...

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Alberto Mario
Mind Control: Ebook and Video (Italian) by Alberto Mario

Dove l’illusione si fonde con l’ipnosi I segreti dei grandi mentalisti! Derren Brown rivelato.

Hai mai pensato, guardando gli spettacoli di grandi mentalisti quali Derren Brown che forse ciò che vedevi era impossibile e di conseguenza non poteva che essere realizzato con dei compari? Persone compiacenti in accordo con l’artista che si prestavano al gioco per dare vita allo spettacolo? Ora, con questo ebook e questo dvd avrai la risposta che cercavi!

Si, ora! E adesso! Qui!

Se sei arrivato fino questa pagina e hai letto fino a questo punto sei sicuramente un grande appassionato,...

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Edward Marlo & Wesley James
MINT 1966 Annotated by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

The Annotated M.I.N.T. series continues. Thanks to Ed Marlo and Wesley James, M.I.N.T III, IV, V, VI, and Annotated M.I.N.T. 1963 - 1965 are already available. The release of this volume takes yet another step toward the availability of the entire run of Marlo In New Tops material with Wesley's extensive annotations, supplemental and Bonus material. The content of this volume is exceptional in its importance. The volume includes only seven articles but three of them are of special note and one was ground breaking when it was released and remains pivotal today, more than 50 years later. This...

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