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Jean Fare
Card Tricks French Style by Jean Fare

As a purser for a French airline flying from his home base in Tahiti, to Sydney to Los Angeles, our author, Jean Fare, keeps up on everything in card and close up magic. He gets to the Magic Castle just often enough to keep from missing anything. Several times a year he uses his airline privileges to get back to Paris to make sure "French Style" in magic is moving right ahead.

You will enjoy Jean's ebook. He has carefully described his own handling on a number of excellent tricks. They include:

  • Thru
  • New Bland Thought Handling
  • Variation of a Palm
  • Logical Sandwich
  • Delayed Jump
  • Cased...
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Jean Fare
Magique Americaine by Jean Fare

Écrit en français par Jean Fare. Publié en souvenir de la Convention de Paris de 1973 de la Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Magiques. Ce livre contient des astuces de gros plan brillantes de la plupart des meilleurs magiciens de gros plan des cent dernières années.

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Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin & William John Hilliar
Card Sharpers by Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin & William John Hilliar

Subtitled: Their tricks exposed or the art of always winning

Translated from the French of Robert-Houdin, first published in 1861, by William J. Hilliar. Robert-Houdin wrote this book primarily as an expose to reduce the number of people being cheated. He writes in his preface: "Enlighten the dupes and there will be no more cheats."

This work was first translated in 1863 under the title The Sharper Detected and Exposed. In 1881 Prof. Hoffman translated it anew and brought it up to date under the title Card-Sharping Exposed. It is not clear why Hilliar would do a new translation in 1903. Perhaps he felt he could ride Erdnase's coattails after his groundbreaking...

★★★★ $7
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Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin & Professor Hoffmann
The Secrets of Conjuring and Magic by Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin & Professor Hoffmann

The original title is Les Secrets de la Prestidigitation et de la Magie. It was the collection of lessons and information Robert-Houdin intended to teach his sons to make them expert magicians. However, his sons did have other interests, mechanics and military, which led him to publish his recordings as book. Prof. Hoffmann has translated this masterpiece into English.

  • Editor's Preface
  • Author's Preface
  • Introduction
  • Home of Robert-Houdin
  • Conjuring and Its Professors
  • Art of Conjuring
  • Coin Conjuring
  • General Principles
  • Coin Tricks
  • Card Conjuring
  • Sundry Expedients
  • Cups and Balls
  • Various Tricks ...
★★★★★ $9
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Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin & Professor Hoffmann
The Secrets of Stage Conjuring by Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin & Professor Hoffmann

Translated by Professor Hoffmann.

  • CHAPTER I. The Theatre Of Robert-Houdin
  • CHAPTER II. A Conjuror’s Stage Arrangements
  • CHAPTER III. Handkerchief Tricks
  • CHAPTER IV. The Light And Heavy Chest
  • CHAPTER V. The Hundred Candles Lighted By A Pistol Shot
  • CHAPTER VI. The Ghost Illusion
  • CHAPTER VII. The Indian Basket Trick
  • CHAPTER VIII. Spiritualistic Manifestations
  • CHAPTER IX. The Bust Of Socrates
  • CHAPTER X. A Curious Effect In Acoustics
  • CHAPTER XI. The Decapitated Speaking
  • CHAPTER XII. The Protean Cabinet
  • CHAPTER XIII. The Feats Of The Davenport Brothers
  • CHAPTER XIV. The Enchanted...
★★★★★ $5
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Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin & Professor Hoffmann
Card Sharping Exposed by Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin & Professor Hoffmann

A translation of Les Trickeries des Grecs by M. Robert-Houdin, one of the most valuable and interesting works on the subject of card sharping.

Excerpt from the preface:

Meanwhile, the march of science has continued, and the arts of deception, like other arts, have received many new developments. There are fashions in fraud, as in more innocent matters. I have endeavoured in the present pages not only to offer a faithful translation of Robert-Houdin's text, but by the aid of notes to bring down his work, so to speak, to present date. In so doing I have to acknowledge special obligation...

★★★★★ $12
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Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin
Memoirs of Robert-Houdin by Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin

This is a great book written by one of the greatest magicians of all time, Robert-Houdin. He describes in his own words his development from a little boy to a star performer. How he started as a watchmaker, performed in the St. James Theater, and ended up helping France with a conflict with the Marabouts. Read it. Highly recommended.

Paul Fleming wrote:

Eighteen hundred and forty-five was a great year for magic, and July third of that year a memorable date for all who love conjuring. For on that day Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin first presented his soirees fantastiques in his own little theater - on what...

★★★★★ $8
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Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin
The Sharper Detected and Exposed by Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin

The first part consists of stories about cardsharks and other crooks from Robert-Houdin's recollections. This is very readable and an entertaining part of the work. The second part explains some of the technical details of the methods used by cardsharks. However, the methods are for the most part only described in very rudimentary form. As Robert-Houdin writes himself, this is not meant as a way to teach you how to do it, but merely to give the reader insight in how the different ruses are accomplished. Nevertheless, it provides interesting insight into the ways and means of cardsharks.


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Jean Boucher
The Dark Card by Jean Boucher

A gaffed card that allows performing a super-clean back color change of a signed card.

From a red-backed deck, a spectator selects and removes a card, signs the face, and returns it to the deck. The deck is spread and a blue-backed card is seen in the middle of the spread. When turned over, it is the card he signed.


  • The spectator removes and handles his initial selection which is a red-backed card.
  • At the end, he can also handle the blue-backed card (he can even keep it as a souvenir).
  • No carbon or other signature transfers. This one is a fooler. It is one of those "things...
★★★★ $10
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JC Sum
Illusionism by JC Sum

From the author of the internationally critically acclaimed Urban Illusions, Illusionary Departures books and the producer of the best selling Behind the Illusions DVD comes a first-of-its-kind ebook dedicated to professional illusions and large-scale stage routines for mentalists and mental magic presentations.

Professional illusionist & illusion designer J C Sum details eight original illusions and stage routines for mentalism shows, complete with full presentations, full-colour illustrations and building plans.

Download the free sampler right now.

The routines offer an alternative...

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JC Sum
Simple Showstoppers: easy illusion projects for magicians by JC Sum

Easy illusion projects for magicians for under $500.

While J C Sum is known for his modern illusion designs and solutions for working professionals, he has written an ebook for illusionists and magicians looking for simple but effective illusions for theatrical stage shows.

This ebook is a fantastic introduction to the world of modern grand illusion but also contains inexpensive illusion ideas for experienced illusionists.

If you have a theatre show, cruise ship show, charity show, talent contest or magic club performance where you want to stage a large-scale effect, you will find something...

★★★★★ $35
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Jay Fortune
Gobsmacked! The Pretend Punch-up Prediction by Jay Fortune

A comedy magic routine that really packs a punch. Plus bonus routine with a kicker-ending.

A terrific comedy routine with audience participation and plenty of laughs. Direct from Jay's one-man show. Different from the mainstream - you won't have seen a routine like this before.

The magician tells about a recent incident that led him to create his Criminal Catching System. A mock-mugging takes place between you and a participant. At the finale, you reveal your system worked with a brilliant prediction and a guaranteed laugh.

Plus a more light-hearted bonus routine with a kicker-ending. ...

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Jay Fortune
Probably the Greatest Opener and Closer I've Ever Invented by Jay Fortune

Two effects: Ticklish! and Pizza Time.

A fantastic comedy opener and closer to any stage or parlor show, guaranteed laughs, and easy to do. These are comedy routines and not mind-blowing magic effects but ... if you are looking for routines that play strongly and entertain then these are for you.

Ticklish! Is an easy-to-do and simple-to-make opening routine that you don't have to be a comedian to get laughs from.

Pizza Time is the perfect comedy encore item or closer for a stand-up show.

After nigh-on two decades as a pro-comedy performer, Jay Fortune is now releasing many of his...

★★★★★ $12
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Jay Fortune
Radio Magic: Interviews Season 1 by Jay Fortune"I created Radio Magic way back in 2005 and interviewed many of the world's top magicians alongside lesser known but fascinating talent including the producer of BBCs The History of Magic. In hindsight, with the shows on 24-hour demand repeat at that time, we were podcasting before podcasts! I'm proud of this book and delighted to offer it as an eBook exclusively with" - Jay Fortune.

Own a piece of magic history!

In July 2005, Jay Fortune and radio presenter Layman Steve hit the airwaves live from London with Radio Magic; a lively hour-long radio show dedicated to magic and...

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Jason Whiting
Disguised Hypnosis by Jason Whiting

Learn these sensational techniques and tricks to induce a hypnotic trance without your subject's awareness!

This revealing manuscript tells the author's jealously guarded methods for hypnotizing difficult people. Use these techniques to enhance your existing skills, or to add an entertaining stage hypnotism demonstration to your act. Also revealed, for the first time in this ebook, is Jason Whiting's deceptively brilliant "Sleeping Soda" technique for inducing hypnosis. This can be performed one-on-one or in front of an audience.

Learn the secrets behind the:

  • Super Relaxation Method ...
★★★★★ $15
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Jason Sheng
Royal Poker Deal by Jason Sheng


You remove 10 cards from the deck and play a Poker game with your spectator. Here the magician deals cards and allows a spectator to freely choose the face down cards that they wish to build their hand from. During the last deal, the spectator gets to look at his existing hand and choose from the remaining cards to build the best hand. Alas, the magician wins even though the spectator did all of the choosing. The magician will always get a royal flash.

  • perform it with any deck of playing cards
  • without difficult sleight of hand
  • use only ten normal playing cards
  • force the card...
★★★★ $3.50
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Jason Messina
Superstar Magic Series: Volumes 1 & 2 by Jason Messina

This is a two book series teaching principles and philosophy to bring you magic to the next level.

The first book analyzes secrets of Derren Brown, David Blaine and Penn & Teller's success and breaks them down into 13 powerful principles you can start applying to your magic now.

Here's what you'll learn in Secrets of Superstar Magic:

  • How Derren Brown completely screwed up my magic for years
  • The one true secret to magic and learning hidden inside Dani DaOrtiz quote
  • How to use the power of Colliding
  • The Louis CK method of creating material that will make you stand out from other magicians
  • David...
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Jason Hice
How to Stimulate Humans - in all kinds of ways by Jason Hice

Have you ever wondered how the biggest names in entertainment are able to get such powerful reactions from their audiences? You probably have. One of their tactics is what I call the "stimy". Contained within this ebook is an explanation of the stimy, and how you can implement this concept in your own routines. Whether you're a professional, are looking to be one, or you just perform socially, I believe this information might help you perform stronger entertainment. For this reason, I am offering it to you completely free.

BONUS: includes my personal routine "the bubble bag" to demonstrate...

★★★ $0
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Jason Hice
Being a Magician: is like living with your mother by Jason Hice

A self-help book for magicians. Have you ever struggled to socialize when not performing magic tricks? Included here is how to use being a magician as an advantage instead of a disadvantage. Plus hygiene and etiquette tips.

Also includes five original routines from the author, including:

  • Fedora fusion, an anniversary-waltz-style routine, that is simplified and uses an ordinary deck of cards.
  • Mr Silk's candle, a silk-to-candle effect, with a description of how to make the cheap useful prop.
  • How much? A money routine featuring an unusual place to hide a bill.
  • Floss of poverty, a classic...
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Jason Enygma
Manuale di Escapologia by Jason Enygma

Tecniche Segrete per fuggire da qualunque costrizione.

Vi piacerebbe fuggire da una camicia di forza?

Da 30 metri di corda legata attorno al vostro corpo?

Oppure da una Cassa piena d’acqua con il corpo a testa in giù come il Grande Houdini?

Questo e molto altro imparerete, attraverso pratici disegni vi svelerò i segreti dell’Escapologia, potrete così seguire le istruzioni ed imparare i vari segreti, e ricordate che la pratica rende perfetti.

Non esibitevi mai in pubblico finché non avrete acquisito la sicurezza necessaria che vi permetterà di concentrarvi sulla presentazione...

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Jarle Leirpoll
Pocket Power by Jarle Leirpoll

Jarle Leirpoll is one of Norway's leading Stand-Up and Close-Up performers. He received the Norwegian magician of the year award in 1998. You will find effective and deceptive ways to switch, ditch and steal - using only the normal pockets and occasionally a Topit. Several original routines and lots of techniques and ideas are explained in detail, including more than one hundred illustrations. On top of that four video clips are embedded in the ebook which show 5 effects. The chapter about Choreographic Misdirection has been significantly increased over the paper version of this book from 1995. ...

★★★★ $13
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Jan Forster
Mental Angehaucht by Jan Forster

Enthält u. a. Jan Forsters phantastische und viel gepriesene "TOD" (Tossed Out Deck) - Routine. Weitere Routinen sind

  • Ihr Wort
  • Jan's Augen ...
  • 10 Card Poker Deal "Super"
  • Countdown Force im Nachschlag

Erstausgabe 2009; 18 Seiten

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Jan Forster
Noch Mehr Mental Angehauchtes by Jan Forster

Enthält u. a. Jan Forsters hoch gerühmte "Dreifaches Gedankenlesen" - Routine. Weitere Routinen sind

  • Geflüsterter Gedanke
  • Zahlenforce
  • ACAAN No. 1467

Erstausgabe 2010; 23 Seiten

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Jan Forster
Mental Angehauchtes zum Dritten by Jan Forster

Enthält u. a. Jan Forsters unglaubliche, für manche als das letzte Wort geltende "X-treme Hoy"-Routine. Weitere Routinen sind

  • Das Maskottchen
  • Namen
  • Taschendiebstahl
  • Die Wette

Erstausgabe 2011; 35 Seiten

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