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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Don Driver
Don Driver Interview by Don Driver

A specially-recorded hour-long interview of Don Driver (interviewer is the late David Alexander) that gives history, insights, and advice on how to make money selling the most popular trick deck in the world. Don also tells many stories and anecdotes of how he got into magic, side shows and ultimately pitching Svengali decks.

duration 1h 5min

★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)


Don Driver
The Svengali Pitch: The Real Work by Don Driver

The Comprehensive Guide to Making Money Pitching Svengali Decks

Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been made on selling the humble Svengali Deck and yet few people ever learned the inner secrets of how to pitch the deck successfully. This DVD fills that shortage.

Don Driver pitched for twenty-five years all over the country. He learned his pitch from S. David Walker, the Grand old Man of Svengali pitching who has been at it since the early 1940s. Mr. Walker learned from Mickey MacDougall, the creator of the Svengali pitch.

Explained in detail is a pitch that has been polished and...

★★★★★ $25
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MP4 (video)


Don Driver
Building a Tip by Don Driver

Vital knowledge and an essential skill for buskers, pitchmen, or anyone who wants to gather a crowd Don Driver reveals the exact construction and presentation of how he built tips in Las Vegas for a highly successful jam auction, stopping people on the streets and holding them. This DVD has actual footage of Don working this on Hollywood Boulevard as well as the bally being done by street performer Zachery Strange.

A tip in pitchman parlance is a group of people that has stopped to look what all the fuss is about, and who is ultimately ready to be pitched to and buy products.

"The Dollar...

★★★★★ $25
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MP4 (video)


Don Driver
The Jam Auction by Don Driver

There is no better demonstration of applied psychology than the Jam Auction, and Jack Nyberg is the recognized king of that money-making business. This is the ONLY video of Jack’s two-hour pitch from start to finish. Jack starts by building a tip and then, over time, has about 25 people standing in his tent for two hours waiting and wanting to give him money. Filmed on location with a hand-held camera this is unlike anything you’ve ever seen when it comes to crowd control, creating customers, and getting them to buy.

duration 2h 10min

★★★★★ $45
more than one
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MP4 (video)


Don Driver
Building a Tip (for resale) by Don Driver

Vital knowledge and an essential skill for buskers, pitchmen, or anyone who wants to gather a crowd Don Driver reveals the exact construction and presentation of how he built tips in Las Vegas for a highly successful jam auction, stopping people on the streets and holding them. This DVD has actual footage of Don working this on Hollywood Boulevard as well as the bally being done by street performer Zachery Strange.

A tip in pitchman parlance is a group of people that has stopped to look what all the fuss is about, and who is ultimately ready to be pitched to and buy products.

"The Dollar...

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Don Driver
The Svengali Pitch: The Real Work (for resale) by Don Driver

The Comprehensive Guide to Making Money Pitching Svengali Decks

Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been made on selling the humble Svengali Deck and yet few people ever learned the inner secrets of how to pitch the deck successfully. This DVD fills that shortage.

Don Driver pitched for twenty-five years all over the country. He learned his pitch from S. David Walker, the Grand old Man of Svengali pitching who has been at it since the early 1940s. Mr. Walker learned from Mickey MacDougall, the creator of the Svengali pitch.

Explained in detail is a pitch that has been polished and...

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Don Bursell
The Creative Mind by Don Bursell

With 1000s of magic routines available, why do many magician's perform the same routines, without any change, modification or effort to make those routines unique?

The Creative Mind is simply Don Bursell's ideas for creating new routines, brainstorming new variations, and keeping track of those ideas.

The 2nd half are tricks that Don has created over the years, and based on advice from Jon Racherbaumer, wrote them down so as not to forget them. One of them, Headmover, has been an odd signature piece of Don's programs for over 20 years. Another routine, The Needles, is Don's solution to the East Indian...

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Don Boles
Midway Magic by Don Boles

The definitive "How-To" ebook for anyone considering a career as a magician, mentalist, or specialty act in the outdoor field of fairs, sideshows, circuses and carnivals.

Many, many accolades from the top names in show business, all state that Midway Magic is a gold mine of information for anyone interested in the exciting world of outdoor fairs, festivals, carnivals and side shows.

With more and more circus-style revues now touring, there is a real shortage of magical entertainers. Get in on the ground floor of this fascinating field -- this ebook tells you how. Practical advice on getting...

★★★★★ $10
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Don Alan
Close-Up Time with Don Alan by Don Alan

When Don Alan first worked at Schuliens Bar in Chicago, everyone highly praised his work and his fresh, new approach. He went on to set the standard for close-up magic. This ebook provides a group of solid Don Alan close up tricks: Flash Production Sponge Ball, Riffle Time Force, Subtle One Way Deck, Keep Your I On Your Hat, Wax in Matchbox, Inflation Pencil, Card in Egg, Bread Sandwich, Bill in Orange, Stuck Up Card, and more.

1st edition 1951, 20 pages; digital edition 2012, 23 pages.

★★★★★ $7.95
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Don Alan
Pretty Sneaky by Don Alan

The very commercial routines of one of our top performers. Graduate of the Chavez School, host of his own TV show on several occasions, including 26 weeks of "Magic Ranch." A full time pro who specialized in the kind of tricks you love. These pages bring you his close up tricks with cards, balls, coins, ball point pen, pins, flash string, a lump of coal (the hit of many TV shows!) and others. Everyone of these tricks is a proven commercial success before it hit the book.

1st edition 1956; 1st digital edition 2013, 51 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. About Don Alan
  2. The Four Jacks And The Bouncing...
★★★★ $8.95
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Don Alan
Don Alan's Bowl Routine by Don Alan

Just as Don presented it on TV. The move is so good you'll fool yourself. This trick had a lot to do with Don Alan's success on TV and in countless personal appearances. In fact, the very first time Don had a chance to do a trick for anyone connected with TV - in this case the director of a new show - he performed this effect. He was hired at once and began his long and sensational career. It's that good.

This beautiful routine uses a brass bowl (not supplied), or a single cup from your regular Cups and Balls set. The cup is not gimmicked in any way. Also needed are four sponges, which...

★★★★★ $8
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Dominic Twose
The Sign of Five Telephone Test by Dominic Twose

One of the cleverest telephone tricks ever invented. You do not need a special phone or app. You only need an assistant, friend or colleague on the other end of the line to make this miracle possible.

"I am fascinated by such thinking - your method is extremely devious. Congratulations on a great idea." - Paul Daniels

"It's incredible!" - Stephen Fry

"This telephone test of yours is the cleverest idea that I have encountered in years." - Peter Duffie


You tell the spectator of the importance of character in reaching decisions. You explain that recent studies have shown that a couple...

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Dominic O'Brien
How to Develop a Perfect Memory by Dominic O'Brien

Dominic O'Brien is the eight times winner of the The World Memory Championships and has a number of entries in the Guinness Book of Records including the memorisation of 54 packs of shuffled cards after just a single-sighting of each card. How does he do it? What is his system and how can it help YOU remember names, faces, telephone numbers, pass exams, learn languages, win at Trivial Pursuit and clean up at the Blackjack table? How to Develop a Perfect Memory will show you in simple language and easy stages.

We have an exclusive on this ebook from Dominic O'Brien. The book is long out of...

★★★★ $39.90
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Doctor X
Fascinazione by Doctor X

La Perduta Arte dell’Ipnosi con il Solo Sguardo

Si parla tanto di ipnosi, verbale, non verbale, da spettacolo o da scena, ipnosi medica, ipnosi conversazionale, ecc e riguardo questi temi si trovano tante informazioni, materiale formativo, libri, corsi ma c’è un particolare tipo di ipnosi, detta Fascinazione che è più sfuggente, si trova meno materiale formativo, ci sono corsi, pochi che promettono di insegnarla ma spesso i partecipanti ne restano delusi, che è conosciuta dall’antichità ma sostanzialmente non viene divulgata ma viene trasmessa da maestro ad allievo per conoscenza...

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Docc Hilford
Personal Touch by Docc Hilford

Learn how Docc Hilford flies first class when he only has coach tickets. A crash course in palm reading spiced up with magic.

Recorded live at the Convention at the Capital 1998.

runtime: 9min 48s

★★★★ $6
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MP4 (video)

Doc Nixon
The Ghost Manuscript by Doc Nixon

This rare manuscript was originally published in 1929 and sold for 50 dollars. It contains excellent material. The first part describes some very good slate routines with and without a flap. Here you will find messages mysteriously appearing on slates, a knockout number prediction, a trick where the magician duplicates in his slate a drawing made by a spectator on another slate. All of this is illustrated by many photographs.

Included is Nixon's Videtec Slate in which the magician holds a slate behind his back, a spectator chalks a number, a word, or anything on the slate, and the magician...

★★★★★ $12
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Bandual by Doan
"WTF, some witchcraft?? I can't figure it out. Amazing!!" - Mario Tarasini
My name is Doan and here is a new effect with rubber bands. Imagine you just have one rubber band which you instantly turn into two rubber bands. A flash duplication of a rubber band. Everything is done in front of your spectator's eyes. Or, you can also do a very cool and visual rubber band color change effect.
  • No gimmick used
  • Do with any size (within reason) rubber band
  • Watch your angles. This looks great from certain directions, but you are exposed from others. Certainly not a trick to be done surrounded.


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MP4 (video)

Bly by Doan

In this download, Doan teaches you three very magical, impromptu effects using just one rubber band.

BUDDHISM - Wrap the band around your fingers and make it jump through them.

POILOCK - The band on your index finger jumps to your middle finger instantly.

SINGL8 - Visually form an 8 with the band within a second.

All of these amazing effects are taught in slow motion and are easy to understand. Download the video and start learning now.

1st edition 2020, length 6:10

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Dietmar Buggisch & Peter Wilker
Die Aufdeckung der Hexerei by Dietmar Buggisch & Peter Wilker

Eine Übersetzung der Zauberkunstkapitel der Discoverie of Witchcraft von Reginald Scot (1584), mit Kommentar über historische Hintergründe und Zusammenhänge.

  • Einleitung
    • Der Autor Reginald Scot (1538-1599)
    • Das Buch "The Discoverie Of Witchcraft"
    • Scot Und Die Zauberkunst
    • Die Übersetzung
    • Literatur
  • Kapitel XXIII
    • Über Den Ball Und Die Geschicklichkeit Damit, Ebenso Wie Bemerkenswerte Stücke Mit Einem Oder Mehreren Bällen
    • Wie Man Einen Kleinen Ball In Der Hand Aufschwellen Lässt Bis Er Sehr Gross Ist
    • Einen Oder Mehrere Bälle Ins Nichts Befördern
    • Wie Man Jemandem Einen Schlag Auf Die Knöchel...
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Dicky Dean
Zombie Fire Climax by Dicky Dean

Dicky Dean first introduced this climax in his act in 1954. When you perform it you will find that fire still captivates an audience.

EFFECT: At the end of your Zombie routine, the ball is broken apart and fire burns mysteriously in each half of the ball.

1st edition 1979, 8 pages; PDF 7 pages.

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Dick Turpin & Alan Shaxon & Ken de Courcy
Tearing Them Up by Dick Turpin & Alan Shaxon & Ken de Courcy

There can be no doubt about it, the "Torn and Restored Newspaper" is one of our modern classics. Many excellent versions have been published and marketed by dealers over the years. In the pages of this manuscript, we are pleased to present two excellent variations, Dick Turpin's "Torn and Restored Newspaper" and "Tearing Up the News" by Alan Shaxon, both first-class methods. Both versions are very easy to prepare and to perform. Additionally, we have included Ken de Courcy's patter presentation for the Dick Turpin routine, which of course, can be used for either variation. Ken’s patter is...

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Dick Merryman
Round about our Coal-Fire or Christmas Entertainments by Dick Merryman

Most interesting for magicians is that the book contained a chapter on magic history, which covers mainly past magicians.

1st edition 1730, PDF 59 pages.

★★★★★ $3
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Dick Cole
New Card Tricks with the Mark Twain Stack by Dick Cole

The Mark Twain stack is a Si Stebbins stack with a four-apart sequence in SHoCkeD order. It was first published in the February 1935 issue of Modern Mechanix and Inventions magazine. This is a reproduction of this article.

The Mark Twain stack, also called the Riverboat stack (see for example Magic Card System), due to the abundant gambling on Mississippi riverboats, gets its name from the practice on these riverboats to frequently having to measure the water depth. If it was two marks, pronounced 'mark twain', it was ok.

1st edition 1935; PDF 4 pages.

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Dick and Virginia Williams
Booking Magic by Dick and Virginia Williams

Can you keep your act booked the whole year round without the expense of hiring an agent? The answer is a resounding yes. Dick and Virginia Williams worked TV, clubs, and corporate shows, plus banquets and hotels. And they kept busy. Yet, they handled the publicity, promotion, and booking of their act themselves, without the need for an advance man or agent. Their methods are revealed in this easy-to-follow manuscript. If you can read and follow directions, then you can do it, too.

In any other profession, Dick and Virginia would have kept their secrets to themselves. Yet, because their system...

★★★★★ $10
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