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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
Si Stebbins Pro by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

The Si Stebbins Pro Stack is highly interesting for any card stack enthusiast. Dr. Solka has taken the venerable Si Stebbins Stack and removed an inherent weakness, the rigid alternation of suit colors and strict suit rotation. The way he has done this is ingenious and will fly by everybody - magicians included. The single rule to remember is so simple that anybody can do it effortlessly. The seemingly random sequence of colors and suits is such that the deck can be spread face up without risk of detection from lay people as well as magicians.

The Card to Position relationship is explained...

★★★★ $15
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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
Fingergymnastik by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

Geeignete gymnastische Übungen zum Training der Geschmeidigkeit und Geschicklichkeit von Fingern und Händen sind für Künstler schwer zu finden.

Das hier vorgestellte System von Übungen zur Verbesserung der Geschmeidigkeit der Hände war ursprünglich für Künstler und Artisten gedacht, deren Hände und Finger extrem beansprucht werden. Die Übungen werden jedoch auch gern von Leuten, die am Computer arbeiten, genutzt. Den ganzen Tag auf der Tastatur "herumzuklimpern", beansprucht schließlich sehr stark die Finger. Auch Senioren, Musiker, Kletterer und Gamer berichteten, dass sie diese...

★★★★ $17.50
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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
Si Stebbins Pro: Das Handbuch by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

Der Si Stebbins Pro Stack ist für jeden der gelegte Spiele liebt ein muss. Dr. Solka hat vom altbekannten Si Stebbins eine entscheidende Schwäche entfernt. Seine Variation verhindert die strikte Abfolge von rot, schwarz, rot, schwarz, usw. Es gibt nur eine einfache Regel zu merken. Das ganze ist genial und kinderleicht. Jetzt kann das gelegte Spiel völlig frei gezeigt werden ohne den Verdacht auf eine Präparation zu wecken.

Der Zusammenhang von Karte und Position ist leicht verständlich erklärt. Es ist ein einfacher Schritt vom klassischen Si Stebbins zum Si Stebbins Pro. Und die meisten...

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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
Enzyklopädie der Wochentagsberechnung by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

Dieses E-Buch setzt einen Meilenstein in der Mentalmagie. Es ist eine wahre Revolution in Sachen schneller Berechnung des Wochentages eines beliebigen Datums für den Mentalisten.

In der Enzyklopädie der Wochentagsberechnung werden alle Methoden - inklusive mehrerer bisher unbekannter Profimethoden - beschrieben, die es ermöglichen, den Wochentag für jedes Datum sowie Kalenderblätter nach dem Gregorianischen und Julianischen Kalender in weniger als 5 Sekunden im Kopf zu ermitteln. Auf Profilevel schafft man es in Sprechgeschwindigkeit.

Die Enzyklopädie bietet viele Kombinationsmöglichkeiten...

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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
Die Schnapszahl-Methode by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

Die Schnapszahl-Methode beschreibt einen Effekt der Kalenderrechner - den sogenannten "Kalender im Kopf". Die Schnapszahl-Methode ist ein sehr einfaches und elegantes Verfahren zur Berechnung des Wochentags für ein beliebiges Datum. Die Methode ist virtuos und völlig neu.

Die Schnapszahl-Methode ist für die Jahre von 1955 bis 2054 extrem simpel. Ihre Erweiterung auf den Zeitraum 1900 bis 2099 ist einfach. Der rechnerische Aufwand geht dabei nicht über ein "Zusammenzählen bis 13" hinaus. In mehr als einem Viertel aller Fälle muss überhaupt nicht gerechnet werden, man weiß die Antwort...

★★★★★ $25
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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
Low Vision Marking System (German) by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

Ein markiertes Kartenspiel für Lesebrillenträger

Für das verbreitete Bicycle Rider Back 808 Design wurde ein Blockout-Baukastensystem zur Markierung entwickelt. Das Hauptaugenmerk bei der Entwicklung lag auf der guten Erkennbar- und Lesbarkeit des Systems für Personen mit eingeschränktem Sehvermögen. Das markierte Spiel kann man in weniger als einer Stunde selbst herstellen.

  • 1 Vorbemerkungen
  • 2 Karten- und Farbwerte
  • 3 Die Grundlage - Clock Design
  • 4 Markierung des Kartenwerts
  • 5 Markierung der Kartenfarbe
  • 5.1 Kartenwert und Farbe in unterschiedlichen Blüten markiert
  • 5.2 Kartenwert...
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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
Low Vision Marking System by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

A marked deck for people who have less than perfect vision or need glasses.

A blockout system for marking cards has been developed based on the widespread Bicycle Rider Back 808 deck. The development focused on good discernibility of the system for magicians with impaired vision. The marked deck can be prepared in less than one hour.

  1. Introduction
  2. Card and Suit Values
  3. Basic Principle – the Clock Design
  4. Marking the Card Value
  5. Marking the Suit Value
    1. Suit and Card Value in Different Marks
    2. The Stage Version
    3. Suit and Card Value Together in One Single Mark
  6. One-way Marking
  7. Predecessor...
★★★★★ $9
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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
Im Schattenreich der Spielkarten by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

Dieses Buch ist IMHO bei aller gebotenen Bescheidenheit ein Meilenstein in der Theorie der Spielkarten. Schaffe ich doch mit den "Schatten" ein völlig neues Prinzip bzw. neue Eigenschaften für jede Spielkarte. Laut Kollegen "zumindest die bedeutendste Veröffentlichung seit dem Gilbreath-Prinzip".

Schatten sind ein völlig neues Werkzeug in der Welt der Spielkarten. Jede Spielkarte wirft einen Schatten. Farbton, Farbe und Wert des Schattens kennzeichnen jede Spielkarte genauso eindeutig wie Kartenfarbton, -farbe und -wert. So können beispielsweise die vier Schattenfarben in gelegten...

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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
Shadow Sequeira Stack (German) by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

Der betagte Sequeira Stack von 1612 wurde zu einem Shadow-Stack aufgefrischt. Schattenfarben ermöglichen in einem Shadow-Stack die verborgene Ordnung der Karten, ohne dass ein Muster erkennbar wird. Mit dem Schattenkonzept des Autors wurde ein historischer Stack zu einem universell einsetzbaren Stack aufgepeppt.

Der Shadow Sequeira Stack ermöglicht neben der Bestimmung von Vorgänger- und Nachfolgerkarte auch problemlos die Umrechnung von Karte in Position sowie von Position in Karte.

Erstausgabe 2015, 7 Seiten.

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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
Shadow Sequeira Stack by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

The venerable Sequeira stack from 1612 has been refurbished using the present day shadow concept. The Shadow Sequeira Stack allows to determine preceding and succeeding card as well as smooth translation from card to position and vice versa. The description of this universal stack is an exclusive extract from the author’s book In the Shadow Realm of Playing Cards.

version 2.02, 16 pages.

★★★★ $4.90
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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
Auge um Auge: Geheimes Wissen über Würfel by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

Spielwürfel kennt jeder. Sechs quadratische Seitenflächen, die Summe der gegenüberliegenden Seiten beträgt Sieben. Mehr gibt es dazu nicht zu sagen? Doch, gibt es! Kaum jemand weiß, dass Würfel nicht gleich Würfel ist! Genauer gesagt, man kann allein bei den im Westen gebräuchlichen Spielwürfeln 16 verschiedene Varianten finden, obwohl sie für das ungeübte Auge alle gleich aussehen. Alle Varianten besitzen eine unterschiedliche Anordnung der Würfelaugen und lassen sich klassifizieren. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine intuitive Notation entwickelt. Nachfolgend wird erklärt, wonach man...

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Dr. Edward George Ervin
Club Deceptions by Dr. Edward George Ervin

A choice collection of smart close-up and pocket tricks of the type for which Dr. Ervin was famous. Originally sold as four separate booklets, these have now been combined into a single, greatly enlarged volume, edited by Ralph W. Read and fully illustrated.

Contains tricks with bills, coins, cigarettes, tobacco, matches, silks, needles, playing cards, ropes, mind reading, livestock, and more. Comedy, straight magic, even a few stunts that will play well as bar betchas. There's plenty of variety to capture and keep any audience's attention.

Our favorites include a very clever Thumb Tie that uses...

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Dr. Doom
Theatre of Blood by Dr. Doom

Make your next Halloween party or haunted house an event to remember!

Dr. Doom reveals secrets of his Theatre of Blood professional haunted house attraction. Illusions, effects, costuming, makeup, sound effects and more are discussed. Everything you need for a successful and scary house of horrors.

Newly revised, with nearly 20 pages of new content, including new sections on merchandising, new scenes and attractions and more.

Here's a partial look at the contents:

  • Visible Cremation Illusion
  • Crepe Hair
  • Rotting Mummy
  • Products of Interest
  • Power Saw Through Girl
  • Incredible Needle...
★★★ $15
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Dr. Dejay Ward
Secrets of My Professional Mind Reading Show by Dr. Dejay Ward

One of New York's busiest psychic entertainers reveals his complete, audience-tested 60-minute mentalism act in complete detail. This act plays strong and leaves audiences breathless. It's as close to a genuine demonstration of ESP and psychic ability as is possible. Ideal for private parties, this routine is designed from the ground up to dazzle the audience and most of all, entertain them. And don't be surprised if the spectators credit you with powers far beyond those of mere mortals, the routine is that powerful.

Partial contents:

  • Question and Answer Routine
  • Psychometry
  • Book Test ...
★★★★ $10
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Dr. Dejay Ward
How To Perform Sensational Memory Feats by Dr. Dejay Ward

The Super Memory Act is a fascinating mash-up of a traditional mentalism demonstration with the excitement of a 10-in-1 sideshow attraction ... yet, there's a trick to it that makes it easy for you to do.

In this hard-to-find manuscript, Dr. Dejay Ward reveals the secrets of his miracle memory act, with which he has amazed audiences for more than 30 years. When played to today's audiences, you'll discover that the miracle mind act is as fresh today as it was when first presented. This routine also plays well for the professional public speaker who uses a "you can do anything with your mind"...

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Dr. Bruno Furst & Lotte Furst
Memory: a home study course in memory and concentration by Dr. Bruno Furst & Lotte Furst

This was one of the first comprehensive courses to develop ones memory. It is an excellent course and includes study questions to check your progress and comprehension of the system. Particularly interesting for magicians is an entire session on memorizing playing cards.

  • Session 1: Prelude to Memory Power
  • Session 2: Secrets of Remembering
  • Session 3: Number Exercises
  • Session 4: Recalling Facts and Fiction
  • Session 5: Remember that Face and Name
  • Session 6: Building Memory Chains
  • Session 7: Numbers Forever
  • Session 8: Be a Dynamo on Details
  • Session 9: Classification, Imagination
  • Session...
★★★ $20
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Dr. Bruno Furst & Lotte Furst
Memory: a home study course in memory and concentration (used) by Dr. Bruno Furst & Lotte Furst

These are 14 staple bound booklets inside a cardboard slipcase. The slipcase is damaged and has been repaired with clear tape by a former owner. The booklets themselves are in good shape with some abrasions on the spine. For details about the contents see the digital edition.

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Dr. Bill Cushman
RhymeTime Sublime by Dr. Bill Cushman

Genesis: In the beginning there was Mick Ayres' award winning RhymeTime.

In 2002, Mick Ayre's won a Linking Ring Award for Mentalism from the International Brotherhood of Magicians for his effect RhymeTime:

You openly display a list of common words. A guest is asked to mentally choose any word and then to create a word in her mind that rhymes with her selection. Without hesitation you name the word she just created in her mind! You may repeat RhymeTime immediately with another guest and reveal a completely different word.

At the end (of his wonderful manuscript), Mick wrote: "I feel...

★★★★ $10
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Dr. Bill Cushman
Mind Index by Dr. Bill Cushman

Showcasing eight mind bending effects with index cards from Dr. Bill, the creator of Mirabill and co-creator of The Witches’ Almanac. This innovative ebook includes a reprint of Millard Longman’s original Acidus Novus as well as an instructional video of Acidus Novus in action taught by Millard.

Song & Dance teaches you how to divine both a participant’s cell phone number and ring tone as verified when the phone rings, playing their song.

In Heart2Heart you tell a participant if a past love was reciprocated or unrequited as well the secret name of the object of their desire.

In 7 Deadly...

★★★★★ $40
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Dr. Bill Cushman
Trybil: AKA the Multi-Bob Book by Dr. Bill Cushman

"I finally had a chance to read Bill’s wonderful book on pendulums. Without a doubt, this is the best book ever written on the subject. I recommend it without reservation to anyone who is serious about this type of work." - Bob Cassidy

Many modern-day magicians believe that the pendulum is the most underutilized tool in the world of mentalism.

Within Trybil: AKA The Multi-Bob Book, Dr. Bill teaches you how to become an expert operator of this most rare and unique form of magical of tools, the Multi-Bob pendulum. With anywhere from 2 to 6 bobs, you are able to control, and guide your audience...

★★★★ $55
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Dr. Bill Cushman
Telephone Bill by Dr. Bill Cushman

Take a bit of “Miraskill,” a twist each of Mirabill and “A View To A Skill” and mix with “Minimal Miraskill.” Between Stewart James, Herb Zarrow, John Bannon and Dr. Bill, you will have one of the strongest effects possible to perform over the telephone.

The good doctor had been seeking a way to perform Mirabill over the phone ever since its release but it seemed impossible. Until now.

Telephone Bill looks and sounds different than any of the above but utilizes James’s original brilliant principle and is every bit as squeaky-clean as Mirabill. Live and in person it is mind bending. But over the phone? Your audience...

★★★★★ $10
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Dr. Bill Cushman
Companionage by Dr. Bill Cushman

"Companionage is a French word from medieval times, used to define that stage in the life of a person when formal education was over and learning happened by a direct exchange of secrets, from one craftsman to another. Under companionage a person would travel across Europe, staying in several towns, each for a while.

This way, a traveling blacksmith, for example, would stay with the town's blacksmith to work with him, learn from him and share his own knowledge in return. By staying with blacksmiths from town to town, each would achieve mastery, go back home, set shop and start receiving...

★★★★★ $55
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Dr. Bill Cushman
The Dr's Billet Tear by Dr. Bill Cushman

"I use my own Perfected Center Tear all the time. But I have to tell you this; I use a piece of paper from my pad. When I saw how clean Bill's version looked with a business card, I had to learn it too. It is smart to have a variety of methods at your disposal. Dr. Bill's Billet Tear is top notch and as good as it gets. If it means anything from a guy who has been ripping paper up for most of his life, take my advice and get this!" - Richard Osterlind

What should you look for in a Center Tear? As little as possible! On that note:

"Here's a word I think describes the pinnacle of...

★★★★★ $35
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Dr. Bill Cushman
Dr. Bill's Bend by Dr. Bill Cushman

As seen on Steve Cohen's 2 hour feature television special, "LOST MAGIC DECODED" aired on The History Channel, October 18th, 2012!

"I chose to perform "Dr. Bill's Bend" on my television special because I needed a pendulum routine with a distinct ending. My studio audience loved this routine, and so did I. Perhaps I should add it to my live shows at the Waldorf-Astoria? It's that strong." - Steve Cohen, The Millionaires' Magician

Imagine using a simple pendulum made from a piece of ribbon and a key (these can all be borrowed) to teach an entire audience to focus their mental powers...

★★★★★ $25
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