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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Jim Mahoney
Playing Shopping Centres by Jim Mahoney

From the introduction by Billy McComb:

There are TWO THINGS you've got to appreciate about this treatise.

First of all it shines through every line that it's written by a man who knows what he is talking about and has actually WORKED Shopping Malls.

The second thing is something which Mike Caldwell said to me just a few weeks ago. We were wandering around London in the McCombomobile. He pointed out the shops in a district we were going through and said, "In a few years time you won't see many shops like that around." I said, "Why?". He said, "Because it will get like the States. Everyone will...

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Jim Mahoney
Playing Shopping Centres (used) by Jim Mahoney

Softcover book stapled in excellent condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

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Jim Magus
Horror Magic by Jim Magus
  • Foreword
    • Hand Of Glory
    • Midnight Seance
    • Poltergeist
    • The Haunted Trumpet
    • Cat Eyes
    • Good Evening Death
    • The Wheel Of Fire
    • The Spirit Of Jesse Harkins
    • The Astral Spirit
    • Count Zartoff
    • Demonolatry
    • To Catch A Vampire
    • Bottled Vampire
    • Night Of The Yeti
    • Picture A Demon
    • Doctor Frankenstein, I Presume!
    • Speak Of The Devil!
    • Black Serpent
    • How To Kill A Ghost
    • Gargoyle
    • Khaibit Serpent
    • To Conjure A Demon
    • Shrunken Head
    • The Hand Of Kranus ...
★★★★ $10
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Jim Magus
Horror Magic (used) by Jim Magus

Stapled booklet in good condition. Staples have rusted and stained the cover. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Jim Krenz
Anagramation by Jim Krenz

The performer displays a stack of business cards which each have a magical logo and the phrase "For Astonishment..." on them. The spectator initials the top card of the stack and a playing card is also selected, but not yet revealed. The performer flips through the stack of cards and the printed letters move slowly at first, then begin careening all over the card, bouncing off the edges and each other. As the letters slow down, they are seen to be forming into new words in an "anagramic" way. When they are finished moving, they read "Nine Of Hearts!" When the spectator's selected card is revealed...

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Jim Krenz
Anagramation (for resale) by Jim Krenz

The performer displays a stack of business cards which each have a magical logo and the phrase "For Astonishment..." on them. The spectator initials the top card of the stack and a playing card is also selected, but not yet revealed. The performer flips through the stack of cards and the printed letters move slowly at first, then begin careening all over the card, bouncing off the edges and each other. As the letters slow down, they are seen to be forming into new words in an "anagramic" way. When they are finished moving, they read "Nine Of Hearts!" When the spectator's selected card is revealed...

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Jim Kleefeld
The Contract Book by Jim Kleefeld

Unless you are exclusively performing for friends and family, you should have a contract for each engagement. Of course, the best is to have a lawyer in your home state write up a contract specifically tailored to your needs and circumstances. But before you contact your lawyer you should sit down and read this ebook to learn more about contracts. The better prepared you are and the clearer you can present your needs to your lawyer the less time it will take and the less money it will cost. Your lawyer will also respect you more if you have a better understanding and know what you want and why...

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Jim Kleefeld
The Volunteer Book by Jim Kleefeld

Most magicians involve a part of their audience in some of their effects, be it the trivial act of picking a card, or a more involved on stage helper or assistant. We can call all of these people volunteers, because they volunteer to participate in one form or another. Jim Kleefeld has written the first detailed and thorough work on volunteers, how to pick them, treat them and plan accordingly. Since he is trained in theater and psychology, he is very qualified to understand the perspective of volunteers, how they feel, how they would like to be treated and how they might react.

You can find...

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Jim Kleefeld
The Arabian Tent Illusion by Jim Kleefeld

The Arabian Tent Illusion was created by Gen Grant, explored in Mark Wilson's Course in Magic and marketed by Creative Magic. It presents a unique palette on which to design an illusion theme. The flat framework panels present a rectangular peaked "house" structure that can be painted in any of myriad designs. This ebook explores many design concepts for this illusion and presents here original artwork and routines. The routines are completely planned, and employ a variety of techniques that use the Arabian Tent to produce and vanish characters and objects in original plots. Some involve simple re-decoration...

★★★★ $25
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Jim Kleefeld
Magic Around the World by Jim Kleefeld

This complete show is Jim's geography-themed program performed for libraries all over Ohio and is aimed at children. It uses several standard props, some commercial tricks no longer made, but which may be available on used lists, and a couple of original effects especially created. The goal in this show was to give audiences a wide range of surprising magic routines that each involved a separate country and culture. Jim deliberately chose old and new tricks, and intermixed them with old and new cultures to give some sense of current world situations as well as some historical perspective. ...

★★★★ $20
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Jim Kleefeld
The Eclectic Collector by Jim Kleefeld

A Sampling of categorized magical collectibles. Jim Kleefeld is a magic collector and writes for the M.U.M., the official organ of the S.A.M.

The Eclectic Collector will present to you a set of chapters that each delineate collectible artifacts in a category. The categories are a broad mix and the artifacts will vary in number. In some categories there are so many good examples, ten did not seem sufficient. In other categories, there are so few examples, that finding ten is extremely difficult.

Each chapter includes several photos of objects from Jim's collection within the category. These...

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Jim Kleefeld
Bug Magic by Jim Kleefeld

An exciting collection of kidshow magic that focuses on bugs and books - including tricks, routines, ideas and resources to help you make your next magic show one with a theme that really appeals to kids.

  • original bug tricks and routines
  • bug art and bug fonts
  • commercial bug magic resources
  • bug prop resources
  • factual bug information
  • bug jokes

1st edition 2017, 68 pages.

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Jim Kleefeld
Today's Tools by Jim Kleefeld

With these instructions and the included artwork, you can quickly make up a fascinating magic trick to perform in children's shows about building, construction or tools. You show a folder with over 20 different tools and have a child choose just one to think of. The child never says the name of her tool out loud, but you will magically know which one she chose. Next you show seven cards that each have a picture of a toolbox. Each toolbox is filled with different tools. You set aside some toolboxes where the child sees her tool. Then you automatically know which tool the child has chosen. ...

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Jim Kleefeld
Ghost Storytelling by Jim Kleefeld

Five haunted tales for bizarre magic performances. Includes the full script of each 5-10 minute story plus information and complete instructions on how to make and use a correlated magic effect in each presentation. Includes stories from Jim's professional working repertoire, The Invisible Man, Aunt Cora's Haunted Toy, The Ghost of the Lafayette Hotel, The Steampunk You, and the eerie, nostalgic and scary For Whom The Bell Tolls. Audience-tested routines just as they are used by Jim in his bizarre Ohio Spirits programs. Also includes a section on how to put together a spirit show, where to present...

★★★★ $24
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Jim Kleefeld
The Contract Book (used) by Jim Kleefeld

Plastic comb-bound softcover in like-new condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Jim Kleefeld
The Volunteer Book (used) by Jim Kleefeld

Plastic comb-bound softcover in like-new condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Jim Coles
Mystery Makers by Jim Coles

Jim Coles, who is the author of the best selling PK Revolution, describes in this ebook four stunning routines with cards, coins and cigarettes.

Mirror Image
Showing his hands to be unmistakably empty, the performer displays a small mirror and a half dollar. Holding the half dollar above the mirror, he tilts the mirror forward, making the coin's reflection slide off the mirror's surface and become a perfect duplicate of the coin he holds! No shell. Everything may be examined.

Shadow Of A Thought
Do thoughts have physical substance? Can that substance be captured? Using a pack of cigarettes as an...

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Jim Coles
Morph by Jim Coles

Change a lighter into a box of matches; transform a silver dollar into a watch. Here’s a collection of eight dazzling close up transformations sure to elicit appreciative gasps from any audience. And the best part? They’re all relatively easy to do. Add some visual zip to your next performance and really make them sit up and take notice.

Hot Sqeeze - Your lighter doesn’t work but your solution is simple: Change the lighter into a full box of real matches.

Silver Press - Show a ball of metal, mash it between your hands, and it becomes a silver dollar. A hyper visual feat that’s...

★★★★★ $9.95
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Jim Coles
Psychokinetic Deceptions by Jim Coles

A number of cool metal bending, breaking and joining effects.

A nail, first given out for examination, is held in the left hand and stroked with the right index finger. The nail is seen to visibly bend backward and is once again given out for examination. The performer’s hands are otherwise empty.

A nail is shown and may be examined, dropped to the table, and covered with the right hand. Directing a burst of mental energy at the nail, the performer moves his hand away to show the nail is now broken into pieces. Everything may be examined and the performer’s hands are...

★★★★★ $6.50
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Jim Coles
Spookey by Jim Coles

Imagine, you show your hands empty front and back. You give a key on a key ring to the audience for examination. You take the key ring back and gently stroke the key. Suddenly the key begins to move on its ring. It jerks and bobs as if manipulated by invisible fingers. It rises in an eerie fashion until it’s extending horizontally from the ring. Then with a mere snap of your fingers the animation ceases. You give the key out for examination once more and show your hands to be unequivocally empty.

This ebook comes with clear and descriptive photos. Points To Remember:

  • Starts clean and...
★★★★ $7.50
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Jim Coles
Quick Change by Jim Coles

Offering to demonstrate a secret exercise that master pickpockets use to sharpen their skills, a small coin purse, a half dollar and a metal washer are given out for examination. The magician explains that the idea is to place the half dollar in the purse, which he does, and cause it to change places with the washer. The first time he merely rubs the washer along the bottom edge of the purse, yet when he brings his hand away it’s seen he’s holding the half dollar. The washer is dumped from the purse.

For the second phase, the half is placed in the purse and the washer is held at the...

★★★★ $6.99
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Jim Coles
Under Cover by Jim Coles

Imagine this: You borrow a quarter from a spectator and have it initialed with a Sharpie marker. You take a pack of cigarettes and place the quarter on top of the pack. You have the spectator cover the quarter with a hand and say you’ll cause the coin to pass completely through the pack. You make a magical pass and have the spectator lift her hand. Only...the quarter’s still there. You ask the spectator to pick up the quarter. She tries but her fingers slide right over the coin. Impossibly the coin is under the cellophane! You clearly show the pack is unopened and unmarked in any way. You...

★★★★★ $6.50
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Jim Coles
Influence by Jim Coles

You could start this effect like this:

Have you ever known a great salesman? I mean the kind of person who consistently outperforms his colleagues, who’s able to maintain a high level of sales even during economic slumps? Some years ago I became aware of a study of such individuals, and what was especially intriguing is that each seemed to have the innate ability to project his will upon others, to influence prospective customers in such a way that they invariably did what he wanted. I began to wonder if it was possible to hone one’s own influence to such a degree, and I’d like to share...

★★★★★ $6.50
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Jim Coles
Anomalous Notes by Jim Coles

Here you will find an ESP Card trick, three PK tricks, one trick with a regular deck, and a book test.

  • An ESP Cards Effect
  • Mini-Miraculous
  • A Numbered Affair
  • Misdirection Washer Bend
  • Raw Metal
  • A Subtle Dime Bend

1st edition 2012, 12 pages.

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