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Robert Parrish
Parrish Folio: The Pallbearers Review 1974 by Robert Parrish
  1. Robert Parrish
  2. Prologue by Oscar Weigle
  3. Mental Opener
  4. Mysterious Casket
  5. Great Slate Test
  6. Floating Table
  7. Stole Steal
  8. Bull's Eye II
  9. Picture ESP
  10. Cups & Coins
  11. Torn Paper Enigma
  12. Epilogue by John Goodrum

1st edition 1974; original 14 pages; PDF 28 pages.

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Robert Parrish
Six Tricks by Tenkai by Robert Parrish

Tenkai was a legendary magician from Japan. As his gift for achieving the 'living legend' status in Japan he asked to meet Dai Vernon - which he did, but that is a story for another time.

In this manuscript Robert Parrish describes several wonderful effects created by Tenkai. All illustrations are drawn by Tenkai himself.

20 pages.

  1. Tenkai Dye Tube Technique
  2. Knots Supreme - Tenkai Silk and Tapes
  3. Tenkai Three Dice Trick
  4. Tenkai Two Penny Trick
  5. Two Coin Moves
  6. Tenkai Card Flight
★★★★ $7
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Robert Parrish
For Magicians Only by Robert Parrish

This was a very successful book on magic when it originally appeared in 1944. Even the sophisticated New Yorker put at the top of its list of recommended books for servicemen.

A complete repertory of tricks that can be performed without elaborate equipment.

The only book on magic that tells exactly how to keep the audience from seeing the mechanics of performance.

Here's the book for every one who ever dreamed of pulling rabbits out of a hat or sawing a woman in two (and putting her back together again). The author, who has had a long experience in platform magic and two previous books...
★★★ $12
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Robert Parrish
New Ways To Mystify by Robert Parrish

New Ways To Mystify carries on its prestidigitation in the vein of For Magicians Only. Again Mr. Parrish has presented thirty "tricks" that can be performed without elaborate equipment, and with no more skill than the average person can muster. It's all in practice and in knowing how to distract the audience, Mr. Parrish says, and he demonstrates in such a simple manner that anyone, young or old, can master these feats of magic.

The general plan of the ebook follows that of the earlier volume, and Mr. Parrish again writes in his witty, urbane fashion. Dozens of simple diagrams, as well as clever chapter head...

★★★★★ $12
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Robert Orben
Tag-Lines by Robert Orben

Once a script writer for Jack Paar's show (1962-63) and Red Skelton's show (1964-70), has also written for Dick Gregory (six years), and was a speechwriter for President Gerald Ford in 1973-77.

One-liners, flip lines, gags and patter. Many of these one-lines are still good today. Others just need some updating but still very funny stuff.

The real benefit of having this material available in digital form is to be able to search for particular words and phrases which related to your performance, occasion or venue. This makes it much easier to find suitable comedy lines.

1st edition 1954,...

★★★ $3
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Robert Nedbalski
Ned's Ultimate Poker Stack by Robert Nedbalski

An incredible stack that was worked out by hand at a time when computers were not available. The experts were impressed:

"In actual play, that would get the money." - Dai Vernon

"... the best stack since Rusduck's. - Ross Bertram

"... interesting and has possibilities at the gaming table." - Faucett Ross

"... Ned, you've come across a real gem, don't tip it." - Orville Meyer

"Vernon should see this." - Francis Carlyle


The spectator takes a shuffled deck. The spectator makes a choice of the type of poker to be played:

  • Straight Poker
  • Stud Poker ( 5 – 6 – or 7 card)
  • Blackjack
  • Draw Poker
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Robert Nedbalski
Ned's Ultimate Poker Stack (used) by Robert Nedbalski

Softcover with plastic comb binding in very good condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

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Robert Neale
Trans-Actions by Robert Neale

The in-crowd is fascinated with displays of mind power. Old fashioned mentalism doesn't turn them on, but subtle, well-concealed actions in mentalism can be a tremendous hit. You have this in Trans-Actions. The effects are based on a new application of a principle, and you will be delighted with the ease of use, the very flexible quality of the working. Always ready to use. The props are whatever is handy! You can't ask for more than that! Great for parties, club type shows. The effects will impress thinking people, captivate your more intelligent friends. The run-of-the-mill crowd will just...

★★★★★ $6.95
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Robert McDaniel
The Royal Treatment by Robert McDaniel

A collection of wonderful card routines. Explanations include large illustrations by the author himself.

Routines taught:

  • Revel Ace Tion
  • Heart Transplant
  • Grand Delusion
  • The Albright Bird Trick Revisited
  • The Royal Treatment
  • Tear Rific
  • The Amazing Deck Tear
  • Half Hearted
  • The Joker Knows
  • Triple Decker Kings

1st edition 1981, 69 pages; 1st digital edition 2015, 53 pages.

★★★★★ $7
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Robert Matthews
Glass Through Hat by Robert Matthews

Here's a great club effect, where you are seen to pass a glass of water (or other liquid) through a handkerchief-covered hat. But wait! You can repeat it, which will blow away lay audiences and magicians alike.

The author's pet trick is revealed here, which uses no expensive dealer apparatus. Plus, he provides two methods, allowing you to repeat the effect, should you be called upon to do so. Sound good so far? What if we told you that this popular mystery can be performed impromptu? Now that would be real magic.

In this well-illustrated booklet, Matthews provides the step-by-step process...

★★★★ $6
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Robert Marsi
Get Gigs Right Now by Robert Marsi

Are you a financially broke performer? Are you complaining that your gigs have dried up due to the economy? Or you might be that brave entrepreneur who wants to start performing magic or mentalism as a full-time profession but have to take a detour around the waiting time it takes to make money and getting your name out there? You might be in a "do or die", gun-to-the-head situation where you have to start generating 'immediate' income to provide for yourself and your family, or else...

This step-by-step ebook course is the answer for those of you who want to jump-start their performing career....

★★★★ $37
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Robert Marsi
Cartomancy: Fortune Telling Using Playing Cards with The Advanced Marsi System by Robert Marsi

A reading system that gives you the necessary ammo to deliver a highly effective private reading for paying clients.

Have you ever wanted to be able to deliver a quick or full-blown reading for members of your audience or clients using something you carry every day, especially if you are a magician or mentalist?

If you are a magician or mentalist, have you ever considered maximizing the impact your card effect has on your audience, by giving your spectator a quick reading about themselves?

Or, if you've always wanted to learn how to give people readings using nothing but a deck of ordinary...

★★★★★ $35
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Robert Kaldy-Karo & Andreas Swatosch
MUK Journal by Robert Kaldy-Karo & Andreas Swatosch

The MUK or Museum für Unterhaltungskunst (Museum of Entertainment Arts) in Vienna, Austria, issues an interesting magazine every 6 months. This museum covers mostly magic, circus, and variety, and its publication draws from the holdings of the museum.

Even for people who do not read German this might be interesting, because many historical photos and artifacts are reproduced. For example, issue 2 features an article on Houdini with many fascinating photos, several of which I have never seen before.

You will receive the first three issues: 2007 No. 1, 2007 No. 2, and 2008 No. 3.

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Robert Kaldy-Karo & Andreas Swatosch
Zauberpraxis 45: Weihnachtliche Zauberei (gebraucht) by Robert Kaldy-Karo & Andreas Swatosch

Heft ist sehr gut erhalten. Beschrieben werden eine Reihe von Zaubertricks passend für die Weihnachtszeit.

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Robert Kaldy-Karo
Ludwig Döbler: Genius des Biedermeier by Robert Kaldy-Karo

Mit ihm, dem Zauberkünstler Ludwig Döbler, hatte Österreich bereits in der Biedermeierzeit einen internationalen Superstar, der von Budapest bis London, von Prag bis St. Petersburg die größten Bühnenerfolge einheimste. Er war zu seiner Zeit genauso, wenn nicht populärer als Nestroy, Grillparzer oder Raimund. Mit den Intellektuellen seiner Zeit, wie z.B. Goethe, Dingelstedt, Saphir, Bäuerle, Heine, Castelli, Raimund, war er freundschaftlich verbunden.

Berühmt war sein Entree, nach einem Schuss brannten 200 Kerzen auf der Bühne oder "Flora's Blumenspende", wobei er dutzende kleine...

★★★★★ $20
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Robert Kaldy-Karo
Tips, Ideen, Routinen mit dem MAK by Robert Kaldy-Karo

Was ist ein MAK? Ein MAK ist ein Mini-Aktenkoffer so gross dass gerade einmal ein Stapel Visitenkarten hineinpassen. Robert Kaldy-Karo nimmt sich diesem Utensil an und entwickelt in diesem PDF eine Vielzahl von Ideen und Routinen die Sie effektbringend in Ihr Program einbauen können.

Erste PDF Ausgabe 2015, 17 Seiten.

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Robert Kaldy-Karo
Tips, Ideen, Routinen mit dem MAK (gebraucht) by Robert Kaldy-Karo

Heft verlegt von Jimmy Bix Versand 1998. Heft ist gut erhalten, es fehlen jedoch die Heftklammern. Für Information zum Inhalt siehe die digitale Version.

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Robert Kaldy-Karo
Feurige Ideen by Robert Kaldy-Karo

Als Feuerwehrhauptmann weiß Karo mit Feuer umzugehen. Feuer ist eine seiner Spezialitäten. In diesem E-Buch sammelt er eine ganze Reihe seiner Ideen mit Feuer, von den besten Zündmechanismen, Blitzen und feurigen Üeberraschungen.

  • Zündmechanismen
    • Sesam Blitze
    • Waberlohe
    • Feuer aus Hand
    • Brennende Fingerhüte
    • Brennende Handschuhe
    • Feuerschale
    • Stockspielereien
    • Stock zu 2 Fakeln
    • Schwebender, Brennender und Tanzender Stab
    • Brennender Riesenchip
    • Brennend Erscheinender Kandelaber
    • Kerzen Manipulationen
    • Brennender Kartenfächer ...
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Robert Kaldy-Karo
Feurige Ideen (gebraucht) by Robert Kaldy-Karo

Heft ohne Heftklammern. Zum Inhalt siehe die digitale Ausgabe.

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Robert Kaldy-Karo
Zauberpraxis 17: Neue Magische Ideen Band 1 (gebraucht) by Robert Kaldy-Karo

Gut erhaltenese Heft Nummer 17 aus der Zauberpraxis Reihe, Heft 4/1994.

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Robert Kaldy-Karo
Zauberpraxis 23: Neue Magische Ideen Band 2 (gebraucht) by Robert Kaldy-Karo

Gut erhaltenese Heft Nummer 23 aus der Zauberpraxis Reihe, Heft 2/1996.

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Robert Kaldy-Karo
Oben am Drahtseil, Unten im Löwenkäfig: Geschichten über mutige Frauen by Robert Kaldy-Karo

Robert Kaldy-Karo hat in den letzten Jahren in den Archiven des Circusmuseums und des Institutes Kadotheums nach interessanten Frauen und deren Schicksale aus der Welt der Unterhaltung geforscht, die im Circus, Varieté oder auf den Kleinkunstbühnen Außergewöhnliches erlebt haben.

Er berichtet über mutige Löwenbändigerinnen, wie das Fräulein Senide aus dem Prater oder über die schöne Seiltänzerin Mimi Rebernigg, oder über Skandale von Dressurreiterinnen, den Pin up Girls des 19. Jahrhunderts die adelige Herren ehelichten. Die Frauen aus der Glamourwelt der Unterhaltung wurden...

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Robert Kaldy-Karo
Kratky-Baschik by Robert Kaldy-Karo

Anton Kratky-Baschik begann seine Laufbahn als Mundharmonikavirtuose. Bei seinen Tourneen durch ganz Europa lernte er beim Zauberkünstler Bellachini die Kunst der Magie. Er kombiniert Zauberkunst mit Musikdarbietungen, physikalischen Effekten und Geistererscheinungen.

Nach jahrelangen erfolgreichen Gastspielreisen lässt er sich in Wien nieder, wo er große Erfolge in den Vergnügungsetablissements der Stadt feierte. Im Wiener Prater betrieb er drei Zaubertheater, das letzte bot 800 Besuchern Platz, damit war es das größte Zaubertheater der Zeit.

  • Vorwort
  • Kapitel 1: Anton Kratky-Baschik...
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Robert Kaldy-Karo
Magische Magnete by Robert Kaldy-Karo

Viele Ideen und Tricks mit Magneten. Damals, als diese Publikation zum ersten Mal erschien, war es schwierig an starke Magnete heranzukommen. Heute sind Neodym-Magnete leicht in allen Größen und Varianten zu bekommen. Die Ideen von Kaldy-Karo sind aber nach wie vor effektvoll.

  • 1. Einige Magnetisch Einführende Worte
  • 2. Unmöglich Nahe
    • 2.1. Die Magnetischen Goldringe
    • 2.2. Bluff
    • 2.3. Time Flies
    • 2.4. Automatik
    • 2.5. Uri Geller - Zerfallender Löffel
    • 2.6. Magnetdaumen
    • 2.7. Psychokinetik
    • 2.8. Coffee Time
    • 2.9. Körpermontagen Für Die Magneten
    • 2.10. Impossible
    • 2.11. Empty Hands ...
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