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Cards in Magic & Conjuring: page 41


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves ACAAN Stacks Marked Rising & Levitating Gaffed Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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David Jonathan
RudiMental by David Jonathan

This is a collection of five self-working, or semi-automatic, effects that share the key underlying theme that the spectator becomes the star, getting all the credit for the small miracles they just seemed to perform. RudiMental contains a variety of unique effects, most of which are hands off, and are very deceptive, yet simple in method. At their core, the foundation of each piece uses a practical, time-honored method that has been modernized, re-worked and applied in unique new ways.

Each effect is supplemented with a presentation script, multiple detailed photos and many additional tips,...

★★★★★ $19.95
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David Gemmell
Lecture Book 2009 by David Gemmell

You probably have not heard the name David Gemmell, unless perhaps you are living in Wales. But I am sure you will hear a lot more about him. David is a 30 year veteran of card magic. Over the last five years he has developed some wonderful routines which he has - to the benefit of all of us - decided to share.

No other than Peter Duffie wrote the foreword. Peter writes:

"When I think of card magic and Wales, three names immediately spring to mind: Cardini, Trevor Lewis and Rovi (the Welsh Wizard). After reading this ebook, you may wish to add David Gemmell to this list. ... In this ebook David visits...

★★★★★ $20
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David Gemmell
51 for Two by David Gemmell

This is David Gemmell's solution to the classic Paul Curry/Stewart James card problem "51 Faces North".

History of the card problem:

  • Paul Curry conceived the idea for this effect sometime in the 1940's. At the time he had no workable method for achieving the effect.
  • Ed Marlo got wind of this sometime in 1949 and published a method in the Cardician 1953.
  • Stewart James and Howard Lyons corresponded on this subject in 1953.
  • Stewart James contributed several methods to Ibidem in the early years of its run. This is where Stewart James first laid down the (almost) impossible conditions for the effect dubbing his idea as "51 Faces North".
  • Jon Racherbaumer launched the Hierophant...
★★★★★ $12
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David Gemmell
Open Ended: A monograph on the open prediction by David Gemmell

This is a collection of solutions to the famous 'open prediction' problem posed by Paul Curry.

From the introduction by Marc Paul:

Ever since Paul Curry first posed his now famous card problem magicians have sweated over the idea of creating the perfect Open Prediction. It seems that the first published solution appeared in Phoenix magazine (December 1949) in a letter from Gerald Kosky to Bruce Elliott. Since then the list of people who have offered ideas and solutions is huge and includes the likes of Marlo, Dai Vernon, Bill Simon, Martin Gardner, Peter Warlock, Francis Haxton, to name but a few, and of course Stewart James and his infamous...

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David Gemmell
Pasteboard Adventures by David Gemmell

A collection of routines from David Gemmell's working repertoir. Difficulty varies from effect to effect and is in the reach of most magician.

From the introduction by Jon Racherbaumer:

A few years ago Eugene Burger introduced a useful phrase to Cardopia—one that partially describes what passionate card guys do on a regular basis: to overly indulge themselves in the "antics of the pasteboards." Antics is the apt word because it evokes other defining words: playful, fantastic, theatrical, whimsical…

Those who memorialize their personal "antics" realize the nature of their acts. They take notes....

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David Gemmell
Pasteboard Paradise by David Gemmell

David Gemmell spans with this publication the range from near self-working effects to very tough sleight-of-hand routines.

1st edition 2009; 78 pages.

  1. Collins, Marlo & Lewis four ace routine
  2. OMG Collectors
  3. Queens Supreme
  4. A Bite on the Side...
  5. Card to Box
  6. Conspiracy #23
  7. #23 revisited
  8. ESP #23
  9. Inspired By Howard Adams
  10. 36
  11. Dr. Evil or Dr. Fun?
  12. Twenty-1
  13. EZ Match up
  14. Remembering Stewart James
  15. 485
  16. Lucky seven
  17. Three Wishes
  18. AdamsmadA
  19. Monge E-deal
  20. Sandwich Down-Under
  21. Ladies on Top
  22. The Unexpected Triumph
  24. Donna's Birthday Card Trick
  25. Gilbreath meets Hummer
  26. What the .....?
  27. Reflections from Beyond ...
★★★★★ $25
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David Gemmell
The Journey Continues by David Gemmell

David continues his journey with the pasteboards with a special interest in the classics of card magic. 16 tried and tested effects.

  • My Two Card Reverse: The same as Gibson's Two Card Reverse, but performed in the hands and with the deck in two portions, each selection magically reversing whilst separate.
  • Almost Open: An unusual handling for the classic Open Prediction effect.
  • Triumphant Card to Box: This is a combination of the classic triumph and card to box with two selections.
  • Miller Lite...? A take on the classic Charlie Miller effect The Dunbury Delusion.
  • Do that Again...! A super quick transposition...
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David Gemmell
Unfinished by David Gemmell

A small collection of ideas and variations with the pasteboards.

Its been a while since David Gemmell has put anything out. His life has taken a strange turn for the better, and other interests have held his attention for quite some time now. What follows is a small and possibly incomplete collection of ideas and variations on classic themes that have held him captive for many years and these are the latest handling’s that he uses.

No pictures this time, just words, ideas, pathways, and references where possible.

1st edition 2011; 29 pages.

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David Fulde
Impromptorn: A Card Restoration Miracle by David Fulde

"Impromptorn looks great! And the creases... DAMN." - Sean Fields (Creator of Fusion, Saw, Sick)

A signed card is cleanly torn into 4 pieces and restored in the cleanest manner piece-by-piece.

But that's not all, the card's creases are then slowly and visually ironed out with surgical precision leaving the card back to it's original state!

Taught in the ebook are:

  • The Original Impromptorn Handling
  • Alternate Ending
  • Crease Restoration V1 (without change)
  • Crease Restoration V2 (with change)
  • Extra Handling Tips & Credits

1st edition 2009; 24 pages.

★★★★★ $12
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David Devlin
The Fly by David Devlin

This is a very powerful routine. So powerful, in fact, that David has kept it to himself for over twenty years! It is perfect for all performers regardless of their performing venue. That's right. This is a card trick that can be performed anytime and anywhere. It can be performed close-up or on stage even though it uses a standard deck. It is totally impromptu, uses no gimmicks, has audience participation, and you are not touching the cards when the magic happens. The magic takes place while the cards are in the hands of the spectators! Here is the effect (in a close-up performance):


★★★ $4
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David Devlin
Psych-Go by David Devlin

Two spectators are invited on stage. Spectator A gives the deck a shuffle, and then deals exactly twenty cards into the magician's hand. The performer shuffles the twenty cards, and then gives some of the cards to Spectator A and the rest to Spectator B, who proceed to shuffle them further. Both packets of cards are then handed back to the performer who shuffles the twenty cards together.

The performer now explains that this is going to be a demonstration in 'Psychic Telekinetic Teleportation'. The performer has spectator A hold out his hand into which exactly ten cards are dealt. Spectator...

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David Devlin
Totally Twisted by David Devlin

In the first version of this terrific packet trick, the four queens are removed from the deck, and are held face down. One at a time and in turn, each queen turns face up as in the "Twisting the Aces" routine.

After all of the queens have had their turn face up, and are all face down once again, the magician asks the spectator to name any one of the queens. He explains that whichever queen is named, it will magically turn face up. Let's assume that the named queen is the Queen of Spades. The performer snaps his fingers and says, "Would you be amazed if the queen you named is now face up?" ...

★★★★★ $7.50
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David Devlin
A Few Good Methods by David Devlin

Transpositions are a staple in magic. The basic effect is simple: two objects switch places. That is it. What David has done in this eBook is that he has come up with five different ways to accomplish the transposition of selected playing cards.

The methods range from super easy to...well...not hard but not as super easy as some of the others. Some of the methods are totally impromptu, while others require a small amount of setup.

Those of you who are familiar with David's work already know that he does not like difficult sleights or overly complicated methods. So, you will not find any...

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David Devlin
Plan 9 by David Devlin

David Devlin loves gambling demonstrations. He is particularly partial to the routines that give the spectators the impression that the performer is an expert in card control and cheating. Very seldom does one find a gambling-type of effect that has the following characteristics:

  1. Completely impromptu
  2. It can be done with a borrowed deck
  3. It is performed entirely in the hands, which makes it ideal for strolling performers
  4. There are no false cuts, false shuffles, or false deals
  5. The spectators legitimately shuffle the deck several times throughout the routine
  6. The spectators do all of the...
★★★★★ $8
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David Devlin
The Untouchables by David Devlin

This is a new Any Card at Any Number effect in which (apparently) the spectator does all of the work, and it happens all in his hands. Not only that, but the performer has predicted the entire outcome; the card and the number, far in advance! This is all true. The performer never touches the deck once the effect begins.

Here is the effect as the audience sees it: The deck is shuffled by a spectator. The performer has any spectator think of any number between one and fifty-two, but not to reveal it to anyone until asked by the performer. Nothing is written down. The number is simply thought...

★★★★ $12.50
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David Devlin
Boomerang by David Devlin

This is one of David's favorite effects. Not only does it fry laymen, but it also fools magicians as well. It can be performed at any point during your act. It does not have to be an opener or a closer, but it could be used as either. It is a very powerful effect because it seems very hands-off and is extremely visual. It is also easy to do!

Effect: Two red backed jokers are freely shown, and are set aside. A spectator selects a card from a blue backed deck, and signs it (the selection must be signed, or the effect is greatly diminished). In this example let's say that the card is the three...

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David Devlin
B'tween by David Devlin

David Devlin has floored everyone he has shown this incredible effect. Even members of his family were nailed. This is an amazing piece of mental magic. Based on an array of different effects and principles, this is certain to go into your working repertoire. It is self-working and can even be performed impromptu (at least the majority of the effect can be performed impromptu)!

The effect is this: A deck is shuffled, and two predictions are made on the backs of two business cards. One is a number and the other is the name of a playing card. Two spectators deal cards in turn until they each...

★★★★★ $10
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David Devlin
Distorted Siblings by David Devlin

Distorted Siblings combines the best aspects of several tricks by John Bannon, Max Maven, and Aldo Colombini. The routine is this:

A packet of red-backed cards and a packet of blue-backed cards are placed face-down on the table. It is explained that each packet contains the four kings and that one in each packet is face-up as a prediction. Two spectators each name a king. The named kings are in fact the face up kings. The kings are turned face down and it is shown that each king is in their opposite packets.

Each king is then placed back into its own packet. All four blue cards are together as are the red cards,...

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David Devlin
Hot to Trost by David Devlin

David Devlin has released a staple from his impromptu card act. This is a full routine, and it is a killer! This is based on an effect by the great Nick Trost, and is a tribute of sorts to him. This may become your "go-to" effect when someone hands you a deck and says, "Do something." You will be performing this routine in no time. It is not difficult, and it looks incredible.

Here is the routine: The jokers are removed from the deck, and placed on the table. The performer removes any card he wishes, but shows it to know one, not even himself. This card is placed face down between the two jokers, but...

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David Devlin
The Tournament by David Devlin

This is a card act rather than a single trick. It is a full-deck effect, tells a story, has audience participation as spectators become the characters, is full of magic, and has an ending that no one will see coming that will fry the audience. It is called, The Tournament, and it will convince your audiences that you are the greatest card cheat of all-time. There is no false dealing, which means that the dealing portions of this routine are all self-working. The finale of the act is a mind-blower and brings everything to a logical conclusion.

Two methods are provided, one which utilizes the...

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David Devlin
Packet Racket II by David Devlin

Every now and then a sequel is made that out does the original such as The Godfather part II, Superman II, The Empire Strikes Back, The Terminator II, The Dark Knight, and Aliens to name a few. Well, such is the case here with David Devlin's Packet Racket II. If you like packet tricks (David loves them) then you will love this eBook! All six of the tricks use standard packet sleights, and only one of them uses gaffed cards. (You can find the first volume here Packet Racket).

Triumphant Travelers: What do you get when you combine Open Travelers with Triumph? You get Triumphant Travels. This one is impromptu. ...

★★★★ $15
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David Devlin
Nobunaga Rising by David Devlin

Many performers like to end their Ambitious Card routine by making the card vanish from the deck and cause it to reappear in some impossible location such as their wallet or the card box. The problem with that is that the effect of the Ambitious Card is that the selected card continuously rises to the top of the deck. Once the card vanishes from the deck, it is no longer the Ambitious Card. It is a vanished card. When it is produced from the wallet or wherever it becomes a reappearing card.

Nobunaga Rising is a perfect ending to the Ambitious Card because it seems just as impossible as the...

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David Devlin
Out Numbered by David Devlin

Three boxed decks of cards are displayed to three spectators. It is explained that in the first two decks, two specific cards have been placed in two psychologically strategic spots. In the third deck, is proof that the psychological experiment is successful. This third deck is kept by the performer, but is always in full view.

The two spectators take their decks out of the boxes, and use business cards to randomly arrive at two different playing cards. The two cards from the first spectator’s deck are used to create a card. Let’s say that the two cards are the Two of Diamonds and the...

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David Devlin
Flipper by David Devlin

Here is the effect: a spectator has a packet of 5 cards. For argument's sake, let's assume the five cards used are simply numbered 1-5 (the actual make up of the cards is up to your imagination). The spectator goes through a procedure in which cards are turned face up, face down, left as they are, the packet is cut, some-times the spectator decides whether the cards are turned over or not, sometimes the performer decides. But in the end, no matter who made the decisions, or which decisions were made, only the center card is face up and it is the 4. Not only that, but no matter what decisions...

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