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Cards in Magic & Conjuring: page 67


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves ACAAN Stacks Marked Rising & Levitating Gaffed Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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Ian Baxter
Simplicity Aces Comeback by Ian Baxter

A new approach to the Stewart James classic Simplicity Four Ace Trick.

First appearing in print in Ralph W. Hull's book More Eye Openers, Jean Hugard wasted no time in grabbing it for Encyclopedia Of Card Tricks; it also ended up in John Northern Hilliard's mammoth book Greater Magic, along with a number of other texts as well.

The straightforward plot involves the four Aces of the pack assembling in one heap, following a careful separation from other cards. Economy of movement is top of the list here, buoyed by an absence of sleights and very easy moves. Within reach of any card handler, beginner or expert.

And now, years down the track, Ian Baxter offers this...

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Liam Montier
#Boom! by Liam Montier

A collection of ten astonishing tricks, all done with a regular deck and basic card magic knowledge. Everything is nicely photo illustrated.

Hi-Jack! - A goofy prediction turns into a deadly one-two punch of visual changes.

Peach! - Check out this brand new take on the classic 'Princess Card Trick', that ends with you revealing the actual thought of card, and then changing all the others to Aces.

Chip-Shot! - A reworked multi-phase Daley's Last Transposition routine, routined as a 'follow the leader' and wrapped up in a gambling presentation, featuring a top-secret handling for the...

★★★★★ $12
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Jon Racherbaumer
Virtual Visitations by Jon Racherbaumer

Diving into double-back transits.

  • Jennings' Visitor: The spectator selects a card and the performer places it between two black Queens. The card becomes restless and upon command leaves the black Queens and is found face-up between two red Queens. Upon command, once again the card jumps from the red Queens back between the black Queens. The selected card may be initialed.
  • The Visitor Sans Deck / Dave Solomon: Four Kings and four Jacks are removed from the deck. The Kings and Jacks are separated into two fours of a kind and are placed as two packets on the table. A spot card is selected from the...
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Jon Racherbaumer
Dreamwork 2 by Jon Racherbaumer

This short compilation follows on the heels of another compilation titled Dreamwork. Both relate to Bob Hummer's "The Midreader's Dream." Bob Hummer introduced to the magic world many interesting principles and effects. One of the first to make a splash was introduced in 1952. The dreamy dealer ad seemed too good to be true: A spectator merely thinks of a card and then performs a few, unseen dealing procedures with a deck of cards. The magician, whose back was turned throughout these actions, turns and faces the spectator. He takes the deck, briefly scans the cards, and consults a "dream book." He then names...

★★★★★ $16
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Liam Montier
Pandora by Liam Montier

A collection of magic tricks using your card case.

This booklet has it all - from visual routines to the purely baffling, with detailed instructions on how to make the gimmicks required for the 8 killer ideas that you will be performing in no time.

Visually change a mini card that is stapled to your card case. Heal burn marks on signed cards and the box. Make your spectators visually see the deck expand, so much so it won't fit back in the box. Expose a 'secret slit' in your card box, before it magically seals up when a spectator tries it.

These routines are just a sample of the effects...

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Liam Montier
The Boof by Liam Montier

"The Boof is the goods. The most fun and interesting card tricks I've seen in a long time. Nicely done." - John Bannon

"Ridiculously awesome material!" - Cameron Francis

"The Boof! contains solid, practical card work that is the Montier hallmark. Liam has a gift for stripping down handlings without losing impact. There is truly something for everyone in this latest collection. Boof boof bang bang!!!" - John Carey

The Boof collects together over a dozen of Liam Montier's strongest card tricks and routines to date. If you haven't experienced Liam's card magic before, then you are in for a real treat. This is efficient,...

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Red Nist
Out of the Fuck by Red Nist

"Red Nist is a formidable cartomagic strategist. In his routines, every move is justified. And the magical principles involved are baffling. Who's going to find them?" - Jean-Pierre Hornecker

The spectator takes the deck, chooses a card and loses it himself in the pack. He shuffles the deck to lose the card. Up to this point, you haven't touched the cards. You then take the deck and distribute the entire pack into two piles. Without any manipulation, the cards can be turned over immediately: all the reds have been separated from the blacks, except for one - the spectator's card!


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Liam Montier
Brainz by Liam Montier

Brainz is a fantastic compilation of the 24 tricks from the 2019 Kaymar Magic Advent, all gathered in one collection and now illustrated with over 50 brand-new photos to make learning the routines a breeze. You will find anything from self-working to more challenging routines with playing cards, and even some non-card tricks.

You will learn…

Highest Bidder - A backfire ending for the classic Biddle Trick that nobody will see coming.

Steele Yourself - One of the easiest four-of-a-kind productions from a shuffled deck you can imagine.

Linda's Sign - A 'Stunnin' zodiac revelation...

★★★★★ $25
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Unnamed Magician
An Unfathomable Premonition by Unnamed Magician


A prediction deck is removed from its box by the magician. The magician spreads out the faces of the cards towards two spectators as he tells them "I've isolated one card in this deck as my prediction. I won't tell you what it is just yet. I am going to try to signal it to your subconscious for now. Look carefully." After this, he places this deck face down in front of the two spectators and tells them he will return to the prediction at the end. The magician also promises never to touch that deck again.

Now the first spectator is given another deck and the second spectator...

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Ian Baxter
Princess on the Move by Ian Baxter

Who among us has not heard of, seen, or performed The Princess Card Trick? For the record, it was conceived by Henry Hardin and was first made available way back in 1903. Mahatma magazine carried advertising for it and in the decades that followed, countless 'improvements' ended up in print.

It seems that not too many of these ideas were ever celebrated by the magical fraternity, and no wonder - with crazy fakes and gimmicks being introduced that almost drowned its popularity.

Fortunately, the original idea has remained unchanged which is why today, it is still regarded as a classic of card...

★★★★ $8
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Aldo Colombini
Grasshopper Cards by Aldo Colombini

You place the Ace, Two, Three and Four of Clubs on the table in a square formation as is typically done with matrix-type effects. You cover two cards with two jumbo cards. One by one all the cards assemble under one jumbo card.

You try to repeat the 'assembly' without the jumbo cards but the regular cards do not move. You turn over three cards and they are seen to be all blank. The other card is the 10 of Clubs, the sum of all the cards!

[Note: Aldo originally included the three necessary blank cards and the two jumbo cards. This download does not include these cards. You will have to supply them yourself.]

1st edition 2010, video 7:47...

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Raphaël Czaja
CAN 21 by Raphaël Czaja

The magician spreads a shuffled deck in front of two spectators. Spectator 1 selects one card and remembers it. Spectator 2 does the same. Both of them thoroughly shuffle the deck and cut it in two halves. The magician loses one card in each pile and gathers the deck. While the spectators cut the deck multiple times, the magician writes a prediction and tables it face down, in full view. For the first selection, the magician says he was inspired by the 21-Card Trick. He deals the cards in three piles and asks Spectator 1 to give him the pile where his card lies. The magician removes one card...

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Edward Marlo & Wesley James
MINT 1969 - 1972 Annotated by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

After releasing M.I.N.T III through VI, and Annotated M.I.N.T 1963, 64, 65, 66, 67, and 68, the articles of this volume depart. It includes the years 1969-1972 - there were no articles in 1971. As Wesley moves toward completing the full run of Marlo In New Tops material, plus his extensive annotations, observations and Bonus material, he wanted to be fair to Marlo fans, and to his readers. This is the first installment in the Annotated M.I.N.T series that includes a four year span of articles. These seven major articles provide multiple innovative and ground-breaking sleights, plots, and subtleties...

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Abhinav Bothra
Hunt Down by Abhinav Bothra

A card is selected and signed by the audience and is lost back in the deck. A coin is signed by the audience and placed on top of the deck. With a wave of your hand and the coin vanishes from the top and appears above their signed card in the middle of the deck.

1st edition 2023, video 4:49, PDF 1 page.

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John Carey
The Cross Cut Code by John Carey

Routines with the classic cross cut force.

The Cross Cut Code is devoted entirely to the classic cross cut force, with some deadly variations and packed out with some great routines which showcase them. Seven of the routines are unpublished items from John Carey and some superb material from his great friends Cameron Francis, Mike Breggar, Michael Kaminskas, Harrison Trusler, Sean Devine, Jon Racherbaumer and John Gordon.

  • You and Me!
  • Casino Cross Cut
  • Dribble CCF!
  • Carey varies Bannon
  • Cross Cut Do As I Do
  • Subtle CCF
  • Aces A Plenty
  • Crossed Biddle
  • For Bannon!
  • Face- up Fake- out X- force
  • Cross-Cut Nuance
  • Let...
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John Scarne
Power of Thought by John Scarne

Over the years, many have (incorrectly) assumed that the "Power of Thought" effect that Scarne enjoyed performing uses the same method as the version described in the Scarne On Card Tricks book. This is not the case, as you'll be pleased to discover if you buy this ebook. This is the version Scarne himself used and (unlike the version in the mass market book), this method doesn't rely on swapping cards in your pocket. Indeed, you need not wear a jacket at all; you can perform this effect in your swim trunks if you're so inclined.

This method was originally offered by Scarne to magicians in a 1950 pre-publication...

★★★★ $5
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Stewart James
First Call to Cards by Stewart James

Here are twelve remarkable card tricks invented and performed by Stewart James in Canada, England and the U.S. So many magicians asked to learn these tricks that Stewart decided to reveal them for the first time in this book. Most all of his card magic is done without difficult sleights or trick cards, using subtlety instead.


MIKE AND IKE: — The famous look-alike detectives capture a gang of criminals and identify their leader. A spectator (witness) doesn't tell how the sleuths are disguised until the case is closed.

SEVEN WONDERS — No preparation is necessary to illustrate...

★★★★★ $10
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Renzo Grosso
Cherokee's Red Moon by Renzo Grosso

This is a close-up effect, with a history that greatly enriches the simplicity of this effect. I have a dear friend, who I knew a long time ago in Tulsa, Oklahoma: he was a park keeper; he told me about an old custom, told to him by his grandparents, to whom their grandparents had told it, and then their grandparents ... Cherokee Indians.

And the story I want to tell and create with you, is an ancient propitiatory ritual, the "Ritual of the Red Moon", in which the tribal chief, the sorcerer, and all the villagers took part. Every year, at the beginning of summer, at the time which, for...

★★★★★ $12
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Ken de Courcy
The Astro Card File by Ken de Courcy

Effects with the Zodiac deck. (Deck not included with this PDF.)

Excerpt from the introduction:

Whilst this beautifully produced pack can be used for card games, as suggested in the small folder that comes with the deck, its main strength to a magician lies in the way that ordinary card tricks can be given an astrological slant and thus personalized. To the mentalist, of course, the pack represents one of the finest adjuncts to have come out for many years. Whilst a spectator may not be able to associate herself with the Queen of Hearts, she can certainly relate to her own birth sign....

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Edward Marlo & Wesley James
MINT 1968 Annotated by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

The Annotated MINT series continues. Thanks to Ed Marlo and Wesley James, MINT III, IV, V, VI, and Annotated MINT 1963 through 1967 are already available. The release of this volume, Annotated MINT 1968, takes yet another step toward the availability of the entire run of Marlo In New Tops material with Wesley's extensive annotations, and his Supplemental and Bonus additions. The material that fills this volume is both unique and exceptional. The volume includes 10 Marlo articles. It also includes 12 of Wesley's effects/routines, plus numerous added touches, and extensive Notes, as well as corrections...

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Ian Baxter
Two-Speed World by Ian Baxter

An approach to the Paul Curry classic "Out of this World".

Out Of This World, Paul Curry's timeless classic, gets a fresh look in this new manuscript from Australian card man Ian Baxter.

Years after its release, the trick retains its enduring popularity. No sleight of hand, an absence of moves demanding any form of dexterity, with attention to presentation steering the success of this baffling mystery every time. OOTW is a timeless gem. The August 1947 issue of Hugard's Magic Monthly, in a poll conducted at the time by Fred Braue, confirmed to the magic world then that this ingenious card mystery be given the mantle of the most...

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Scott Baird
The Twelve Card Problem by Scott Baird

After explaining his effect 3H in his ebook More Plots and Methods (2021, p.25), Michal Kociołek writes:

Here's a little dare. I invite you, the reader, to solve this little card "problem": Perform this trick, but just with twelve cards. Once you have a method, please reach out to me as I'm very curious about your approach (unless you're reading this in 2077, then I'm definitely dead so don't bother).

This ebook contains my solutions to his challenge. The routines range from impromptu to stacked, though the majority of the effects can be done with a borrowed deck of cards and no preparation. Those...

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Joseph B.
Resistance by Joseph B.

In this PDF of about 60 pages plus performance videos and some explanatory videos, you will find numerous effects and ideas that come from the creativity of Joseph B. All effects are simple to do and semi-automatic.

  • Who is Joseph
  • Foreword
  • Glass Predictions
  • Sayonara
  • Drama
  • Insomnia
  • Impromptu Acaan
  • Bite the bullet
  • French Prediction
  • Opening Aces
  • A gift from Laura
  • Paradox Location
  • The Joker Know
  • Fooling on the phone

1st edition 2023, PDF 67 pages.

★★★★★ $20
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D. Angelo Ferri
Helicopter Card by D. Angelo Ferri

The Helicopter Card was one of Slydini's feature routines and is one of the most fascinating card routines of all time. A freely selected card mysteriously travels from the fan to the table, even though the spectator can check the cards on the table without finding his until the card invisibly flies like a helicopter to the table.

Dennis Barlotta, aka D. Angelo Ferri, studied for 8 years under Slydini. After several years of apprenticeship, Slydini was willing to teach Dennis this wonderful routine. Dennis will not only explain the mechanics and sleights but also the psychology, choreographed...

★★★★★ $20
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