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Mentalism De Luxe
by Stanton Carlisle


(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Mentalism De Luxe by Stanton Carlisle

Eight strong and wonderful mentalism routines.

"Key Caper" for example is a completely ungimmicked version of Annemann's "Seven Keys To Baldpate". The method is simple and easy, a piece of beautiful clever mentalism.

"Music in the Air" makes use of a cigarette lighter that plays a tune when lighted. I have never seen such lighters. They are probably out of fashion these days. However, the effect could very easily be modernized and used together with a ring-tone on a cellphone. The effect is the following. You show a packet of cards, each one has a different song title printed on it. Your spectator selects one of these cards and your lighter will play that song. With the cellphone you can have your spectator call your phone and she will hear the ring-tone which matches her choice. This might also be a sneaky way to get her phone number.

original 36 pages; PDF 39 pages.

  1. Contents
  2. ESP-Ecially In Colour
  3. The Key Caper
  4. Psychometric Divination
  5. And Through The Door
  6. Sealed Mysteries
  7. The Choice Is Yours
  8. Music In The Air
  9. Russian Roulette

word count: 11653 which is equivalent to 46 standard pages of text