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Aldo Colombini products: page 8

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Aldo Colombini
Life Saver Lines by Aldo Colombini

An entertaining, fun-filled ebook written for anyone who wants to be a comedian! It contains:

The fifth book of the new amazing encyclopedia of humor!

1st edition 2009; 23 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Let's Go by Aldo Colombini

New incredible packet tricks, easy to do and with a strong impact. Special guest appearance by Cameron Francis.

  • CATO DEAL (Aldo Colombini): Cards are mixed face down and face up and at the end the selected card is the only reversed card in the middle of the packet!
  • A BRAINSTORM IN GLASGOW (Peter Duffie): Two Jacks reveal a freely selected card. This is stunning!
  • THANKS TO GOODLIFFE (Paul Gordon): Two cards are revealed at the end of an elimination process!
  • WRONG AGAIN (Roy Walton): A unique 'Follow The Leader' routine with four packets!
  • FAMILY REUNION (Aldo Colombini): A stunning routine using the twelve face cards! ...
★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Le Strane Coppie by Aldo Colombini

Un'incredibile serie di effetti con nove coppie di carte (con disegni di animali). Tre effetti che puoi concatenare insieme in una lunga, incredibile, magica sequenza. Inoltre un effetto sorprendente eseguito durante il tour di conferenze del 2007 da Aldo Colombini e Rachel Wild.

Gli effetti sono:

  • Parallelo
  • Paradiso
  • Palazzo di Vetro
  • Sorpresa
Completo di carte e spiegazioni dettagliate, facile da fare.

1a edizione 2001, PDF 7 pagine.

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Le Cavallette by Aldo Colombini

Il classico gioco delle quattro monete che si riuniscono sotto ad una carta, è qui presentato con CARTE DA GIOCO che si ritrovano sotto ad una carta gigante. Le manipolazioni sono relativamente semplici, dovrebbero gia appartenere al repertorio di ogni mago. In un programma di micro-magia, questo potrebbe essere il solo gioco di carte da presentare.

Effetto: l'A, il 2, il 3 e il 4 di Quadri sono posti sul tappeto, a quadrato, le carte sono coperte da due carte giganti. Una dopo l'altra le quattro carte si riuniscono sotto ad una carta -gigante. L'artista presenta lo stesso effetto usando...

★★★★ $5
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Aldo Colombini
Laughing Out Loud by Aldo Colombini

Here’s the third volume of my comedy series that started with Make’ em Laugh and continued with Funny Stuff. Laughing Out Loud has over 500 one liners! I’m sure you will use these jokes either in your acts or simply among friends in informal situations and gatherings. No matter what, MAKE’ EM LAUGH using this FUNNY STUFF and you’ll leave them LAUGHING OUT LOUD!

1st edition 2009; 15 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
La Macchina Della Verita by Aldo Colombini

16 routines sul tema del lie detector

In questo libro troverai effetti su un solo tema, quello classico del Lie Detector (o Macchina della Verità). In parole povere tutti i giochi sono basati sul fatto che a domande del prestigiatore lo spettatore può rispondere con il vero o il falso e nonostante questo, l'esecutore (tu) riesce sempre e comunque a trovare la carta scelta.

Eccol l'elenco delle routines:

BUGIARDO: Una carta viene scelta e ritrovata anche se lo spettatore tenta di depistare il mago con affermazioni che non sempre possono essere vendere!

BUGIE BIANCHE: Una carta...

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Aldo Colombini
La Banda El Buco by Aldo Colombini

I fori sulle carte che si spostano…veramente! In questo manoscritto trovi tutto il segreto per eseguire questo fantastico trucco che lascerà il tuo pubblico a bocca aperta !


Una carta scelta viene firmata. Sulla stessa carta vengono fatti quattro piccoli fori nei rispettivi angoli. Ora leggi attentamente:

Uno dopo l’altro i fori si spostano per riunirsi in un unico angolo. I fori si spostano effettivamente e ogni volta il pubblico vede la carta VERAMENTE forata.

Infine, la carta con i quattro fori in un angolo viene mostrata ed è proprio quella scelta e firmata!...

★★★★ $7
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Aldo Colombini
Knock-Outs by Aldo Colombini

Ten new packet tricks with regular cards and totally impromptu.


  • THE FIRST HOTEL MYSTERY (Nick Trost): Two Queens are placed side by side and four Kings are added to each Queen to form two three-card packets. At the end, the Queens and the Kings are found in separate piles.
  • ALTERNATING CURRENT (Norman Houghton): Four cards are placed face down and four face-up cards are placed on top. The cards magically alternate: Face up and face down.
  • DAZZLER MARK ONE MILLION (Paul Gordon): Some cards are shuffled face up and face down and six cards are remembered by the spectators. These cards...
★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Kings Royale by Aldo Colombini

An effect by Nick Trost. One of the most incredible routines with two (regular) decks of cards. A spectator selects four cards from a red-backed deck, without looking at their faces. These four cards are inserted into the middle of the blue-backed deck. Now you remove four blue cards, show them to be indifferent and insert them into the red deck. The spectator’s four red-backed cards are turned over, and they are all Kings. Your four blue-backed cards are turned over to show they have changed into the four Kings! A double climax! Two regular decks are used (not supplied) and you end clean with two complete...

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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini & Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson
Killer Koncepts (French) by Aldo Colombini & Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson

Une encyKlopédie Kollaborative Koncise Koncernant Des Kréations Kommerciales sur le Killer Kount pour Kartomanes en Klose-up Kontemporains. Plus de 30 routines de Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini et Robin Robertson, utilisant le comptage Killer Count de Steve Beam. Le tour des Quatre As, des voyages de cartes, du mentalisme, des révélations, des effets d'épellation, des routines axées comédie, un tour fantastique avec un agenda et bien plus encore.

[Traduction et adaptation en langue française par Patrice Bernard.]

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini & Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson
Killer Koncepts by Aldo Colombini & Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson

A Koncise Kollaborative Kompendium of Kommercial Killer Kount Kreations for Kontemporary Klose-up Kard Konjurors. Over 30 routines using Steve Beam’s Killer Count by Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini and Robin Robertson. Four Ace tricks, cards across, mentalism, discoveries, spelling effects, comedy routines, a fantastic diary trick and much more.

1st edition 2009; 26 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Ken Brooke's Okito Box Routine by Aldo Colombini

This is probably the best routine ever created for the Okito Box. In the hands of the legendary Ken Brooke, this routine was a masterpiece. You will study the Master Move, the best way to secretly turn over the box. Once mastered, you will be introduced to a four-phase entertaining routine with simple props.

The effect, briefly is: A coin is in the box which is placed on top of a cardbox. The coin penetrates the cardbox. The effect is repeated. Then the coin disappears and reappears inside the box. Finally, the coin penetrates the hand of the performer! If wanted, everything can be examined. Detailed...

★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Keep'em Laughing by Aldo Colombini

The success of my previous comedy books ‘almost’ forced me to collect another incredible bunch of one liners and other funny material. The best compliment I had regarding these publications came from Ed Eckl (co-publisher of Precursor magazine), who said, “In the 60’s we had Robert Orben providing comedy material, now we have Aldo Colombini.”

Robert Orben was and still is my ‘hero’ and my mentor even though we have never met; so the words assume an even greater meaning to me. Here’s the content: HILARIOUS ONE LINERS, IRONIC AND FUNNY GRAFFITI, SMART HECKLERS REMARKS, and...

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Karl Fulves' The Chronicles by Aldo Colombini

Karl Fulves' legendary magazine The Chronicles was limited to 36 issues, from 1978 to 1988, during those ten years some of the finest close-up magic of the period was explained in its pages. From the magazines, with permission from Karl, Aldo has selected ten routines; just a small portion of that outstanding collection.


  • COIN ENTRAPPED (Mike Skinner): Two coins are on a card box. One is selected by a spectator and penetrates the cellophane.
  • ROYAL BACKS (Jeff Busby): Five cards with backs on both sides change into a Royal Flush in Spades.
  • THE SPECTRUM EFFECT (Fr. Cyprian): You select two cards, the spectator...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Karl Fulves' Epilogue by Aldo Colombini

Karl Fulves' legendary magazine Epilogue was limited to 24 issues, from 1967 to 1975, during those years some of the finest close-up magic of the period was explained in its pages. From the magazines, with permission by Karl, Aldo has selected ten packet trick routines.


  • DEVIL'S ELEVATOR (Bruce Cervon & Dai Vernon): One of the finest routine for this classic theme. One of my all-time favorites (and soon to be one of yours).
  • TRANSPOSE & FOLLOW (Gerald Kosky): Two effects combined in a beautiful routine using the Aces and the Kings.
  • ALA ELMSLEY (Larry Jennings): The Larry's version of the famous "Four-card trick" by Alex Elmsley. ...
★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Italian Serenade by Aldo Colombini

This is a reputation maker routine. It uses a regular deck of cards and it is totally impromptu. You show the four Kings and four black cards. The Kings are placed one by one among the black cards. They disappear and reappear in one packet. Then the Kings are paired up with the four black cards. The Kings disappear and you are left with eight black cards. Finally, you produce the Kings one by one using different stunning methods. Over a dozen effects!

★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Insults and Comebacks by Aldo Colombini

Yes, it’s here! Aldo's new comedy ebook is finally available. It contains hundreds of insults and comebacks for hecklers and every possible situation that may arise during a show. All one-liners are different from the previous books in this (now) famous comedy series. For magicians, comedians, you name it!

1st edition 2007; 13 pages.

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Aldo Colombini
Incredibili Illusioni Improvvisate by Aldo Colombini

Se quando ti chiedono di fare un gioco sei in difficoltà....

Se ti chiedono di eseguire qualcosa all'improvviso con un mazzo di carte preso a prestito....

Se ti sei annoiato di eseguire continui "setup" prima di eseguire un gioco....

Se vuoi eseguire oltre 30 giochi di grande impatto creati dalle più fertili menti cartomagiche mondiali...

allora "Incredibili Illusioni Improvvisate" è INDISPENSABILE per te !

Trentacinque giochi con le carte da eseguire in qualunque momento, anche con carte prese a prestito , senza preavviso e senza preparazione

35 Giochi dalle fertili menti...

★★★★ $15
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Aldo Colombini
In Bocca Al Lupo by Aldo Colombini

Un completo e INDISPENSABILE trattato sull'arte della scena !

In questo bellissimo libro, Aldo Colombini condivide con noi i segreti del suo successo. Il libro tratta di arte della scena e affronta aspetti fondamentali della psicologia e della presentazione che lo rendono utilissimo a coloro che vogliono migliorare il loro modi di presentare un gioco in pubblico o un intero spettacolo .

Non occorrono molte parole . Se conoscete Colombini apprezzerete senz'altro questo prezioso libro. Se non lo conoscete...capirete il perchè del suo successo leggendo questo libro.

Ecco alcuni argomenti...

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Impromptu Journey by Aldo Colombini

Ten amazing card routines totally impromptu and using just a regular deck of cards.

  • TWO FOR ONE (Aldo Colombini): A stunning prediction and yet so easy to do!
  • OUT OF THIS SMALL WORLD (Tom Daugherty): An impromptu version of the famous trick with just twenty-six cards but several climaxes!
  • IMPULSE (Herb Runge): Two cards find the two mates on the impulses of the spectator!
  • TAURUS (Aldo Colombini): Two Kings find a freely selected card where it was not supposed to be! Very strong effect.
  • THE QUICK CHANGE SISTERS (Ryan Matney): Actually two routines using just the four Queens and a...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Impromptu Gambling Routines by Aldo Colombini

This is a unique download DVD assembling an incredible collection of routines on gambling and poker demonstrations, using just a regular deck of cards and virtually no set-up.

  • AMNESIA ACES (Karl Fulves): An amusing routine involving an absent-minded gambler where, at the end, he deals himself the four Aces apparently forgotten… somewhere else.
  • CHEATING JACKS (Aldo Colombini): The four Jacks are dealt between you and a spectator and you always get the four Jacks and at the end you get the four Aces.
  • STRATHJACK (Roy Walton): Three in-complete pairs for a Black Jack deal give just eleven. The spectator...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Impromptu Card Magic by Aldo Colombini

90 amazing card tricks by some of the most recognized magicians (including three past FISM winners), with stringent conditions: no set-ups and no sleights. organized into the following sections:

  • Selected Cards
  • Aces and Gambling
  • Mental Discoveries
  • Spelling Effects
  • Amazing Coincidences
  • Lie Detectors
The routines use subtle moves and principles rather than difficult sleight of hand to produce entertaining card effects that anyone can do. And more important, no gimmicks, and no set-ups whatsoever. Grab an ordinary, even borrowed, deck of cards and amaze your spectators with incredible...
★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Impact by Aldo Colombini

Cards, coins, ropes, and rings.

From Lothar Malmberg's introduction:

Between the covers of this book, you will find effects which are both quick and fun to perform, as well as items which play longer and are more involved. I think that you will especially enjoy the effects using ropes because Aldo introduces some clever new twists, which, if put together with your own Cut and Restored or Professor's Nightmare routines, will make a winning combination!

  • Introduction
  • Turn Over Revelation: Two selected cards are revealed in a spectacular way!
  • Boom-Boomer!
  • Twice Cato: Two cards are...
★★★★★ $29.50
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Aldo Colombini
Illusioni ... con un mazzo di carte by Aldo Colombini

15 splendide routines cartomagiche di sicuro impatto sul tuo pubblico ! Ti basta un semplice mazzo di carte per entrare subito nel mondo dell'illusione Aldo stesso scrive "I giochi descritti in queste pagine sono tutti abbastanza facili e di sicuro impatto sul pubblico. Nessun gioco è stato inserito tanto per riempire una pagina e posso dire con assoluta franchezza che ritengo di offrirti una raccolta di giochi cartomagici che potrai usare nei tuoi spettacoli, siano essi di close-up o da ... salotto. " Eccoti un elenco parziale delle routines che trovi nell'ebook

Non ci credo ! Ecco cosa...

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