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Aldo Colombini

Aldo Colombini

#1 in Italian (italiano) author
#1 DVD (download+stream) author
#2 Magic & Conjuring author

(19th March 1951 - 12th February 2014)

Aldo Colombini moved to the United States from Italy in 1993. He has performed in over 45 countries. He is a F.I.S.M. prizewinner. He performed often on Italian television (RAI 1) and has also appeared on television shows in Portugal, Spain, Japan, Colombia and Sweden.

Aldo has performed often at Caesar’s Magical Empire in Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas and continues to appear several times a year at the famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, California where he is one of few magicians who are able to perform in all four showrooms. Aldo was voted by the Academy of Magical Arts, Hollywood, California: twice Parlor magician of the year. In the history of the Magic Castle is the only magician to be nominated in all five categories: Comedy, Stage, Close-up, Parlor and Lecturer. He appeared on “Masters of Illusion,” a series of weekly magic specials airing on PAX-TV. He speaks Italian, English, Spanish and French and can perform in all four languages allowing him to dazzle audiences from diverse backgrounds.

Aldo has written and published several books on magic and created many magical effects used by magicians all over the world. He also lectures on magic worldwide and was nominated by the Academy of Magical Arts twice Lecturer of the Year.

Coauthors: Lewis Ganson, Rachel Colombini, Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson, Cameron Francis, Werner Miller

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Aldo Colombini
Your Host For Tonight by Aldo Colombini

Finally, the long awaited ebook on how to MC is here! This is the professional MC’s handbook that teaches you how to be the perfect host for your show. It includes tips, funny bits of business and invaluable information. 30 years of experience all over the world condensed in dozens of pages full of advice. The importance of rehearsal, how to perfectly introduce the acts, know the acts, handle the end of the acts, how to manage... stage managers, sound and lights, don’t get trapped in the curtain, openings, stage standing ovations, intermissions, closing, curtain calls, life-saver lines,...

★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Yikes! by Aldo Colombini

A stunning version of the 'wild card' theme.

An effect by Peter Duffie. Performed and explained by Aldo Colombini. A tremendous novelty and a big hit for your close-up act. A spectator cuts the deck and deals off four random cards. You now show a packet of seven cards - six of the cards have blank faces, the seventh is blank on both sides. The latter card is the special "image copier." The six blank-facers are laid out in pairs on the table. One by one, the image copier causes a selection to appear on each of the blank pairs. But that's only three of the selections - what about the fourth? In a dramatic...

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Aldo Colombini
Without Safety Net by Aldo Colombini

This is a lovely self-working small packet trick Aldo Colombini created from a trick published by Richard Vollmer.


You show the spectator two face-up packs with four cards each, and a prediction - in the form of a face-down card - is placed on the table. The cards are the same in each pile, but their order is different. From a regular deck of cards, the spectator selects three cards. The values of these cards determine how many cards have to be moved from the top to the bottom in either of the piles. The spectator is even allowed to split the work between the piles. Say 5 cards...

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Aldo Colombini
What's Up Deck? by Aldo Colombini

A notebook on card magic with more than 50 routines including wide range of different themes. All moves are being taught. A self-contained work with practical, effective and easy-to-do card magic.

"He has that brilliant mind that enables him to invent tricks which are easy to do and entertaining at the same time." - Obie O'Brien

"This new book will, I think, be welcome by all sleight-of-hand artists. Aldo has set out to describe several major improvements, and the items he has included in this book have been chosen from his collection of material that is the outcome of a wide experience...

★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Vortex: an incredible routine using two regular decks of cards by Aldo Colombini

A small ebook but what exciting contents! The routine uses just two regular decks of cards. Lewis Ganson on the pages of Magigram wrote,

"This is a really super 'Do as I do' routine. The routine starts in the classic way and then enlarges on the theme; the spectator and performer continuing to match cards from their respective decks until a whole series of apparent coincidences have occurred. The final display of matched cards is both amazing and spectacular."

The effect: A spectator freely selects a card from, say, a red-backed deck and the performer removes a card from a blue-backed deck. When turned...

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Aldo Colombini
Vortex (French) by Aldo Colombini

Un petit ebook mais au contenu tellement tellement excitant ! La routine utilise seulement deux jeux de cartes ordinaires. Lewis Ganson a écrit dans les pages de Magigram,

« C'est réellement une formidable routine du genre « Faites Comme Moi ». La routine commence de manière classique, puis développe le thème, le spectateur et magicien continuant à faire correspondre des cartes à partir de leur jeu respectif jusqu'à ce que toute une série de coïncidences évidentes ne soit intervenue. L'étalage final des cartes assorties est à la fois incroyable et spectaculaire ».


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Aldo Colombini
Varietà by Aldo Colombini

In Italia, dal 1987 ad Ottobre 1990, Aldo Colombini, che allora era conosciuto col nome d'arte di Fabian, curò personalmente , insieme al Mago Elliott, una Rivista di Magia e Cabaret che, insieme con Elliott, decisero di chiamare Varietà.

Purtroppo non ebbe allora il successo sperato e dopo soli due anni dovette chiudere per insufficienza di abbonati, trattandosi di una rivista indipendente e pubblicata al di fuori dei Circoli Magici.

Ma il materiale incluso nei rarissimi numeri che siamo riusciti a rintracciare e raccogliere è di assoluto pregio, e presentava, tra gli altri, per...

★★★★★ $29.50
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Aldo Colombini
Va Pensiero by Aldo Colombini

Una stupefacente routine di tre effetti concatenati con carte tagliate a metà


Un mazzo di carte tagliate in due è mescolato e distribuito in due porzioni. Una di queste è scelta da uno spettatore che la taglia e la lascia a parte. Dall'altro mazzo uno spettatore tocca una carta qualsiasi che viene lasciata a faccia in alto nella posizione originale tra le altre. I due mazzetti sono distribuiti prendendo nello stesso tempo le rispettive carte in cima distribuendole fino alla fine contemporaneamente. La carta che corrisponde alla rovesciata nell'altro mazzetto è lasciata...

★★★★ $5
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Aldo Colombini
Una Serie die Comiche Previsioni by Aldo Colombini

Una serie di esilaranti previsioni con una sorpresa finale!

Effetto : Il performer vanta le sue doti di "Lettura del pensiero..." e dice che ne darà una serie di dimostrazioni...Detto fatto, l'esecutore mostra una busta che contiene, lui dice..., una serie di previsioni. Inizia, così, una divertentissima serie di rocambolesche previsioni, tutte su un unico foglio che estrae dalla busta e che va mano a mano dispiegando, in cui dimostra di aver "previsto (?) " prima una parola di un dizionario e poi in un crescendo di difficoltà ( e risate) un animale , il nome dell' attore preferito, il...

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Aldo Colombini
Un Taglio Profondo by Aldo Colombini

Una collezione di effetti incredibili da improvvisare con solo un normale mazzo di carte

Prima edizione italiana

Eccoti un'altra meravigliosa opera del grande ALDO, questa volta con la collaborazione di grandi nomi della “magia” internazionale. Ti basta un normale mazzo di carte per eseguire le ben 25 meraviglie che sono contenute in questo lavoro. Penso che ti bastino i nomi degli amici di Aldo che hanno fornito le routines presenti in questo libro per renderti conto a cosa ti trovi di fronte :

John Bragoli, Stephen Clark, Aldo Colombini, Tom Daugherty, Ken de Courcy, Paul Gordon,...

★★★★★ $9.90
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Aldo Colombini
Un Corte Sobre los Demás (A Cut Above the Rest) by Aldo Colombini

Continuamos ofreciendo en español, la fantástica saga de rutinas cartomágicas de Aldo Colombini.

Nuevas rutinas, totalmente impromptu, usando un mazo normal de cartas y muy fáciles de hacer... pero a la vez, como siempre, muy mágicas e impactantes.

Me doy cuenta de que si te las arreglas para organizar tu "tiempo" acabaras teniendo un MONTÓN de tiempo. Y es en este montón tiempo que no se sabe se tiene, en el que se pueden hacer muchísimas cosas que de otro modo no se harían porque se piensa que se tiene suficiente tiempo para hacer aquellas cosas que requieren tiempo.


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Aldo Colombini
Un Corte Más Profundo (A Cut Deeper) by Aldo Colombini

Una recopilación llevada a cabo por Aldo Colombini, que reune 25 buenos efectos para hacer de forma impromtu y con una baraja normal.

"Una vez más, he reunido trucos y rutinas totalmente IMPROMTU y con una baraja normal. Estoy encantado de la respuesta que han tenido todos mis libros anteriores sobre el tema y seguiré reuniendo efectos hasta... que mis dedos sangren de tanto escribir (los dos índices), o mis amigos se cansen de enviarme trucos para publicar. Pero tranquilos, porque tengo unos amigos muy generosos y seguirán apoyándome continuamente en mi búsqueda. Así que, uníos...

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Aldo Colombini
Un Comico Taglio by Aldo Colombini

Eccola qui! Proprio quella che ti serve! Si tratta di una originale versione comica del classico gioco della corda tagliata e ricomposta, completa con tutte le battute comiche passaggio per passaggio per eseguirla divertendo il tuo pubblico,. L'effetto è che l'esecutore spiega ( manco a dirlo...) al pubblico il gioco della corda tagliata e ricomposta in maniera divertente con un finale inaspettato e comico!!! Un introvabile e agile volumetto del nostro caro Aldo, scritto quando si faceva chiamare ancora Fabian . Un "must" per i collezionisti, un eccellente effetto per chi lavora con un pubblico...

★★★★★ $3
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Aldo Colombini
UK Lecture Notes 2002 by Aldo Colombini

Excerpt from the introduction:

In this set of notes you will find several tricks and routines that have served me well during the last few years as a stand-up performer. In fact, almost all the tricks explained here can be done standing up as no table is required and are great for walk around or strolling magic. Done this way you simply use the hands of the spectators to help you.

I have written these tricks and routines with the assumption that you already know some basic magic such as a card control, an Elmsley Count and the like. My purpose here is not to teach you 'sleights' but rather...

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Rachel Colombini & Aldo Colombini
Two's Company by Rachel Colombini & Aldo Colombini

This is a great collection of material suitable for close-up, parlor, stage and walk-around.

  • CHALK AND CHEESE (Aldo Colombini): An oil and water routine with just four cards, where the colors mix and at the end all the cards are black.
  • THE POWER OF NINE (Raymond Grosholz, Snr): A spectator helps you to reveal the four nines in the deck.
  • DIRTY HARRY (Andrew Wimhurst): Two cards are lost in the deck. You place two packets of cards in your pockets and try to find the mates of the selections. Surprise, when you really produce the two selected cards (the cards can be signed).
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MP4 (video)

Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini
Two Magicians and a Deck of Cards by Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini

Aldo Colombini and Cameron Francis, two friends with a common passion: Card Magic. This is the type of magic that can be worked anytime, anyplace.


  • YET (Aldo Colombini): A card is selected and it is seen to be the only different colored card. It disappears and reappears face up in the middle of the deck.
  • SIMPLY AMAZING (Cameron Francis): This is a fun, off-beat four-Ace assembly.
  • FOLLOWERS (Aldo Colombini): Follow the Leader theme but the entire packet follows each time.
  • S.P.C.A. (Cameron Francis): An almost self-working small packet "card at number".
  • NUMBERED (Aldo Colombini):...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Twists of Fate by Aldo Colombini

Only one routine but what an effect - and completely self working! This must be one of the strongest self-working effects there is. Based on the Eddie Joseph principle “Staggered” you have here a unique, fantastic routine in five phases, one stronger than the other where the cards match even though everything appears controlled by the spectator. The finale is a ‘staggering’ match of all the cards! You will have fun learning it and you will make a reputation out of this routine. Uses any deck of cards.

It is quite an achievement for Aldo to take a strong effect and make it even stronger by streamlining...

★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Twist and Waltz by Aldo Colombini

Effect created by Raphael Czaja. A novel piece of magic which will bring you a new 'twist' on a classic theme! Four cards are selected and placed on the table. You show four face-down cards and one at a time one card turns over and it reveals one of the selected cards. At the end, each chosen card is revealed. Then you reveal that the four cards have backs on both sides!

Requires three double-backed cards and two double-faced cards.

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Aldo Colombini
Tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere su un mazzo di carte ma non avete mai osato chiedere by Aldo Colombini

Un altro classico di Aldo Colombini, uno dei più richiesti. Vi trovi molte routines cartomagiche di effetto e di semplice esecuzione. Eccoti una breve descrizione di alcune:


L'amico Phil Goldstein pubblicò nel 1976 una routine su Pabular (una rivista inglese) chiamata Counter-Revolution. Poichè il tema delle carte rosse e nere mi ha sempre attirato, ho trovato la mia personale idea dell'effetto. Effetto :Le carte rosse e nere si scambiano di posto con un finale a sorpresa!


Il gioco è un ottimo seguito alla Routine Controcorrente. Può essere, inoltre,...

★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Triple Decker by Aldo Colombini

20 routines with two (or three) decks of cards.

From the Introduction:

Don't be misled by the title of the book; these are not routines using three decks of cards, but the title refers to the third book in this series.

Included in this ebook are 20 more routines using two (or three) decks of cards. The ebook follows the previous two called Double Decker and Double Decker Two (twenty routines each) and I feel confident that I gave you in these three efforts the largest collection of routines ever using more than one deck. Let me say, that I am very proud of my research and I am greatly thankful to all the contributors...

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Aldo Colombini
Triple Climax by Aldo Colombini

A routine by Peter Warlock - performed by Aldo Colombini. This is a reputation maker. A stunning routine for close-up or stage, using a regular deck (even jumbo size). In three phases; one stronger than the other.

A packet of cards is removed and a spectator moves a certain number of cards from top to bottom. You are NOT looking during this. You take back the packet, spread it and a card is face up indicating the amount of cards moved by the spectator. The spectator repeats the same action (maybe selecting a different number of cards) and you place the packet in HIS pocket. Remove one card from his pocket...

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Trident by Aldo Colombini

Three packets of cards are introduced. Three spectators each select a card from the packets and these cards are seen to be the only cards with DIFFERENT COLORED BACKS!

Requires three blank-faced cards.

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MP4 (video)

Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini
Tricks To Go 4 by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini

Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.


  • DO NOT DISTURB: Here is Werner's version of the classic Hotel Mystery, totally self-working.
  • EQUIVALENT: A new principle. Cards are dealt in packets and one is selected by a spectator. The card on top indicates the sum of the cards below the other piles.
  • LINE DANCER: A freely selected card is revealed using a reversed card.
  • MOITIÉ, MOITIÉ: A very interesting routine using five Clubs cards cut in the middle.
  • AND HER SON: A selected card is lost...
★★★★★ $10
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Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini
Tricks To Go 3 by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini

Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.


  • THE FRENCH CARD TRAP: Here is a non-sleight-of-hand method of locating up to twelve selected cards.
  • 4TUITOUS: A principle that can be used as a simple prediction in its own right, or as a number force in another effect.
  • AS EASY AS COUNTING: A freely selected card is revealed in a very humorous way.
  • GO WEST: Another funny and very interesting way to reveal a card with messages written on face cards. Just follow them. (For an exploration of this...
★★★★★ $10
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Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini
Tricks To Go 2 by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini

Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.


  • DIAMOND SPELLER: The thirteen cards of Diamonds are used to reveal a freely selected card.
  • FREE CUT DUO: Two spectators pick a card each and lose them in a packet of cards. You reveal these cards.
  • FETCH + HOFZINSER: A spectator cuts any amount of cards and selects two cards. The sum of these two cards corresponds to the number of cards cut by the first spectator.
  • CAUGHT TOGETHER, HANGED TOGETHER: One card is selected. Two Jacks capture four cards...
★★★★★ $10
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Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini
Tricks To Go 1 by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini

Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.


  • FLIPDOODLE 1: You use the twelve face cards to produce an astonishing result that finds three of the same suit.
  • I'M NOT OGEN: A spectator 'makes up a card combining any two cards. You spell the name of that card and you find it. Finally, you find the other three cards of the same value.
  • CHEERS!: You show seven cards with name of drinks on them and a prediction. A spectator selects a drink and you show that the prediction is correct… with a laugh. ...
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Tricks and Treats by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are performed with a regular deck of cards. Special guest appearance of Cameron Francis

  • BACK TO THE FUTURE (Aldo Colombini): Five double-backed cards reveal a Royal Flush.
  • H2OILED (Aldo Colombini): Another unique Oil & Water routine in three phases.
  • PENNY PLAIN (Karl Fulves): A spectator chooses where the selection ends up.
  • THE JACKS COME BACK AGAIN (Nick Trost): The two black Jacks always separate from the red ones. At the end the four Jacks change into Aces.
  • LIBRA (Richard Vollmer): A nice routine where you find the selected card and, as a climax, the three mates of it.
  • ROYAL TWIST (Didier Dupré):...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Tra La Via Emilia E Il West by Aldo Colombini

Eccoti una sensazionale e unica grande raccolta di giochi con le carte del Grande Maestro . I trucchi che qui Aldo ha raccolto sono per la stragrande maggioranza diversi da quelli che si trovano negli altri suoi lavori. Se conosci Aldo Colombini sai che stiamo parlando di materiale eccellente e commerciale: ottimi effetti ottenuti con metodi semplici e astuti. Questa è una delle più grandi opere prodotte da Aldo. Ti basti pensare che in questo volume di 56 grandi pagine formato A4 sono raccolti e spiegarti con chiarezza circa 50 giochi e routines con le carte!

Dall’introduzione : “...

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Aldo Colombini
Totally Impromptu by Aldo Colombini

Impromptu card magic performed with a regular deck of cards.


  • KNOCK THEM DEAD (Paul Gordon): A freely selected card is revealed as the only face-up card in a packet.
  • NAME YOUR CARD (Roy Baker): After a card is selected you cut the deck into several packets. The spectator picks one and from that one card is chosen: The selection.
  • IN THE CODE (Karl Fulves): A card selected by a process of elimination, ends up face up in the middle of the deck.
  • THE MYSTERY OF THE PENTHOUSE (Nick Trost): The four Jacks placed in four different spots in the deck, assemble to the top.
  • ELMER'S WEDDING (Peter Duffie): You show the Kings and...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Top Ten (Italian) by Aldo Colombini

L'artista propone una strana partita a poker con solo dieci carte. Durante questa dimostrazione riesce sempre ad avere la «mano» vincente! La routine base è stata introdotta per la prima volta nella rivista «THE PHOENIX» di Bruce ELLIOTT (numero 168, 14 gennaio 1949, con varianti nei numeri successivi 170 e 180) col nome di TEN CARD POKER DEAL (il gioco del poker con dieci carte). Numerose routines sono apparse su questo tema in tante riviste e pubblicazioni varie. Quella che ti offro è basata anch'essa su astuzie ideate da vari autori, primo fra tutti Paul CURRY al quale va un grazie...

★★★★ $5
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Aldo Colombini
Top Ten by Aldo Colombini

Ten more card tricks using regular cards.


  • INDICATOR SUIT (Max Maven) A freely selected card is found using the values of three other cards.
  • TRIPLE CLIMAX CLOCK TRICK (Nick Trost) Three unique climaxes in an amazing routine.
  • ITALIAN OPENER (Aldo Colombini) A freely selected card is the only blue-backed card in the deck and then it changes into another selected card.
  • CHEAT FEAT (Karl Fulves) Two selected cards are replaced. They are the only cards of the opposite color in two packets of cards.
  • THE CHOSEN FEW (Peter Duffie) A card randomly created by a spectator matches a card selected by another spectator....
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
To Die For by Aldo Colombini

Aldo's first ebook on cards and dice called Snake Eyes was a big hit. This is his second ebook on card and dice routines and contains most (if not all) of the routines included in his two DVDs Cards And Die Deceptions with many new ones and all different effects from the Snake Eyes ebook.

You are in possession of an outstanding collection of tricks and routines with dice and cards. Contributors include: Richard Vollmer, Gary Ouellett, Peter Duffie, Karl Fulves, Aldo Colombini, Paul Gordon, John Rule, John Scarne, Max Maven, Stewart James, Ed Andres, Shigeo Futagawa, Jerry Sadowitz, William Miesel, Doug Conn and Bill Simon.

1st edition 2009; 26 pages....

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Tight Rope by Aldo Colombini

A unique rope routine with over 20 effects.

Here Aldo created a wonderful rope routine in eleven phases where rope is stretched, cut, restored, knotted and so forth:

  • Phase 1: Stretching the Ropes
  • Phase 2: Two Ropes Become One
  • Phase 3: The Rope With Four Ends
  • Phase 4: Cut And Restored Rope
  • Phase 5: A Rope With No Ends
  • Phase 6: A Knot In A Loop Mystery
  • Phase 7: The Ends Are Back
  • Phase 8: The Traveling Ends
  • Phase 9: The Vanishing Knot
  • Phase 10: Knotty Knots
  • Phase 11: Silk Off Rope

1st edition 2010; 15 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Three Smash Hits With Cards by Aldo Colombini

These effects are creations by Didier Dupré. After the DVD Cartemania, the DVD that made Didier famous all over the world, we now present three more routines from this clever French magician. You will love them and we predict you will use them all the time. They all use regular cards.


  • JOKER INVERSION: Four blue-backed Jokers turn around several times changing direction (at the beginning they are oriented towards the performer, then towards the spectators and then again towards the performer). At the end, they change into four Jokers with different colored backs. Everything can be examined. ...
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Three Ring Concerto by Aldo Colombini

An elegant presentation for a classic! A three ring routine (from a standard set of Linking Rings) using new moves and some old ones, including moves with the rings and a piece of rope that you will love. Aldo perform this with music, but any kind of presentation can be applied. This routine has been Aldo's choice for an encore performance for many years.

★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Three Card Trip by Aldo Colombini

These two routines were created by Rachel Colombini. You can perform them separately or combine them together to obtain a very magical sequence.

First Effect: Three cards move from one packet to another. This is probably the easiest cards across ever!

Second Effect: You and the spectator find three matching pairs.

Requires three double-backed cards.

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Aldo Colombini
The Ultimate Faulty Follower by Aldo Colombini

An effect by Ken de Courcy. Performed by Aldo Colombini. A terrific three-phase routine with jumbo cards. Having enticed a spectator up to help, you hand him eight jumbo cards and say, "Please give me any four and keep four yourself." This done, both you and the spectator carry out some simple movements but when the cards are counted again, all your cards are face down while the spectator has one face up. This process is repeated with exactly the same result. There is obviously only one answer; the spectator will have to do the actions with both packets. He does so, yet your cards finish up all face down...

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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
The Seventh Floor by Aldo Colombini

An act in itself. Seven cards are selected. One card is signed by a spectator and then all seven cards are lost in the deck. Eventually, one by one, they are found by the performer. The signed card continuously reappears and then finally, it is found inside your wallet. It also contains a multiple control of cards called Colombini's B.S. Control.

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Aldo Colombini
The Punchline by Aldo Colombini

A revelation of a freely selected card.

EFFECT: The performer places an envelope containing a prediction on the table. He shows a deck of cards, and he begins to deal cards onto the table. A spectator says 'stop' at any moment he likes. The stopped-at card is placed aside and kept by the spectator who chose it. Several cards before and after the selection are clearly shown to be all different, while the performer states that the spectator could have stopped him on any of them. The spectator reveals the chosen card, for example, the King of Spades, and the prediction is seen to be a Jumbo...

★★★★★ $4.50
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Aldo Colombini
The Magic of Rachel Colombini by Aldo Colombini

16 commercial routines using cards, balls, money, books and other props.

  • Card Control: A card chosen by a spectator matches a card previously placed face down on the table by the magician.
  • Blank-Mazement: Following the numbers of two dice, a spectator finds the only two printed cards in a packet of all blank cards.
  • Hats and Rabbits: You place a prediction on the table. While your head is facing away, a spectator places five cards with hats and a rabbit in any order, holding the packet of cards in his hand. You give the spectator some instructions, and at the end the cards are apparently...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
The Jesters by Aldo Colombini

You show four blue-backed jokers. One after the other, the Jokers become red-backed. Finally, they change back to blue! An amazingly visual routine!

Requires a double backed card.

★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
The Gen: 10 effects from volume 3 by Aldo Colombini


  • TUNED MINDS (Jack Avis): Four spectators chose four numbers which are used to reveal the four Aces (or four selections).
  • HAVE A MATCH (Magini): A novelty funny trick. You offer a match to a spectator and the match rises from the box. A good laugh.
  • TWO BALL TRANSPOSITION (C. King): You show a red and a green ball (or any two colors) and they, using a handkerchief, transpose. A strong effect for any ball routine.
  • A CHANGE OF PLANS (Bill Simon): A nice routine using the four Kings where they follow the leader. One King changes into an Ace and the other Kings change into Aces too.
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
The Gen: 10 effects from volume 2 by Aldo Colombini


  • THE EVER READY SPELLER (Al Koran): An excellent impromptu card trick where a selected card is revealed after reciting any jingle (or a short poem). Funny stuff. Can be done in any language.
  • MY NAME YOUR NAME (Lewis Ganson): The selected card is revealed using the name of a spectator.
  • BETWEEN THE ACES (Don Loder): You give the four Aces to a spectator to hold. A selected card vanishes from the deck and reappears between the Aces.
  • ADD-A-PAIR (Tom Sellers): You find two selected cards from a shuffled deck without any help from card keys or other devices.
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
The Gen: 10 effects from volume 1 by Aldo Colombini

The Gen magazine was published by Harry Stanley just after the war. The first issue came out in December 1945. The magazine was published for 26 years with 303 issues covering a total of 8,685 pages. Lewis Ganson, one of the greatest magical writers ever, was the editor until 1971.


  • RATHER ODD (Frank Potts): A selected card turns out to be the only red-backed card in a blue deck and then the back changes back to blue.
  • WHICH POCKET, SIR (Archie Byford): The Aces are shuffled with other cards and four packets are placed into different pockets in a spectators jacket. The four Aces appear in a single packet. ...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
The Eraser by Aldo Colombini

Three selected cards placed between two double-blank cards disappear one at a time leaving completely blank cards and reappear reversed in the middle of the deck!


  • 3 double blank cards (blank on both sides)
  • 1 double back card
  • 3 blank backed cards (blank on one side, back on the other side)
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
The Close-Up Magic of Aldo Colombini by Aldo Colombini

Ever since Obie O'Brien brought Aldo Colombini to the FFFF convention many years ago, it has been a love affair between Aldo and magic in America. While Aldo can do some of the hardest moves, he has developed a unique style of strong magic with little sleight-of-hand. The kind that is entertaining to watch and fun to perform. None of the material is hard to do, yet will fool any audience, including those hard to please magicians themselves.

It is hard to miss Aldo, both in person (6' 5"), and in magic, because he has written for many magazines, performed and lectured throughout the world...

★★★★ $14.95
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