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Magic & Conjuring

You will find here a huge amount of magic tricks, illusions, moves, sleights, techniques, principles and concepts, starting from the earliest descriptions in the 16th century to the latest hot magic tricks performed by the likes of David Copperfield, Criss Angel or David Blaine. Regardless of if you want to find out more about Houdini or Erdnase, learn the best card tricks and methods from 'The Professor' Dai Vernon, or Roberto Giobbi, or study the classics as well as the latest developments in mentalism, this is the page to bookmark. Make sure to also drill down into the subtopics to find what you are looking for.

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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Displaying 1 to 43 (of 10147 products)
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Al Cohen
Magical Mish Mosh by Al Cohen

Excerpt from the introduction:

For a very long time people have gotten the idea that I'm a pretty fair magician ... this is my greatest trick of all!! I've been a magic dealer for over 35 years, a semi-retired performer, and a lover of the art for too many years to talk about. Very little I do is original and I don't really do it that well, BUT ... I do have a nice smile and a large mouth so people DO seem to enjoy my meager efforts...

  • A Magical Mish-Mosh (And Other Tricky Trivia)
  • The Magic Scroll
  • Milk To Dove
  • Dagger Dime
  • My Six Card Repeat
  • Two Coins And A Wineglass
  • The Peripatetic...
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Arthur Setterington
Magic, Fun and Games by Arthur Setterington

Excerpt from the introduction:

As a beginner in magic I had little idea of what was required in the entertaining of children, and, watching more experienced performers, it seemed that a children's show was merely an adult programme shown to children, with little in the way of "byplay", which has become a recognised ingredient in juvenile programmes.

At first, it was a case of trial and error, learning by mistakes, until at a later period I was able to increase my knowledge of the subject, through reading books, magazines, and attending lectures.

It is unfortunate that when an effect...

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Evan Kastor
Memfinity Deck: Memorisng the Infinity Deck by Evan Kastor

Memfinity Deck: Memorising the Infinity Deck is a companion work for the Infinity Deck released by Craig Petty and Murphy's Magic. In this ebook, you will learn how to memorise every photograph in the deck using mnemonics. This is an easy process which takes just a couple of hours. Once you know this system, you can use it to learn most any list of objects. After you learn the photographs, you will learn some effects to do with your new skill - used in this way, it is as close to real mind reading as you can perform. Special thanks to Richard Osterlind for allowing the use of parts of his...

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Johnny Geddes
Applause-able Magic by Johnny Geddes

The title reads Applause-able Magic, and that is exactly what this ebook contains. Magic that will bring you the APPLAUSE you desire and magic that is presentable.

The author writes from experience, both as a childrens' entertainer and as a variety act. We leave you to pick out the gems from the dust, but, remember that it is gold dust, which is always valuable - somewhere - sometime.

  • Foreword
  • Passe Passe Tins
  • Silk Shirt
  • Silk Frock
  • I've Got Worms
  • The Card Mixer
  • Magic Song Book
  • Colour Changing Reels
  • Sally The Silkworm
  • Comedy Camera Capers
  • Egg And Lemon
  • Ha-Ha Hat
  • High Hands ...
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Vincent Gagnieux
Twin Work by Vincent Gagnieux

A bunch of cards are removed from the deck after a few shuffles. The participant looks at them and freely selects one. All the cards are then mixed in a messy pile and "wash-shuffled".

Under these impossible conditions, you reach into the pile and dig out a single card: the mate of the participant's card.

  • No memory work
  • No marked cards
  • An alternative ending is explained

1st edition 2024, PDF 7 pages.

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Ray King
More King's Jewels by Ray King
  • Games (Pass the Beads; The Magician Game; Sweet Production)
  • Toadstool And Ragdoll
  • Rabbit Production
  • Happy Birthday / Happy Christmas Box
  • Routine For Blind Date
  • The Magic Christmas Tree
  • Prize Spell
  • Grandma's Knitting Bag
  • The Space Rocket Trick

1st edition ~1988, PDF 10 pages.

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Unnamed Magician
Competition: a chance to win $200 by Unnamed Magician

This ebook is a challenge / puzzle PDF. You, the buyer, have the opportunity to win $200 USD, in addition to (eventually) learning the method behind the effect that the competition is about.

In the PDF you will find a performance video to an effect - a card location effect. If you manage to find the correct solution before any other buyer does, you will be rewarded $200 USD (via PayPal). Each buyer gets exactly one guess. All guesses are to be posted in the secret forum - so each buyer can read any previous guesses.

The PDF will be available for sale for exactly 4 weeks, after which...

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Biagio Fasano & Marco di Biase
Hyper-Sensitive Mentalism by Biagio Fasano & Marco di Biase

A new Mentalism effect, as impromptu as it is inexplicable!

This is a simple Mentalism effect, incomprehensible to the audience and executable on virtually any occasion, as it uses eight simple cards that can be drawn from any deck. The Mentalist, with his back turned or blindfolded without any make-up, asks a spectator to think of any card and draw it from the deck, together with any seven other cards with which it will be shuffled by herself. She will divide the pack between her own hands, holding in each four face down cards.

At her pleasure, she will turn face up of the two bundles...

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Biagio Fasano & Marco di Biase
Mentalismo Iper-Sensitivo by Biagio Fasano & Marco di Biase

Un nuovo effetto di Mentalismo, tanto impromptu quanto inspiegabile!

Si tratta di un effetto di Mentalismo di semplice esecuzione, incomprensibile per il pubblico ed eseguibile praticamente in ogni occasione, in quanto utilizza otto semplici carte che possono essere estratte da un qualsiasi mazzo. Il Mentalista, di spalle o bendato senza alcun trucco, chiede ad una spettatrice di pensare ad una carta qualsiasi e di estrarla dal mazzo, unitamente ad altre sette carte qualsiasi con le quali verrà da lei stessa mescolata. Dividerà il mazzetto tra le proprie mani, tenendo in ognuna quattro...

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Al Leech
Don't Look Now! The Smart Slant on Misdirection by Al Leech

Al Leech wrote this classic text on the presentation of magic in 1948, and it has been essential reading ever since. The ebook goes into depth on the application of psychology to magic, misdirection, how best to fool people, how to make them like you, and similar topics.

  • Our Approach
  • Approach As An Aid To Deception
  • Approach As An Aid To Gaining Confidence
  • Nervousness And Misdirection
  • Mental Misdirection
  • Visual Misdirection
  • Naturalness In Misdirection
  • Cause And Effect
  • Time In Misdirection
  • Deception In Time
  • Negative Misdirection
  • Accidental Misdirection
  • Routining
  • Display Sleights ...
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Tony Anverdi
Anverdi's Lecture Notes by Tony Anverdi

Tricks with silks, ropes, rings, and balls.

If you like to work with invisible thread you will find interesting material here.

  • Effect with Two Silks
  • Two Ring Effects
  • Silk, Paper Bag, and Ring
  • With Two Rings
  • Another Effect with Two Rings
  • Ball and Glass
  • Ball Production with a Silk
  • Sleeving Principle
  • Ball Color Change

1st edition ~1960; PDF 14 pages.

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Dustin Marks
The 7 Choices by Dustin Marks

This effect has sparked strong reactions. Ideal for magicians who enjoy improvisational magic, with the spectator at the core, this act hinges on your acting skills. It's a perfect tool to enhance your performance abilities. There is no setup, easy to do, and it can be repeated immediately with different results.

Two versions: One with a marked deck and one with a very sneaky force you probably do not know.

1st edition 2024, PDF 7 pages.

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Ulrich Rausch
Punx Touch (German) by Ulrich Rausch

Das Gläserne Herz und andere Patente.

Ludwig Hanemann - Punx (27. Oktober 1907 - 11. Februar 1996) gehört zweifelsfrei zu den bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Zauberkünstlern des 20. Jahrhunderts. Auch wenn er in der Öffentlichkeit vielleicht nicht so bekannt war wie manch anderer Kollege, hat er mit seiner Art, die Zauberkunst zu zelebrieren, generationsübergreifend Impulse für Kollegen gegeben. Das bekannteste Kunststück aus seinem Programm ist zweifelsfrei das "Gläserne Herz".

Nach jahrelangen Recherchen und der Sichtung von bisher teilweise unbekannten Dokumenten rekonstruiert...

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Unnamed Magician
Rain Man Trilogy by Unnamed Magician

The Unnamed Magician is releasing all three of his Rain Man ebooks as a single ebook - hence the title "Trilogy." Read on.

This ebook is primarily for those who don't own any of the aforementioned three Rain Man ebooks but want to purchase all of them. If, however, you only want to purchase one of them, then you are better off buying that one by itself.

As mentioned, in this ebook you will learn all three. You can read the effect description for each one in its respective link above. For one of them (Rain Man Again), there is even a performance video available (both in its respective...

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P. T. Selbit & George Mackenzie Munro
Wizard (Selbit) all volumes by P. T. Selbit & George Mackenzie Munro

This periodical ran for 5 volumes and 60 numbers, from September 1905 to August 1910. With volume 1 number 9, it became the official organ of the Magic Circle. For the last two numbers in 1910, P. T. Selbit handed the editorship to George Munro. It was succeeded by the Magic Wand.

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P. T. Selbit
Wizard (Selbit) Index by P. T. Selbit

This PDF holds an index for the first four volumes each. The indices are grouped into the following categories (not all categories appear in all volume indices):

  • Articles
  • Ball Tricks
  • Card Tricks
  • Coin Tricks
  • Correspondence
  • Conversations
  • Current Programmes
  • Flower Tricks
  • Gossip
  • Handkerchief Tricks
  • Hat Tricks
  • Illustrations
  • Jokes
  • Magic Circle
  • Obituary
  • Our Monthly Telephone
  • Poetry
  • Popular Patter
  • Portraits
  • Practical Magic
  • Programmes
  • Recollections of Hartz
  • Sketches
  • Thimble Tricks
  • Tricks


  1. The Wizard – Volume I – September, 1905 – August, 1906
  2. Index ...
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P. T. Selbit & George Mackenzie Munro
Wizard (Selbit) Volume 5 (September 1909 - August 1910) by P. T. Selbit & George Mackenzie Munro

For the last two numbers, George Munro took over the editorship from P. T. Selbit.

  1. The Wizard - Volume V, Number 49 - September, 1909 - 16 pages
  2. Cover - Imro Fox
  3. Ornum's advertisement
  4. Notices
  5. Gossip
  6. Advertisements
  7. A Protean Wand
  8. The Magic Circle
  9. Advertisements
  10. Conjuring a Cake
    • Two New Methods of Performing a Popular Problem
      • The Preparation of the Cake
      • The Culinary Operation
      • The Cutting Part
      • Another Method
      • The Bran Box Again
      • A Fiery Dish
  11. Nikola Breaks Out Again
    • A Half-Minute Perplexity Pickle
      • The Problem to...
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P. T. Selbit
Wizard (Selbit) Volume 4 (September 1908 - August 1909) by P. T. Selbit
  1. The Wizard - Volume IV, Number 37 - September, 1908 - 16 pages
  2. Cover - Chung Ling Soo
  3. Hambley's advertisement
  4. Notices
  5. Gossip
  6. Indian Conjurers at the Franco-British Exhibition
  7. Correspondence
  8. British Magical Society
    • Ideas Competition
  9. Recollections of Hartz by Professor Hoffmann - continued
    • The Automatic Rising Cards
  10. Marionettes - continued
    • The Figures
      • Chapter V - A Living Skeleton and the Donkey and Cart
  11. The Northern Magical Society
  12. The Master Mystery - A Puzzling Performance
    • Amusing Opinions
  13. Advertisements

  1. The Wizard...
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P. T. Selbit
Wizard (Selbit) Volume 3 (September 1907 - August 1908) by P. T. Selbit
  1. The Wizard - Volume III, Number 25 - September, 1907 - 16 pages
  2. Cover - Leon Herrmann
  3. Hambley's advertisement
  4. Notices
  5. Gossip
  6. The Carl Lebert Fund
  7. Magic with Water Vases - J. W. Dewhurst
  8. Thought Reading - New Book Advertisement
  9. Recollections of Hartz by Professor Hoffmann - continued
    • The Mysterious Addition
  10. The Magic Circle
  11. Death of Bruno Walters
  12. More Confetti Magic - N. P. Alvaro, India
  13. The Egg and Confetti Trick - Another Way of Working It - J. W. Dewhurst
  14. Correspondence
    • Derivations and meaning of Magical Expressions - humor
  15. A Man of Magic - John Henry...
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P. T. Selbit
Wizard (Selbit) Volume 2 (September 1906 - August 1907) by P. T. Selbit
  1. The Wizard - Volume II, Number 13 - September, 1906 - 16 pages
  2. Cover - Le Roy, Talma and Bosco
  3. Hambley's advertisement
  4. Notices
  5. Gossip
  6. The Magic Circle
  7. Oldest Conjurer in England - A Chat with Prof. Devono
  8. Correspondence
  9. Hartz and His Hat Trick - Professor Hoffmann - continued
  10. The Melting Billiard Ball - effect
  11. "A Black Art Handkerchief Producer" in the last issue was from Fullam McGlade
  12. A Lively Drum - E. Cooper
  13. To Tear a Pack of Cards in Two
  14. Conjuring Tricks - by a Grown-up Infant
  15. re: Tipping Stage Hands
  16. A Sympathetic Ode - poem
  17. re: Chapeaugraphy
  18. The Instantaneous Production...
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P. T. Selbit
Wizard (Selbit) Volume 1 (September 1905 - August 1906) by P. T. Selbit
  1. The Wizard - Volume I, Number 1 - September, 1905 - 16 pages
  2. Cover - Poster for Maskelyne & Devant's Mascot Moth
  3. Hambley's advertisement
  4. Notices
  5. Introduction
  6. Gossip
  7. Maskelyne & Devant's Mysteries
  8. A Card and Egg Trick
  9. Editorial
  10. Practical Prestigiation
    • The Incubator Canister
  11. note - Maskelyne & Devant in the "Topical Times"
  12. The Magic Circle
  13. Professional Announcements
  14. In London City
  15. Correspondence
  16. Scissors and Paste
  17. The Funny Electric Pencil - Ornum's advertisement
  18. Conjuring - Past and Present
  19. Pars. From the Provinces
  20. A North British Magician's Wooing - humor
  21. Harry...
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Unnamed Magician
Your Thought Is Mine by Unnamed Magician

The price will increase to $20 on July 8th, 2024.

"I've been performing this over the past few days and more than one spectator has been convinced that I possess ESP. It's that strong." - Tommaso Guglielmi

"Another phenomenal effect by the Unnamed Magician. If you like thought of card tricks or coincidence tricks, this is a steal for the price." - Tony Bianco

A truly remarkable coincidence. A deck is shuffled and divided into two halves. The spectator thinks of a card in their half, the magician thinks of a card in his half, and when the two halves are simultaneously dealt through, the two cards...

$20 $15
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Davide Rubat Remond
Undercover Jokers by Davide Rubat Remond

Undercover Jokers is a totally improvised and self-working card-magic effect that can be performed with a borrowed and freely shuffled deck, with the addition of the two Jokers. It tells the action of two investigative jokers acting undercover in search of a particular pair of cards, two figures representing two dangerous fugitives. The last sighting takes place inside a small, mysterious, and crowded club, the Card Club, popular with magicians and gamblers. After identifying and capturing the first criminal among the many people in the club, the two jokers, thanks to their intuition gained...

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Davide Rubat Remond
Undercover Jokers (Italian) by Davide Rubat Remond

Jolly sotto copertura è un effetto di cartomagia totalmente improvvisato, può essere eseguito con un mazzo preso in prestito e mescolato liberamente, con l’aggiunta dei due Jolly. Si racconta dell’azione di due jolly investigatori che agiscono sotto copertura alla ricerca di una coppia di carte particolari, due figure che rappresentano due pericolose fuggitive. L’ultimo avvistamento avviene all’interno di un piccolo, misterioso e affollato locale, il Club delle Carte, molto frequentato da maghi e giocatori d’azzardo. Dopo aver identificato e catturato la prima criminale tra le...

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Bob Farmer
Bammo Mojo Vudu by Bob Farmer

The spectator names any card. No force. No equivoque. He can change his mind. It will be a different card every time.

The card's meaning has been predicted by a voodoo fortune teller. There is only one prediction and it is in full view at all times.

No sleights. No memorization. No mathematics. Instant reset. Nothing added or taken away. Practically works itself.

1st edition 2024, PDF 18 pages.

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Dustin Marks
Your Secret Weapon: The Corner Short Card by Dustin Marks

An in-depth look at the corner short card.

This eBook will delve into the secret world of corner short cards, thoroughly explaining what they are, how to make them, their remarkable capabilities, and six astounding effects using them. If you're unfamiliar with the concept of a corner short card, prepare to uncover a potent tool ready to revolutionize your skill set. Corner short cards, the weapon of countless leading card experts, provide magicians with an undetectable method of controlling cards, enabling the creation of miracles.

1st edition 2024, PDF 28 pages.

★★★★★ $15
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Vincent Gagnieux
Drops of God by Vincent Gagnieux

Can you recognize a wine just by its smell? Can you do it blindfolded? Can you do it without wine?

You write on three billets the name of your favorite wines (let's say for example "Gevrey-Chambertin", "Pommard", "Saint-Emilion") and display them in front of your participant. As you turn your back, you ask the participant to switch two of the "wines". And two more. It can be any two. And again, and again and again...When the participant is convinced that the wines are properly mixed, you face him, blindfolded, and ask him to hand you the "wines" one by one. You're then able to recognize...

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Bert Allerton & Tony Corinda & Ulysses Frederick Grant & Arthur Hastings & Edward Marlo & Joseph White
ESP Handbook and Workshop Kit by Bert Allerton & Tony Corinda & Ulysses Frederick Grant & Arthur Hastings & Edward Marlo & Joseph White

This ebook includes a nice introduction to Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) and a range of tricks from quick effects to longer routines. Note that many of the effects described require some double-face ESP cards.

  • The Study Of ESP / Arthur Hastings
  • Little Miracles / U. F. Grant
  • The Two Card Trick / Bert Allerton
  • The Third Choice / Tony Corinda
  • That's The One / Joseph White
  • Signed, Sealed And Delivered / Joseph White
  • Edward Marlo And ESP
    • Foreword
    • Blank Card Prediction
    • Mental Reselection
    • Under Cover Mentalism
    • Behind, Under Or Above
    • Second Method
    • Card Man's Mentalism
  • One Out...
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Biagio Fasano
Capturing Bonnie and Clyde by Biagio Fasano

An intriguing and fooler card effect, completely impromptu and self-working.

This is a new self-working, impromptu, card effect, always performable, even with a borrowed deck: the illusionist briefly tells the story of the very famous criminal couple Bonnie & Clyde, who operated in the 1930s in the United States with their own gang. The deck of cards, shuffled by the spectator, will represent the inhabitants of the state of Louisiana, among whom hid the men and women who were part of the gang of gangsters most hunted by the police. The magician will thus form three piles of cards to represent...

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Biagio Fasano
La Cattura di Bonnie and Clyde by Biagio Fasano

Un nuovo effetto automatico di Cartomagia, intrigante e ingannatore, completamente estemporaneo ed automatico!

Si tratta di un effetto completamente self-working ed eseguibile in ogni occasione, che utilizza un semplice mazzo da poker che può anche essere preso a prestito e risultare incompleto. L’illusionista racconta brevemente la storia della famosissima coppia di criminali Bonnie e Clyde, che operava negli anni Trenta negli Stati Uniti con la propria banda. Il mazzo di carte, mescolato dallo spettatore, rappresenterà gli abitanti dello stato della Louisiana, tra i quali si nascondevano...

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Koo Hu
Performer's ACAAN by Koo Hu

This is not a trick but a performance piece.

  • A trick has the performance wrapped within the secret or the method of the trick.
  • A performance piece has the secret or the method wrapped within the performance.

It is called Performer's ACAAN because

  • This ACAAN looks way bigger in comparison to how conventional ACAANs are approached
  • It allows to you get a minimum of seven people to participate / play from their seats and only one of them joins you on stage.
  • It also allows you to move among the audience, get close to them, thus ensuring ample audience engagement and more elbow room...
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Dr. Lynn
How It's Done and Recollections of India / The Adventures of the Strange Man Dr. Lynn by Dr. Lynn

This is Dr. Lynn's autobiography describing his travels in Australia, China, Japan, Hong Kong, India, and other countries. He was the earliest Western magician to perform in China and Japan. He had a long-lasting rivalry with J. N. Maskelyne appearing a week before Maskelyne in the Egyptian Hall in London in the spring of 1873.

In the "How It's Done" section he provides mock descriptions of some of his tricks.

    • The Mysterious Spirit-writing
    • The Blood-writing on the Arm
    • Time in a Fix
    • The Pomaceous Puzzle
    • The Ornithological Inexplicability
    • The...
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Theodore Hardeen
The Life and History of Hardeen: 20 Years of an Eventful Career on the Stage by Theodore Hardeen

Includes news stories and photos from Hardeen's life as an escape artist. Plus some handcuff secrets and a couple of tricks are explained.

  • Theo. Weiss Hardeen
    • Chief Of Police Stirling Baffled
    • The Murderous Insane Strait-Jacket Challenge
    • Hardeen Appears Before A Mighty Audience Of Eighty Thousand People
    • King Oscar Of Sweden Sees Hardeen
    • Klaw And Erlanger Engage Hardeen
    • Hardeen Jumps Heavily Manacled Into The Ohio River From The 18th Street Bridge, A Distance Of Sixty Feet, Into Six Feet Of Water, And Releases Himself While Under Water
    • Lives Of Thousands Of People Jeopardized
    • Hardeen...
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Mark Leveridge
Table Hoppers Coin in Bottle by Mark Leveridge

A small plastic tub with a tight push-on lid is shown, opened, and a collection of coins tipped from inside. The performer puts his initials on a self-adhesive round sticker, attaches it to one of the coins, and then repeats the process for the other side of the coin with a sticker bearing a spectator's initials.

The rest of the coins are returned to the tub and the lid is pushed back on. Taking the marked coin into his hand the performer strikes it against the bottom of the container, immediately showing that both his hands are empty.

The tub is handed to a spectator who prises off...

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MP4 (video)

Unnamed Magician
Totally Impossible Location Again by Unnamed Magician

Price will go up to $20 on June 27th, 2024.

A location of a selected card under true test conditions. The deck is shuffled before and after the selection ... yet the card can be located. It's fooled many well-versed magicians, so laymen don't stand a chance. Read on. (There is a full performance video with a spectator attached below as well.)


The magician introduces a deck of cards - he spreads it face-up to show that all the cards are different. The spectator is invited to thoroughly examine and shuffle the deck.

The magician then explains (as he gives a demonstration)...

$20 $15
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Vincent Gagnieux
Russian Roulette by Vincent Gagnieux


One bullet. Six chambers. One Ace of Spades. Six positions among five red cards. You give the cards to the participant for examination. The participant secretly inserts the "bullet" into one of the six chambers and hands you back the "gun".

The cards lie on your wide-open hand, you don't even look at them. You look at the participant. He knows where the bullet is. As you deal the first card face up, you say: "clic". The card is red. Empty chamber.

You keep looking at your participant. How does he feel about the next one? You deal the next one face up. Red card, empty chamber....

★★★★★ $5
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James Swoger
Enchanted Ball Manipulation by James Swoger

All sleights - no gimmicks. A brilliant book of magic with billiard balls.

There's something to be said for manipulative magic, for there is nothing to hide once the routine is finished. The various moves, effects and routines can be interspersed with the regular multiplying billiard balls effect to create a blended act that leaves your audience breathless. And what performer worth his or her salt doesn't strive for that?

Partial contents:

  • Hat and Ball Routine
  • Stealing a Billiard Ball from the Pocket
  • Billiard Ball Vanish and Recovery
  • Vanishing a Ball into the Coat Pocket
  • Ball Vanish...
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Mark Leveridge
Battery Pack by Mark Leveridge

The magician picks up a card box as if to demonstrate a card trick and discovers that it rattles. Opening it, he tips from within four 3-volt circular batteries. Taking one of the batteries into his fist, he squeezes it and on opening the hand it is seen to have changed to a more powerful AAA battery. Holding this battery at the fingertips, the performer passes his other hand across it and causes it to visibly change to a larger AA battery.

Finally, he clasps his two empty hands together and on parting them reveals that now a square 9-volt battery has magically appeared!

No gimmicks...

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MP4 (video)

Ian Fenn & Arthur Setterington
Magic on the Air by Ian Fenn & Arthur Setterington

Ideas for radio magic, podcasts, and ZOOM shows

Radio has a following of thousands of listeners. It is a powerful promotional vehicle for magicians that the magic press have long neglected.

Combining the extensive research of Ian Fenn with the previously unpublished thoughts of Arthur Setterington, this ebook aims to help magicians make the most of this challenging medium.

It's not merely a book of tricks. It's intended to give you the information you need to create your own routines that will turn listeners into clients or live audiences.


  • Introduction
  • History of radio...
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Bob Farmer
Bammo Madame de la Grange was Here by Bob Farmer

It's never been done before because it's never been possible until now and now you can predict the assisting spectator's actual beliefs. For the kicker, a second prediction nails any card of 52 the spectator names!

There have been no other predictions like these in the history of magic and mentalism. No sleights. No memorization. Instant reset. No refills. It can be a different card every time. Nothing added and nothing taken away.

Also included as part of the The Bammo I Don't Know Wallet Dossier 5.0, so get it there or get it here.

You will need a deck of cards, a Sharpie, and a Himber or Z-fold wallet.

1st edition...

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Tenyo Plus One by Solano

An entertaining look at the annual enchanting Tenyo bonus program from 1996 to 2023.

The T-series of Tenyo magic tricks is world-famous. Less well-known is the "Plus 1" series, which is only available in Japan and only for points that can be collected with purchased T-series tricks. For almost 30 years, a new trick has been released every year in this Plus 1 series. Solano presents these 28 tricks here.

It is a wonderful collector's theme that contains many a trick-technical gem.

  • 1996: Psychic Battle ESP
  • 1997: Four Chance Game
  • 1998: Fortune Telling Card
  • 1999: Dream Psychometry ...
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Tenyo Plus Eins by Solano

Eine kurzweilige Betrachtung des von Tenyo jährlich neu aufgelegten zauberhaften Bonusprogramms der Jahre 1996 bis 2023.

Die T-Serie von Tenyo Zaubertricks ist weltbekannt. Weniger bekannt ist die "Plus 1" Serie die nur in Japan erhältlich ist und nur gegen Punkte die man mit gekauften T-Serien Tricks sammeln kann. Seit fast mehr als 30 Jahren kommt in dieser Plus-1 Serie jedes Jahr ein neuer Trick heraus. Solano stellt diese 28 Tricks hier vor.

Es ist ein wunderschönes Sammelthema das so manches tricktechnisches Gustostückerl beinhaltet.

  • 1996: Psychic Battle ESP
  • 1997: Four Chance...
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Dustin Marks
Free Will Switch by Dustin Marks

This effect has an innovative twist on the traditional Free Will plot, where the spectator makes all the choices. Yet, your prediction aligns perfectly with their selections, a feat achieved using only one prediction. This new approach utilizes a combination of psychological techniques and physical methods, all designed to maximize the chances of achieving the most deceptive and cleanest outcome possible. This effect serves as a fantastic opener, making it a suitable addition to your Everyday Carry (EDC), and best of all, it resets automatically. There are no complex flowcharts to memorize,...

★★★★★ $10
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