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Jon Racherbaumer
Marlo on Card to Wallet by Jon Racherbaumer

This treatise is a compilation of Marlo's methods for performing a card-to-wallet, incorporating his Exclusive Card in Wallet (1961) with methods published in Ibidem, [lc=4446 Hierophant, Card Finesse, Marlo's Magazine, and other previously unpublished but related methods. This material was discovered in a thick folder among Marlo's private effects.

The idea of causing a selection to disappear from the deck and then reappear elsewhere is almost as old as playing cards. Reinhard Müller has painstakingly researched the basic effect classified as "Card Found in Some Object," which was being performed (in some form)...

★★★★★ $15
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Jon Racherbaumer
Synergistic Sandwiches by Jon Racherbaumer

Sandwich tricks, long popular with cardmen, are nothing more than glorified locations. What makes them a little different is that the selections are found at specific places: between two other cards. Perhaps the best way to present these stunts is to perform a few in a rapidfire, successive way—each phase following the preceding one in a logical, progressive way. Also, each phase should be stronger than the preceding one. When such phases unfold in this manner, the overall impression will likely have more impact and be memorable.

And this is exactly what Racherbaumer has engineered in...

★★★★ $10
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Jon Racherbaumer
Olram Aces by Jon Racherbaumer

"The Filet Mignon of Ace Assemblies." - Ed Marlo

Olram Aces is a tribute to the genius of Edward Marlo which shows how Marlo's lifetime work steadily influenced Jon.

The presentation makes maximum use of the gaffs and the Aces in the non-leader packets disappear in different ways that are successively stronger. It has been audience-tested on laypersons and magicians.

In typical Racherbaumer style you also get a history on the Ace Assembly plot starting with The Discoverie of Witchcraft.

1st edition 2009; 10 pages.

★★★★★ $5
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Jon Racherbaumer
Marlo's Chameleon Aces by Jon Racherbaumer

The basic plot of the "Chamele Aces" was developed in the late 40s by Edward Marlo, who shared ideas about this motif with Neal Elias in 1949. Elias wrote notes regarding the methods they explored, which he and Marlo then filed away. Neither published the "work;" however, Marlo performed an impromptu version at a Pittsburgh magic convention in 1955. Earlier the same year, Roy Walton published his version of "Chamele Aces" in The Gen (February-1955: Volume 10 - Number 10).

The basic Chamele Aces plot is four red-back and four blue-back Aces transpose one at a time.

1st edition 2008; 80 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. A World About Problemists ...
★★★★★ $15
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Jon Racherbaumer
Ladies on the Loose by Jon Racherbaumer

This routine was inspired by a magician’s challenge that it was unfeasible and unadvisable to perform several Ace Assemblies in a row for lay audiences. In fact, he argued that most Four-Ace Assemblies are neither entertaining nor interesting to layman because they are essentially magician’s exercises. This synergism is an exercise based on an opposite view; however, a key lies in presentation. The performer ostensibly is relating a bit of history regarding how a card trick was performed in the 16th century. In the course of the explanation, he acts as a proxy for skeptical spectators who...

★★★★★ $5
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Jon Racherbaumer
Hofzinser's Lost Ace-Problem by Jon Racherbaumer

Karl Fulves published in Pallbearers Review an unsolved card problem wherein an Ace having the same suit of a previously selected card changes into that selection. The puzzling aspect of this problem was this: The four Aces are shown, mixed, and tabled face down. Nobody knows the order or disposition of the Aces, not even the spectator.

Jon describes eight solutions each with its own trade-offs, strengths and weaknesses.

Jon concludes his manuscript with:

The Hofzinser Lost Ace Problem is a good example of a card problem that intrigues magicians because it lends itself to "creative noodling" and...

★★★★★ $5
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Jon Racherbaumer
Good Turns by Jon Racherbaumer

Even though the small packet card trick goes at least back to Hofzinser's times Jon argues that the modern small packet trick started in the 1940s when the Buckle Count was introduced by Dai Vernon and got into full swing when the Ghost Count (Elmsley Count) entered the stage.

Jon writes:

When the Elmsley Count became more widely known, the genie was out of the bottle. Vernon’s “Twisting The Aces” provided momentum. Marlo’s groundbreaking work on “Think Ace” and “Touch Turn” was privately circulating and then was eventually published in The Linking Ring. By the time Larry West and Verne Chesbro published Tricks You Can...

★★★★ $10
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Jon Racherbaumer
Clockwork by Jon Racherbaumer

On the Clock Effect

The clock effect/principle is a variant of the automatic placement principle. It allows you to force a card. The procedure typically is that the spectator freely selects any full hour on the clock (1-12). Cards are then dealt into a clock pattern where one card takes the place of each hour. The card at the spectator's freely chosen hour is the force card, which for example could have been predicted beforehand.

The Clock Effect using playing cards originated at the turn of the century. Potter's Index subsequently listed thirty-eight (38) references—one of the earliest...

★★★★ $10
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Jon Racherbaumer
Definitive Slip Cut by Jon Racherbaumer

Slip Cuts play a vital role in "Cutting to the Aces," a presentation auspiciously introduced in Stars of Magic (1946). Dai Vernon's handling sparked lots of interest when it first appeared, providing strong incentive to master the Slip Cut. Cardini, who also knew a great trick when he saw one, strongly endorsed Vernon's presentation:

"To lovers of outstanding card magic I heartily recommend 'Cutting the Aces.' It is showy and mystifying, more so than you would think a card trick could possibly be."

Therefore, this treatise begins with explanations of three versions of Ace-Cutting. This may induce...

★★★★ $15
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Jon Racherbaumer
Arch Triumphs by Jon Racherbaumer

Every card magician will know the Triumph effect:

The performer is recklessly and haphazardly mixing cards face up and face down. Then, without warning or manipulation, this entire disorder is instantly corrected. All of the cards face the same way except for a selection.

The most famous routine is Dai Vernon's "Triumph" originally published in Stars of Magic. However, he probably was influenced by other similar effects that came before. One such routine is Sid Lorraine's "Slop Shuffle".

Jon Racherbaumer will take you through the history of this wonderfully visual effect and will explain and discuss the many...

★★★★ $15
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Jon Racherbaumer
Big Easy Card Cunning by Jon Racherbaumer

These are all self-working or very easy to perform effects.

One item that I would like to highlight is the Klutz Force, because it is on the same skill level as the popular Criss-Cross force, which is frequently used in self-working effects. With the Klutz Force you have an alternative that has a different feel and procedure.

  • Simplex Physical & Mental
  • Telephenomenal
  • 21 And Then Some
  • Guesstimation City
  • Marked Calculation
  • What Is the Question?
  • Easy Prefiguration
  • Klutzy Forces
  • Hobson Chooses Again
  • Punch-Line Division
  • Simple Sync
  • Is Your Pants On Fire?
  • Made In the Shade
  • No-Clue ...
★★★★ $15
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Jon Racherbaumer
Gene Castillon's Redoubling the Double Cut by Jon Racherbaumer

Gene Castillon presented this lecture at a meeting of Ring #27 IBM in the early 70’s, calling it "The Double Undercut Routine". This routine was designed to feature only one sleight or move—the Double Undercut. To prove the versatility and usefulness of this one move, Gene incorporated into one routine a series of different effects all accomplished by this one move. As you will discover, there are magic appearances, a simple sandwich prediction, several Ace tricks, a poker deal, and a simple triumph trick.

When recently asked to lecture again, Gene pulled out his old lecture notes and was surprised...

★★★★ $5
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Jon Racherbaumer
Compleat K.M. Move by Jon Racherbaumer

This is the fourth revised treatment that Marlo and Jon worked on during the last year of his life. Their objective back then was to publish a new old-book by expanding the original work to include ideas, finesses, and variations devised after 1962. More important, the revision was to be more organized and cohesive than the original.

The original K.M. MOVE booklet was typed on twenty-three pages. There were only eleven hand-traced, inked drawings [by Marlo]. The material faithfully duplicates Marlo's hand-written notes and was typed by Muriel Marlo. All in all, the finished product had an unpretentious,...

★★★★★ $10
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Jon Racherbaumer
Streamlining Discernments by Jon Racherbaumer

A treatise on how to determine a thought of card.

1st edition 2011; 52 pages....

★★★★★ $15
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Jon Racherbaumer
Centric Doubles by Jon Racherbaumer

This is a detailed and thoroughly researched work on double lifts taken from the center of the deck, or so called center double lifts.

A double lift is one of the hardest moves to do well and at the same time one of the most practical and useful moves in magic. One strategy to make a double lift more deceptive is to take two cards from the center rather than from the top of the deck. The downside of this strategy is that the utility of the move is reduced. Nevertheless, for the expert card handler it is worthwhile to study these types of double lifts and acquire one or two versions for one's...

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Jon Racherbaumer
Finessed Controls by Jon Racherbaumer

Controlling a card to the top or to the bottom is the most fundamental technique in card magic. Every card magician should have at least one good method to do that. Consequently many authors use the phrase "control card to the top/bottom with your preferred method" and leave the rest to the reader assuming that everyone already has his or her preferred method. While you might have your favorite method, the search for better ones never stops.

In this ebook Jon Racherbaumer describers several - as he calls them 'finessed' methods - to control a card to the top or to the bottom. You should find...

★★★★★ $20
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Jon Racherbaumer
Antics and Interludes: Contextual Card Cozenage by Jon Racherbaumer

Classic Racherbaumer. I had to use the dictionary twice just to make it past the title :-) If you don't learn any card magic you will certainly expand your vocabulary. But I am sure you will learn a good amount of very thoughtful pieces.

From the introduction:

Can we then agree that Card Antics consist of novel actions, cute bits, and amusing maneuvers? This is what happens when cards jump, rise, change, multiply, disappear, reappear, penetrate, spin, and so forth. Aren't Card Antics meant to provoke delight and bewilder?

To explore ways to convert, tweak, and redeem "pasteboard antics"...

★★★★ $15
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Jon Racherbaumer
Winning Winnowing by Jon Racherbaumer

Ways To End Up With the Only Thing You Want

From the introduction:

This paper is an introductory effort yearning to be a disquisition. Please forgive its discursive style. So far, this recondite subject has resisted an in-depth, organized treatment. The subject at hand is an exploration of reduction and the process of indirectly seeking information. Or, to use the jargon term, it is about elimination and fishing as applied to card magic—more specifically to the Think of a Card effect.

  • Two Ways to Convincingly Disclose One of Two Possibilities
  • A Card That Lies, A Deck That Tells...
★★★★★ $10
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Jon Racherbaumer
Holistic Hamman by Jon Racherbaumer

Brother John Hamman's effects are conducive to creating strong, synergistic routines. That is, many of his individual effects, including its discrete parts, can be combined to form powerful presentations. The following nine-phase is a good example.

Holistic Hamman was originally part of an unpublished book titled Real-World Cardstuff: Synergistic Schemes.

Requisites: A regular deck of cards.

1st edition 2000, 2nd edition 2013, 15 pages.

★★★★★ $6
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Jon Racherbaumer
Pasteboard Permutations by Jon Racherbaumer
  • A WHIM-WHAM WARM-UP: Warmed Over Rhetoric

1st edition 2013, 49 pages.

★★★★ $10
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Jon Racherbaumer
Jonah Ploys by Jon Racherbaumer

This manuscript explores hybrids of the Jonah Card Principle. Beyond that it hopes to draw attention to this fascinating motif and perhaps inspire further research and development.

  • THE FOUR QUEENS (Bill Simon)
  • MEN FROM THE BOYS (Colm Mulcahy - Bill Simon)
  • ODD YET PREDICTABLE (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • NO-JONAH POKER (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • (LOSING) END POKER (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • OUROBOROS (Jack Parker)
  • STRONG CIDER (Edward Marlo - Jon Racherbaumer)
  • THE JONAH IN THE HARRY'S POCKET (Jon Racherbaumer)
★★★★★ $15
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Jon Racherbaumer
Oiled and Watered: A Mystery in Ten Movements by Jon Racherbaumer

There is something incurably viral about this curious card problem. Does anyone know? What's so irresistible about displacing, displaying, counting, spreading, mixing, re-mixing, un-mixing red and black cards? What's the allure? What's the incentive? Yet, despite all cease-and-desist entreaties, methods keep popping up, including the ones in this compact manuscript.

The Ten Phase routine described in this ebook combines ideas and handlings by Hideo Kato, Dave Solomon, and Edward Marlo. You can figuratively use the Oil and Water patter theme, referring to red cards as "water" and black cards as "oil," but some...

★★★★ $10
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Jon Racherbaumer
Pockethereal by Jon Racherbaumer

As a plot, Cards Across is fairly simple and direct. It's a transition effect where a number of cards - usually three - magically travel from one packet to another. There are methods that use gimmicked cards, others use purely sleight-of-hand.

This manuscript is an exploration of subtle methods based on Stewart James' "Pockethereal." Its selling point is that there are no switches or exchanges. The only sleight of hand is the false counts. This put it in a class by itself.

  • POCKETHEREAL (Stewart James)
★★★★ $10
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Jon Racherbaumer
Criss-Crossings: Unleashing the X-Force by Jon Racherbaumer

This is an interesting study of the X-Force and variations thereof only the way Jon Racherbaumer can do it. The X-Force is the simplest force that every magician has learned to do at one point in their life. Jon dissects the X-Force or Criss-Cross Force and then puts it back together in different and new ways. This is fodder for those that want to go into the fine and nuanced details of performing this force.

  • Introduction
  • Drilling Down
  • A Little History of the X-Force
  • Layered-Cross-Cut Force
  • First Method
  • Second Method – Layered Double-Cross
  • Two Cuts Are Better Than One
  • Three Free...
★★★★ $8
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