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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Frances Marshall
Magic Bookman (used) by Frances Marshall

Softcover booklet stapled in good condition. For details of the content see the digital edition.

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Robert Nedbalski
Ned's Ultimate Poker Stack (used) by Robert Nedbalski

Softcover with plastic comb binding in very good condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

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Jeff Stone
Two Birds One Stone by Jeff Stone

Bird One - Kingside Castling

Simply put, a spectator's signed king from a packet of four kings vanishes from underneath her hand. As a kicker, the other 3 kings in the packet become blank even though she just saw all four of the kings. There are no switches.

Bird Two - Brainwave: Card 8

This is a variation of Nick Trost's 8 Card Brainwave that does the effect in reverse.

From a packet of 8 cards with 8 different colored backs, the spectator freely (no force) chooses one of them without knowing the values of any of the cards. Yet, the one she freely chose is found to be the only...

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Sultan Orazaly
Cybercup by Sultan Orazaly

Cybercup is a fast attention grabber with nothing but a pen that sits in your pocket. Based on a well-known handling, this effect will fool your spectators.

Do it for yourself in front of a mirror. You'll fool yourself, so strong is the illusion.

Cybercup is a fast, visual, and interactive effect. Whether you are a miracle worker, salesperson, event host, or public speaker, this will help you break the ice and engage people in an instant.

The effect has been created to be remarkably visual on camera - whether that's using Zoom, FaceTime, Instagram Live, YouTube, or Skype. Your (digital)...

★★★★ $9.95
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MP4 (video)

Christian Scherer
Im Fokus Nr. 16: Der Pokal mit der goldenen Kugel by Christian Scherer

Eine etwas andere Routine mit einer Kugeldose.

Der Vorführende enthüllt einen kleinen Pokal, in der sich eine goldene Kugel befindet. Er gibt an, die goldene Kugel als ersten Preis für herausragende Fingerfertigkeit an einem internationalen Wettbewerb für Zauberkünstler gewonnen zu haben.

Als gutes Training für die Bewegungskoordination der Hände nennt er das Ping Pong Spiel. Er holt einen lieblings-Ping-Pong-Ball aus einem Portemonnaiebügel und lässt ihn mit Hilfe eines Mini Ping Pong Schlägers in den Pokal wandern.

Dies wiederholt er noch zweimal auf unterschiedliche...

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Stewart James
Abbott's Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks Volume 1 by Stewart James

This is the first of three parts. It is by far the most thorough compilation of rope tricks ever created. From the preface by Percy Abbott:

To those who have eagerly awaited its publication, we believe we are giving them a work that was worth waiting for. In producing this volume, we have striven to make it a real compendium of rope tricks - not merely a collection of rope effects, but rather a reference work as complete and informative as possible. This we feel confident has been achieved.

Many months have been spent in research and the compilation necessary to give workers in the realm of magic...

$19.95 $9.95
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Sultan Orazaly
Vanishing Cigarette by Sultan Orazaly

You take a cigarette with two fingers and with a smooth movement the cigarette disappears into thin air.

  • Easy to perform and easy to make. Requires some arts and crafts to make the gimmick, but only takes a few minutes to construct.
  • Visual and practical. Watch your angles. This is only invisible from a restricted viewing angle.
Vanishing Cigarette was inspired by Vanishing Card by Nicholas Lawrence.

1st edition 2022, video 10:25.

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Joseph B.
Mental Fooler by Joseph B.

Mental Fooler is a great and direct effect. It looks like you really know how to read the spectator's mind. The most important element is that you can do this with a borrowed shuffled deck. Everything is done with the cards face down. You take a borrowed deck of cards and remove a couple of cards. While you are turned away the spectator first shuffles these cards and then only thinks of one of them. Then you explain to him how to spell a card and move for each character a card from top to bottom. While you are again turned away the spectator spells the thought of card silently. You are able...

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MP4 (video)

Abhinav Bothra
DIY Card Marking Systems by Abhinav Bothra

Learn six different marking systems for a Bicycle Rider Back design. There are both reader back and coder back marking systems shared here. Each marking system is unique and is suited for varying performing scenarios.

This is a compilation of all three volumes of Pigment and Pixel for the price of two individual ones.

[Reader Backs are marking systems where the value and suit are explicitly written on the back of the card (often hidden within the design). Coder Backs are marking systems where the back patterns/design is used to tell the value and suit of the card.]

There are no tricks with a marked deck taught in this ebook.

1st edition 2022, originally titled "Pigment & Pixel 1, 2, 3", PDF 35 pages....

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Christian Scherer
Im Fokus Nr. 17: Ferrofluid by Christian Scherer

Eine neuartige, kommerzielle Kartenroutine zum Thema 'ehrgeizige Karte' mit einem unpräparierten Kartenspiel.

Der Vorführende zeigt einen Permanentmarker (Filzstift) vor und behauptet, dass es sich bei der darin befindlichen Tinte um ein sehr stark magnetisches Ferrofluid handle, das durch den magnetischen Marker angezogen werde. Dies demonstriert er, in dem er den Vornamen eines Zuschauers auf eine Spielkarte schreibt. Die gekennzeichnete Karte wird vom oberen Ende des Filzstifts angezogen und vom unteren Ende abgestossen.

Die gekennzeichnete Karte wird in die Mitte des Spiels gegeben....

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Robert D. LaRue, Jr.
Tips on Tips: How to maximize your restaurant performance income by Robert D. LaRue, Jr.

Are you performing in or thinking about entering the fun and profitable field of entertaining with magic at family restaurants? Whether you are a skilled beginner or an experienced magician, this ebook will help you enhance your restaurant income. The focus here is on improving your ability to generate tips. The 85+ ideas inside come from the combined experience of more than a dozen performers. You will learn how understanding the insight that, "Magic routines are intricately crafted emotion machines," can endear you to your audiences, who respond with tips and bookings.

"Robert LaRue is...

★★★★★ $9.95
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Edward Marlo
Card Fan Productions by Edward Marlo

A complete treatise on the continuous production of fans of cards from the fingertips. Illustrated with many sketches, front and back views. One of the greatest applause-getters in the business, and you can easily learn how to do it from this ebook. Includes work with gloves, descriptions of performances, ...

Illustrated by Eugene Gloye.

  • Introduction
  • The Instruction
  • The Hat Steal
  • The Card Clip
  • A Net For Catching The Cards
  • Two Types Of Fans
  • Gloved Productions
  • By The Same Author

1st edition 1941; PDF 20 pages.

★★★★★ $9.95
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Sultan Orazaly
Shadow Thread by Sultan Orazaly

A thread that penetrates stuff, your hand, your thumb, a playing card ...

The performer shows a piece of thread that hangs down from his hand. A playing card is held with the other hand behind the thread. With one smooth motion, the thread penetrates the card and is suddenly behind the playing card. It is hard to believe your eyes.

The gimmick is easy to make and there are no bad angles. This looks as good from the back as it does from the front.

1st edition 2022, video 8:51.

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MP4 (video)

Christian Scherer
Im Fokus Nr. 18: Entfesselte Wild Dice by Christian Scherer

Eine Variante von Mark Leveridges Wild Dice, die eine völlig freie Handhabung der Streichholz-schachteln erlaubt.

Der Vorführende zeigt eine Version des Hütchenspiels mit drei Zündholzschachteln und einem weissen Würfel. Der Würfel wird unter eine Schachtel gegeben und die Schachteln werden durcheinandergebracht. Entgegen der Erwartung der Zuschauer befindet sich der Würfel immer unter der mittleren Schachtel.

Wird das Spiel senkrecht gespielt, d. h. die Schachteln aufeinandergelegt, befindet sich der Würfel immer auf, statt unter der mittleren Schachtel.

Wenn der Vorführende den Würfel...

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Sultan Orazaly
Elusive by Sultan Orazaly

Ring effects are visual and beautiful. Introducing an ultra-visual illusion. The finger ring jumps from finger to finger as if it were alive. The effect that deceived hundreds of spectators and magicians will always be at your fingertips.

Supplies may need to be purchased to perform this effect but many magicians will have everything at home. There is no construction or arts and crafts necessary, it is as simple as putting the necessary items together.

1st edition 2023, video 5:56.

★★★★★ $9.95
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MP4 (video)

Edward Marlo
Deck Deception by Edward Marlo

A potpourri of great Marlo tricks.

All kinds of magic good for close-up or parlor, comedy or drama, technique or presentation. Excerpt from the conclusion:

We'd like to call your attention to the fact that we have given you a fine variety of card material. Four card discoveries that are novel and off the beaten path, especially the Divining Hanky. For the fellow who has a speck of larceny in his soul, we gave away our pet - a system of culling and stacking - to be used, of course, for entertainment purposes only.

Another tidbit was a flourish that was easy to do. The remaining five...

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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Poor Man's PK Pen by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Learn how to make your own PK Pen with household items in a few minutes for about 3 dollars. It will be always ready in your pocket. No electronic, no wires, no threads.

1st edition 2023, video 7:24.

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Abhinav Bothra
ACAAN meets a Monkey by Abhinav Bothra

A merge of ACCAN and Do As I Do.

ACAAN is one of the most loved card plots and Do As I Do is one of the most ignored. ACAAN meets a Monkey is a unique cross-over between both of them.

Here two cards get chosen, one by the performer and one by the participant. Both cards are then lost and the cards get shuffled. Both cards are later found by the participant at the number that the participant decides on.

Flow of Events:

  • A pack of cards gets cut into 2 packets by the participant.
  • The participant picks one packet and the performer picks the other one.
  • Both of them show one card from...
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Bruce Bernstein
Bernstein Center Tear Technique by Bruce Bernstein

Imagine a technique that is totally impromptu, can be done surrounded with borrowed materials, and no evidence of trickery can be found. Imagine having someone print any piece of information on a borrowed slip of paper, which is then folded and torn to shreds. Yet you can instantly announce just what was written on it.

1st edition 1980, 18 pages; PDF 20 pages.

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Sultan Orazaly
Pop Vanish by Sultan Orazaly

A super visual vanish. A clean and most visual disappearance. A new method that will show a card with a hole on both sides.

Note: TV rights not included with purchase. Please contact Sultan Orazaly for TV rights.

1st edition 2023, video 22:52.

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Jeff Stone
The Little Book of Halloween Magic by Jeff Stone

Everything you need for Halloween: effects, ideas, further resources on the Halloween theme.

This tome-let is broken down into three categories:

  1. Tricks that are fully fleshed out.
  2. Theme / Prop ideas and resources to customize your existing repertoire.
  3. A quasi-bibliography of sorts listing Halloween effects, books, etc. from other creators.

Included throughout will be some effects that I've published elsewhere. I've culled a few ideas and effects from several of my other works and brought it all together into one little resource. You'll find that the "scary" type of effects pull...

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Koo Hu
Worker's ACAAN by Koo Hu

ACAAN without Pain, Tear, Sweat or Fear

  • Involve upto 4 participants.
  • Nothing to memorize.
  • Clear and concise method.

Worker's ACAAN is one ACAAN that will leave your audience speechless. Its method enables seamless execution which in turn delivers unparalleled mystery. Once you understand the method, it will be impossible to forget. This is the only ACAAN you'll depend upon the rest of your life.

  1. Four people decide on the colour, suit, value and the number between 1 and 52
  2. You invite the fourth person to join you.
  3. Unpack a deck that has been in full view, get rid of ad cards...
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Steve Pellegrino
Your Card by Steve Pellegrino

An amazing twist to the Red Hot Mama/Chicago Opener routine.

A card is selected and placed back into the middle of the deck. The magician states the selected card will reveal itself to him. As he spreads through the deck, a card with a different colored back and a paperclip with a note attached to it is seen. The note reads "Your Card!"

The card is turned over, revealing the selected card. The paper-clipped card is set aside, facing down. A second spectator selects another card and an attempt is made to repeat the effect.

As the magician spreads through the cards, a second with an...

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George B. Anderson
You, Too, Can Read Minds by George B. Anderson

The sequel to It Must Be Mindreading, this ebook reads like a novel - fast-paced, exciting, and with powerful effects.

Excerpt from the introduction:

And I suddenly realized that here was another book - a book with a different and daring concept of mental magic - workable mental magic.

Again, as in my first book, these are all one-man effects - but the emphasis is on audience participation. The general premise is, "You, too, can read minds," and you prove the statement. In each case, the volunteer from the audience will know how you conveyed information to him, but he shouldn't have any idea how you got...

★★★★ $9.95
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