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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Barry Ray
Barry's Ring 'n' Rope Routine by Barry Ray

This is Barry Ray's working routine. It is a three phase routine, with three addional moves, and it can be perform surrounded.

1st edition 2009; 27 pages; 42 photos.

★★★★ $20
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Peter Stammers
Picometry by Peter Stammers

Make money in reading a person's drawing.

There are many methods known as projective techniques. A wide range of materials can be used to stimulate projective responses. The five main types of response are: Associations to words or ink spots, Construction of stories, Arranging or choosing visual or verbal alternatives, and expression through drawings.

Peter Stammers explains in this ebook how you can perform a reading using a drawing. It is a simplified version of the "House Tree Person" analysis method and is not a system for "any" drawing. This is a unique and scientifically based method....

★★★★★ $20
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Various Authors
Friendly Fire: Magic From The Pages of New Directions Magazine by Various Authors

Friendly Fire is an exciting collection of almost 30 effects, routines and essays from the contributors to Ben Harris' New Directions Magazine published between 1985-87.

What exciting times these were. The masters like Marlo, Andrus, and Lorayne where at the top of their game and the new faces like Sankey, Sanders and Harkey were just emerging. And, New Directions captured a lovely slice of these changing times. We've even got Mike Gallo's ORIGINAL NO GAFF REVERSE MATRIX! Do you remember the excitement and torrent of creativity that spurned?

Exciting card, coin and dice magic awaits you inside. Full routines,...

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Werner Miller
Ear Marked by Werner Miller

This was Werner Miller's first English publication and it holds 51 astonishing tricks, all based on clever mathematical principles. You will find next to tricks with cards, numbers, and dice also topological tricks with paper and cardboard.

One of my favorite tricks is called "Quick Change Square" where a 4x4 square changes from a non-magic square to a magic square in a flash. In "Crazy Square", Werner combines the olde "Chinese Compass" with the "magic square" and produces a witty, lively piece. In "Aeolic Prelude", Werner takes a compass and an ESP deck to produce a nice little bit of ritual...

★★★★ $20
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Tabby Crabb
Tabman Magic by Tabby Crabb

Known as The Tabman, Tabby Crabb moved through the innercircles of Close up and comedy magic for two decades both with his skill at crafting magic accessories like the famous Tabman Tables, Casino Chips, Knife through Arm, fine hardwood magicians' Wands and much, much more and appearing onstage and backstage with Amazing Johnathan and Kozak the Magician. Additionally Tabman spent five years as the hotel shows director for The International Brotherhoond of Magicians.

This ebook tells the truth about many relationships in the magic field. Relationships with customers like Max Maven, Harry Anderson...

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Marc Dibowski
Weihnachtszauber by Marc Dibowski

Marc Dibowski, Autor von Kinderzauberei (k)eine Kunst?! und Zaubern in der Schule, stellt Ihnen in diesem Skript einen Fundus an Ideen und Effekte für ein Zauberprogramm zur Weihnachtszeit vor. Verleihen Sie Ihrem Kinder-, Stand-up-, Mental- oder Close-up-Programm ein winter- und weihnachtliches Flair. Nebst Ideen zu verschiedensten Requisiten finden Sie Routinen(-fragmente) und Möglichkeiten, Ihr eigenes Programm kostenminimierend und ohne großen Planungs- und Materialaufwand an die Weihnachtszeit anzupassen. Komprimierte Informationen zu Figuren der Weihnachtszeit, Hinweise auf käufliche...

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Kyle MacNeill
Wild at Heart by Kyle MacNeill

"Thanks for the amazing response that you had for Wild at Heart! Rachel had her operation in November 2010, and thankfully it went brilliantly. She and Aldo are now having their amazing farewell lecture tour, and all you brilliant people who bought this Ebook helped them lots. So, although this Ebook will not help with Rachel's operation anymore, all the money will still go to Aldo and Rachel, and you will be getting an Ebook full of great magic. Thank you." - Kyle

This is a very special ebook put together by an incredible person who is all but 13 years old and driven by his love for...

★★★★ $20
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Paul Voodini
The Haunting of Paul Voodini by Paul Voodini

The Haunting of Paul Voodini is a compilation of routines and set pieces, many of them taken directly from the “shut eye” paranormal community. These routines would sit well in any bizarre, mentalism, or séance theatre presentation and should be regarded as building blocks and foundations around which evenings of wonder and mystery may be built.

As with most of Voodini’s work, the vast majority of this work is ungimmicked and relies instead upon the correct creation of atmosphere, the subtle use of hypnotic wording, and the ability of the performer to engage the guests’ imaginations....

★★★★ $20
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Dale A. Hildebrandt
Heavily Haunted: Second Edition by Dale A. Hildebrandt

NOTE: The Second Edition IS NOT a limited edition!

What People Are Saying About The Second Edition:

"Your book is fascinating and the premise is great. I would recommend your material to anyone who really wants to add strong presentation to their arsenal. This is what I have always thought of as thinking man's magic. Excellent!! Bravo!!" - Ed Solomon

"What Docc Hilford did for the Ball & Tube Dale Hildebrandt & Co. have done to the Haunted Key. This is a MUST HAVE guide for anyone that enjoys this classic PK routine." - Craig Browning

What People Said About The First Edition:


★★★★ $20
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Martin Adams
Use Your Thumper by Martin Adams

In this manuscript you will find a solution how you can achieve effects that use a thumper without a thumper. You don't have to buy expensive mentalism devices to make it possible. There are two handlings and four effects in this manuscript. Thought of card routine, Which Hand and Kurutsuke type of effects are all possible and included in the PDF. You don't need to buy anything because you probably already own the gimmick. This ebook will give you the power that a hundreds of dollars device can give you.

Routines included:

Thought of Card:
The performer asks the spectator to think of...

★★★★★ $20
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Michael Paul
First Impression(s) by Michael Paul

This is the piece that Kenton Knepper called "Brilliant". Alain Nu and Luke Jermay both gave this the thumbs up. Craig Browning flipped over it. But what exactly is it?

This is not a magic trick. This is real mind control. Yes, seriously.

First Impression(s) was written for anyone that uses business cards to promote their magic or mentalism business. First Impression(s) will teach you a special way of designing your card that will influence others to show it to every one they know. This is not a "Magic trick" as you would typically think of it.

This is the business card layout, powerful cold/warm reading script, and influence...

★★★ $20
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Al Mann
Phantom Voices (for resale) by Al Mann
  • TRANS PHONE TEST: Mentalist asks anyone in the audience to use his cell phone to call home and ask anyone to choose a number (which is kept secret). Another person chooses a number secretly. These numbers combined secretly by the spectators to arrive at a page in a book. Mentalist reveals the passage in the book plus the two numbers thought of. You never approach the spectators.
  • WEIRD PROPHESY: You write 6 digits on a card and give to anyone to hold. The digits are visible to the person holding them. Members of the audienc call out 4 digits while another person on the phone chooses 2 more....
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Al Mann
Tr-Id (for resale) by Al Mann

Effect: Mentalist displays a board with many designs and colors. Three persons are invited to secretly choose one design each. Mentalist passes out three pieces of art board and tells the three persons to secretly draw their chosen designs on the boards. They are then instructed to think of their designs and color. Mentalist divines all three designs and colors. That is the effect and that is exactly what happens. Mentalist can walk into any audience and do the test without any previous preparation.

Uncannily, the three persons code their thoughts to the mentalist through insignificant "body...

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Dr. Kurt Volkmann & June Barrows Mussey
The Oldest Deception: Cups and Balls in the Art of the 15th and 16th Centuries by Dr. Kurt Volkmann & June Barrows Mussey

This ebook is a treat for any magic historian as well as for anybody who likes to learn more about the history of the cups and balls. A collection of 20 woodcuts, copper engravings and oil paintings from the 15th and 16th century depicting conjurers with cups and balls is described in great detail by Kurt Volkmann, the president of the German Magic Circle from 1952-1958.

For example, you will find the famous oil painting "The Juggler" by Hieronymus Bosch as well as an imitation and a very similar copper engraving. Read what we can learn from the various depictions of the cups and balls. One...

★★★★★ $20
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Scott F. Guinn
Guinn Gone Mental by Scott F. Guinn

In this, his sixteenth magic ebook, popular author Scott F. Guinn shares a baker's dozen of his favorite mind magic effects. Clairvoyance, predictions, intuition, second sight, and other plots await you within this work.

Nine of the effects were published in Scott's previous (now out of print) ebooks, but these have been updated and expanded:

  • CLAIRVOYANT JOKER: The mentally selected card is the only non-Joker
  • BLIND-SIGHTED: Divine a mentally selected number & card
  • A STRONG IMPRESSION: You predict the card a spectator will name (no force)
  • FOR REAL PREDICTION: A strong and easy take...
★★★★ $20
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Michael Paul
ABK by Michael Paul

Poltergeist Coins: Coins bend inside of a heavy glass vase held by a spectator... then, all of a sudden; the vase begins to move across the table as he tries to hold it in place! No magnets or threads required, and you can do this while on the complete other side of the room! This is a dream routine for meetings with media.

Un-Dead Head: A spooky looking doll's head scares the hell out of everyone when it leaps off the table at a spectator! Not in the mood to give unsuspecting spectators heart attacks? No problems... use the same gimmick to gracefully float a rose.

Silver Lining: Take...

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Scott F. Guinn
Marked for Death by Scott F. Guinn

Scott has been holding this close to the vest for more than a decade. A small part of his do-it-yourself marked deck system was published in his long out of print book "Never Miss a Trick," but in this manuscript Scott gives you the full meal deal, explaining the entire system. Along with instructions on how to make up your own decks (in just minutes!), Scott gives you memory hooks to make learning the system as quick and painless as possible. Then he gets into the routines--and what routines they are! Killer routines that will slaughter your audience! Stuff that seems absolutely impossible...

★★★ $20
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(Benny) Ben Harris & Steve Shufton
X-Ray by (Benny) Ben Harris & Steve Shufton

A plot by Ben Harris with a solution by Steve Shufton and an out by Felix Schellenberg.

"Ben Harris and Steve Shufton's X-Ray is, I think, one of the three best card effects to come out this decade. It's so unbelievably smart, and I use it all the time." - Joshua Jay

"A wonderfully clear cut plot. This is very powerful and appears utterly impossible." - Marc Paul

From the introduction:

When I was young, my uncle Peter fooled me badly with a simple X-Ray Vision stunt. It played serious havoc with my developing mind. Pete had been using his X-Ray Vision to "see through" the table top in order to identify how many fingers I was...

★★★★ $20
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Will Goldston
Exclusive Magical Secrets by Will Goldston

This is the first volume in the famous series of locked books by Will Goldston. He writes in his introduction about his motivation to publish this book: "My aim from the beginning has been to gather together from all sources everything new and big in magic that has not been fully explained before." And indeed we have contributions from the finest magicians living at that time: Chung Ling Soo, Harry Houdini, Servais Le Roy, Conradi, Chefalo, Oswald Williams and Chris Van Bern and others. And don't forget that Goldston himself was a prolific inventor of illusions, many of which are included in this work.

The contents spans...

★★★★ $20
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Will Goldston
More Exclusive Magical Secrets by Will Goldston

This is the second volume in the famous series of locked books by Will Goldston.

1st edition 1921; original 492 pages; PDF 275 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Contents
  2. Introduction to "More Exclusive Magical Secrets."

    Part I. Pocket Tricks

  3. The Cut String Restored
  4. A Cigarette Trick
  5. The Improved Chinese Bat
  6. The Mysterious Coins
  7. The Travelling Handkerchief
  8. An Easy Way of Making Money
  9. The Elusive Scent Bottle
  10. The Cigarette Vanisher
  11. The Magical Knife
  12. The Mallet
  13. Think of a Card
  14. Will Goldston's Disappearing Knot
  15. The Missing Money
  16. The Match Through the Tube
  17. The Conjurer's Will Power ...
★★★★★ $20
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Will Goldston
Further Exclusive Magical Secrets by Will Goldston

This is the third volume in the famous series of locked books by Will Goldston.

1st edition 1927; original 362 pages; PDF 198 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Contents
  2. WILL GOLDSTON An Appreciation
  3. Introduction

    Part I. Pocket Tricks

  4. Shooting at a Match
  5. A Different Cigarette Paper Trick
  6. A Puzzle Box
  7. A Pliable Cigarette
  8. The Magnetic Thimbles
  9. A New Cut String Restored
  10. The Penny and the Pear
  11. The Changing Match Boxes
  12. The Coin Finder
  13. Goldin's Mysterious Rods
  14. Novel Thought Transference
  15. A String Problem

    Part II. Sleight-of-Hand Pocket Tricks

  16. G. W. Hunter
  17. The Magnetic Match-box
  18. Pushing...
★★★★★ $20
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Daniel Madison
M by Daniel Madison

Coffee & Smokes
The performer introduces two red-back cards from his pocket and places them face down on the surface. He then tells a tale of association and how he always associates these two cards with coffee and cigarettes as these very cards where used in a trick shown to him by a good friend over coffee and cigarettes. The said friend is explained to be no longer living. The spectator is given a blue-back deck and invited to deal any two cards from the deck without looking at them. The spectator is then invited to turn over the red-back of which...the 2 of Diamonds is seen...

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Jeff Stone
Gemstones by Jeff Stone

"I've been a big Jeff Stone fan for a while now. Not only is he a good friend, he creates powerful, direct and -most of all- commercial close-up magic. I also really respect Jeff as a teacher. He really knows what he's talking about. 'GEMSTONES' is the perfect opportunity to get to know Jeff and learn how his very clever mind ticks!" - Jay Sankey

"Every single trick on it is worth practicing and performing, I think my favorite effect on there is probably Quasi-Photo, I can't wait to practice it. I can really tell you put a whole lot of thought into this project." - David M

Jeff Stone's latest...

★★★★★ $20
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MP4 (video)

Jeff Stone
Stone Cold Magic (download video) by Jeff Stone

"If you are looking for a fresh dose of commercial, audience-tested card magic, look no further than Jeff Stone's Stone Cold Magic. There's plenty of useable card effects presented in a wonderfully friendly, casual and straightforward manner. My only criticism is that Jeff came up with the idea of using the Erdnase-Houdini Color Change as an invisible palm. It looks so darn good, I wish to heck I had thought of it!!" - Jay Sankey

"Jeff is a real worker and tips his mitt in this DVD. There are some great ideas that are really USABLE. In addition, it's just a fun watch as noted by others. Jeff is...

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MP4 (video)

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