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Andrew Loh
Meltdown Cardbox by Andrew Loh

A card is freely selected and it is placed in between the four Kings. The Kings packet is then placed in the card case and the flap is closed. Performer snaps the card case with his fingers, a card seems to melt through the card case. The card case is opened and four Kings are found inside. You end clean!

  • No setup.
  • Great opener.
  • No gimmicks or duplicates.
  • It's impromptu and can be performed at any time.
  • The deck can be borrowed - visual magic at its best.
This is professionally illustrated which is quite rare in the days of quick shot digital cameras.

I performed your trick for...

★★★★★ $8
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Andrew Loh
Healing Portal by Andrew Loh

This is an impromptu ripped and restored signed card effect. This is a flash restoration and the restored signed card can be immediately given out as a souvenir and you end clean.

In this version, there is no extra card required, palming, etc. The restoration is very visual. The deck can be examined before and after the routine! Best of all, the spectator has a total free choice of the selection and no special setup of the deck. You end clean!

I was really pleased to read your excellent effect. I liked the effect of the tear disappearing. - Peter Duffie

I liked your handling of Healing Portal...

★★★★ $10
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Andrew Loh
Royal Highness by Andrew Loh

This is one of the easiest four-of-a-kind productions with no finger-flicking moves or flourishes.

Effect: Spectator freely names a number between 10 and 20. After some byplay and counting the cards in the process, the spectator unknowingly produces the four Kings.

No crimp! No markings! No gimmicks! No extra cards! No rough & smooth!

I like this a lot. I haven't seen this combination of ideas before. They work very well to produce a strong effect. - Peter Duffie

It's a very novel four-of-a-kind production. The principle used is a simple one and makes the trick pretty much self-working. -...

★★★★★ $6
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Andrew Loh
The Loh of Attraction by Andrew Loh

A collection of Andrew's all time favorite routines. Three card effects which have been in Andrew's repertoire for years. They entertain any audience.

The Sandwich Keepers
Three Kings perform a visual miracle which incorporates the vanishing and sandwiching sequence that will delight your audience.

A card is freely chosen, signed and lost in the pack. Two Kings are removed and held in performer's hands. The pack is shown - their selection is neither on top nor at the bottom. Some gestures, the Kings visually vanished and magically transformed into the selection. The...

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Andrew Loh
Come Together by Andrew Loh

This is a very efficient method for this effect. I like it a lot. - Peter Duffie

I like this effect very much indeed and have performed it several times with great reactions. - David Gemmell

Nice trick. Very clean. I like it. - Cameron Francis

The deck (can be borrowed) is shuffled by a spectator and the black Kings are removed from the deck. A card is freely selected (can be signed) by a spectator before it's lost in the deck.

The performer spreads the deck and instructs the spectator to freely place the first King in any part of the deck. This is followed by the second King.

The whole deck is placed onto spectator's...

★★★★★ $3
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Andrew Loh
Jacks Union: a visual sandwich card effect by Andrew Loh

Two red Jacks are placed on the table. A card is freely selected and signed before it is lost in the deck. One of the Jacks is placed on top of the deck and the other on the bottom of the deck. The magician waves his hand over the deck, magically, the first Jack vanishes and upon flipping over the deck, the second Jack seems to have vanished, too. The deck is spread and a face-down card is trapped in between the Jacks and this proves to be the spectator's selection.

1st edition 2010; 5 pages.

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Andrew Loh
Lord of the Rings by Andrew Loh

"This has an excellent presentation, making it a wonderfully entertaining card routine." - Peter Duffie

"Lord of the Rings effect was very sound, the moves routined into each other perfectly. The presentation for that effect was truly a wonderful idea! You took what would be just another card trick and made it a real joy to present." - Shannon Clark

Four cards are freely selected which represent the evil rings. Performer claims that among the four cards, only one card will represent the genuine ring and the performer attempts to mix the cards randomly in order to find out which card represents...

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Andrew Loh
Divide & Conjure by Andrew Loh

Spectator Cuts the Aces with a truly different twist. It's very easy to do and highly entertaining...The four kings magically assemble to a single pile only to transform into four separate spectator selections!

"This is an excellent trick! One of your best yet!" - Peter Duffie

"I like 'Divide & Conjure' very much because it is easy and direct to the point; these are the effects that I favor. Keep up the good work!" - Aldo Colombini

"Andrew has another clever e-trick that is very, very good and easy to do." - Cameron Francis

1st edition 2010; 8 pages

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Andrew Loh
Collectors Card Case by Andrew Loh

This is Andrew's handling of Roy Walton’s “The Collectors” plot. If you are familiar with his original plot, here, the magic moment takes place in the card case and it has served Andrew well over the years. He developed this handling while he was playing a number of “The Collectors” effects during the afternoon in the year of 2006.

Effect: The performer places three Kings in the card case. The performer then proceeds to have two spectators to freely choose two cards from the deck. The two selections are signed and lost in the deck. The performer waves his hand over the card case...

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Andrew Loh
Hallucination by Andrew Loh

Hallucination is Andrew's first packet trick that is very easy to do and highly entertaining.

Basically, this effect involves four Queens and you magically cause any two Queens to penetrate with the other two Queens visually.

At the end, you cause all the Queens to vanish magically leaving the blank cards on the table!

There is no slit or any special cut-out card at all in this effect.

This ebook is not suitable for beginners. While all the moves are explained clearly some previous card handling experience is preferable.

Skill Level: 3-4 (Intermediate)



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Andrew Loh
Kollectors Revisited by Andrew Loh

This is one of Andrew's favourite routines. He has been performing Kollectors Revisited for many years in his act and he regards this effect as his pet routine.

This effect plays big and best of all, it's impromptu and can be performed with a borrowed deck.

In addition, if you are going to perform card magic that has great impact to layman, this effect is for you. This effect involves three freely selected cards and they can be signed. You cause their signed selections to vanish into thin air and magically, the selections appear in a very magical manner.

This e-book is not suitable...

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Andrew Galloway
The Ramsay Legend by Andrew Galloway

John Ramsay was known for his clever use of misdirection. Probably his most famous quote is

"I work alone, but I have an invisible assistant—Miss Direction."—John Ramsay

His use of misdirection was so good that he often badly fooled his fellow magicians. Ramsay was a sleight-of-hand master with coins and thimbles, but worked essentially with all objects including cards, ropes and cups and balls. Lots of clear line drawings by Ralph O. Evans.

1st edition 1969 Goodliffe Publications; 2nd printing 1975 by Magic, Inc., comb-bound, 63 pages; 1st digital edition 2013, 93 pages. ...

★★★★ $14.95
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Andrea Strano
La via per intercettare l’attenzione by Andrea Strano

Il Potere dell’Ipnosi e della Retorica.

Vorrei introdurre gli argomenti trattati in questo volume ponendo una premessa: questo manuale rappresenta una svolta per tutti coloro che amano il tema persuasione e ipnosi, ma non è solo per loro.

Infatti, questo non è un libro come tanti altri, non insegna in pochi passaggi a realizzare un effetto di illusionismo o l’induzione ipnotica perfetta, insegna molto di più, insegna a cambiare totalmente modo di approcciare a questi metodi.

Ho pensato che un manuale del genere, per essere comprensivo non dovesse essere troppo tecnico o complesso,...

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Andrea Strano
Persuasore Occulto by Andrea Strano

Quando l’Arte incontra la Tecnica.

In questo manuale semplice da comprendere, tratterò diversi argomenti tra cui l’ipnosi, la PNL e la retorica, spiegando quelle che sono le tecniche moderne oggi in voga.

Questo manuale è molto utile perché, non è solo incentrato sull’arte dell’ipnosi, ma viene proposta agli appassionati una versione che ha più risvolti e più sfaccettature, come a creare un connubio perfetto fra l’arte di ipnotizzare e l’arte di persuadere.

Questo è un manuale che si prefigge di andare oltre, ovvero di presentare l’ipnosi in maniera più approfondita,...

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Ananta Deb Banerjee
Designed to Deceive by Ananta Deb Banerjee

Mr. Deb was initiated into magic at an early age. As a teenager, he was inspired by the Late P.C. Sorcar’s Magic Shows, and soon started performing his own magic shows in local clubs on many occasions. He developed an interest in the 'mechanics' of tricks and started making his own props in his own small home workshop. He gained a wealth of knowledge by avidly reading a wide variety of books on this subject.

The eight effects described in this ebook are mechanical self-working props, that "do" the magic. The performer has little else to do, once the props are ready, than pull the correct...

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Anabelle & Mystic Alexandre
Beneath the Mask by Anabelle & Mystic Alexandre

Beneath The Mask, co-written with Alexandre, is the last manuscript Anabelle chose to release to the community back in 2007! It's been off the market for a number of years, but now it's back! IMPORTANT NOTE: This is the original 2007 release with the original cover on the PDF and original content.

11 Fun Routines

Chance Sandwich: A unique playing card prediction experiment where a subject makes a couple of crystal clear choices, no doublespeak by the performer, and in the end the performer proves to be eerily correct! A classic card effect with an Anabelle twist that improves it tenfold!...

★★★★★ $8.88
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Anabelle & Mystic Alexandre
Pow Wow by Anabelle & Mystic Alexandre

6 easy Native American themed mentalism routines.

This eBook first released in 2006 disappeared a year later and returns now in its original form. So what is a Pow Wow?

Pow Wow is the Native American people's way of meeting together, to join in dancing, singing, visiting, renewing old friendships and making new ones. It's also a time to renew thought of the old ways and to preserve the rich Native American heritage. The word powwow in itself is from an Indian word that has been Anglicized. It comes from the Algonquian term "pau-wau" or "pauau", which referred to a gathering of medicine...

★★★★ $6
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Anabelle & Mystic Alexandre
Psychics are Simply Individuals by Anabelle & Mystic Alexandre

A fun, entertaining, and feel good mentalism routine.

I've come to realize that when many of us hear the word "psychic," we imagine a neon-lit storefront, decorated with crystal balls, fog machines, the essence of "smoke and mirrors." From an early age, we're warned by our parents that these services are scams and begin associating psychic gifts as questionable and fraudulent for the most part. The otherworldly events we experience in childhood are mostly discredited, and even as we explore divination practices in adulthood, we are still quick to raise an eyebrow at the word "psychic." ...

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Anabelle & Mystic Alexandre
A Numerological Destination by Anabelle & Mystic Alexandre

Numerological Destination is a simple, direct, bold, and effective self-working playing card routine with no sleight of hand, no mathematical procedure, and no marked cards ... it uses a regular pack of playing cards, anywhere, anytime.

You will surely find other uses for this method, but here's how we present it ...

Numerology is seen as a universal language of numbers. It's the idea that the universe is a system, and once broken down we're left with the basic elements, which are ... numbers. These numbers can then be used to help us better understand the world and ourselves. But one...

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The Erotic Seance by Anabelle

Finally! The Return of the Controversial Bestseller The Erotic Seance!

This manuscript was originally created in 2004 and published in 2005. Within a relatively short period of time it was off the market. Since then many people have looked for a copy, curious about its contents. Mystic Alexandre has owned the rights to this manuscript for many years and thought it might never see the light of day again, but now he feels it's time this unique piece resurfaced at a special price and for a limited time for those who are interested.

This is the unchanged and original manuscript created in 2004 with no content...

★★★★ $13.33
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Seven Past Midnight by Anabelle

This is the very first manuscript Anabelle released way back in 2003. A creative mix of Bizarre Magic and Mentalism. IMPORTANT NOTE: This is the original 2003 release with the original cover on the PDF and original content. Nothing new has been added.

Brother Shadow (Carl Herron): "If you are a performer that deals with things strange and mysterious, this eBook is for you!"

Ted Lesley: "Anabelle's E-book "Seven Past Midnight" is wonderful! Get it as soon as you can and I know you'll be more than pleased. Since I have read the book, I am a fan of Anabelle."

In this manuscript you'll find:
★★★★ $8.88
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Ana Fox
Foxtails by Ana Fox

Foxtails is the first ebook from female mentalist Ana Fox. In this eBook you will find 5 routines from her professional working repertoire. This material is intended for the intermediate mentalist, but don't let that dissuade you these are real gems!

From Aire Allegro's introduction:

It is an absolute pleasure to write an introduction for Ana. This eBook is going to be a great first stop of Ana’s journey and I predict great things for Ana in the very near future. The material within here is very simple; please do not let that put you off. Practicality is what it is important and reading these effects...

★★★★ $12
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Amerigo Di Meo
Origami, l'arte di piegare la carta by Amerigo Di Meo

Manuale pratico per imparare l’arte dell’origami.

L’Origami è un’antica arte orientale, perfezionatasi in Giappone, che con tecniche di piegatura riesce a trasformare foglietti di carta in graziosi animaletti, fiori, scatolette ed altri piccoli oggetti di quotidiana utilità, e in vere e proprie opere d’arte.

Il termine “origami” deriva da due parole giapponesi: “ori” e “kami” dove “ori” sta per piegare, e “kami” è la pronuncia sia della parola “carta” sia della parola “dei”, da questo deriva la valenza sacrale data al “piegare la carta”.


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Amedeo & George Schindler
Amedeo by Amedeo & George Schindler

When George Schindler wrote his book Amedeo's Continental Magic he used his tape recorder frequently to capture some of the remarkable Amedeo stories. On this recording George introduces Amedeo and we then hear Amedeo himself talking about his life and times in working for over 65 years in more than 23 countries. In 1972 the New York Society of Magicians named Amedeo as "Magician of the Year." Here is your opportunity to hear him talking about some of his experiences.

Recorded October 20th, 1973. Length 52 min.

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