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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 2 by Alexander de Cova

BOXED - A signed bill ends up in the interior of a lighter, which has been inside a cigarette packet. This one has fooled everyone on my last lecture tour. Perfect for table-hopping, instant reset and easy to do. [Note: This routine was intended to be published as a separate eBook for a much higher price than this issue of Scrapbook. However, for completeness sake I decided to add it here.

TOTALLY STONED - A mental routine based on a Max Maven idea. I changed the routine, method and added an additional climax to it. Very powerful and easy to do.

ENTHYMEMATA - Thoughts, tips and hints.

1st edition 2014, 6 pages....

★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 3 by Alexander de Cova

ABSTRACTOR - My take on the "Extractor" gimmick which is completely different. The deck can be fanned, spread and quite freely shown. The spectator himself can insert his card into the case. The case is shut and rubber bands are placed all around the case (!). You can show the case from all sides - all looks perfect. You put the deck in your pocket and immediately have the selected card at your disposal! Easy to construct in less than half an hour with only one deck used.

TAMARIZ MEMO DECK - Here I start with a five part "course" on the memorization of this brilliant stack. It's fun to read,...

★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 14 by Alexander de Cova

Die neue NAM 14 ist fertig und steht zum Download bereit. Die erste offizielle Ausgabe des Jahres 2014 ist wieder vollgepackt mit kommerziellen Ideen und Routinen, die man so auf dem gesamten magischen Markt nicht findet.

AUTOSPELL DECK - die Killer-Routine von Devin Knight, bei der eine frei gewählte Karte unter unmöglichen Bedingungen vom Zuschauer selbst aus dem Spiel herausbuchstabiert wird. Der Trick ist ein absoluter Fooler und keiner, dem ich ihn gezeigt habe, hatte auch nur einen Ansatzpunkt einer Lösung! Das Schöne dabei ist, dass das Kunststück als Selbstgänger zu bezeichnen...

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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 4 by Alexander de Cova

The new issue is packed with workable stuff. This time, you'll find also something for the stage magician! Here the contents:

ESPACOLOGY 2 - My take on a routine by David Berglas. This one is intended for stage/plattform use and can be made to play really big. Multiple predictions lead to a knockout climax incorporating the name of the company you are working for.

GIANT CARD TO SILK - This is truly the most visual and baffling transformation of a giant card into a silk. It looks like trick photography and you end clean. I describe some tips for the table-hopping magician as well.


★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 5 by Alexander de Cova

In this issue, I go into great detail for my version of the routine "Cards Through Newspaper", an effect which was popularized by the great Albert Goshman in his professional act.

CARDS THROUGH NEWSPAPER - I taught this version to Doc Eason years ago. Here is the complete description with all the details (for you, Doc!). Doc told me that he showed the routine to Eric Mead and Eric had some nice words for it, means, he liked it. Four cards (any four cards, signed or unsigned) penetrate a sheet of newspaper one at a time. This is a worker's version, no duplicates, preparation or anything. You...

★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 6 by Alexander de Cova

This issue deals with the kind of tricks Pat Page would have loved and performed. Therefore it is dedicated to him. Here the contents:

STAB IN THE DARK - A card stab routine, where you stab (underneath a silk) into the deck and hit the mate of a spectator's selected card.

SIMPLE MISRES DREAM - This gimmick enables you to do a perfect coin catch without any sleight of hand! Can be applied to many other things as well.

POOR MANS RINGFLIGHT - The easiest ringflight with an unprepared leather key case. This is really for the working performer and perfect for table hopping.


★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 7 by Alexander de Cova

PAPER DARTS - This is the routine I've kept back. You stand on stage with a folded paper dart. Spectators decide on a three digit number. The dart is thrown into the audience and the audience member catching it brings it to the stage. The paper dart is opened and on it is PRINTED in big bold letters the chosen number! NO nail writing or whatsoever, the method will make you laugh. Completey "out-of-the-box" thinking here. Hopefully, only a few magicians will go into the troubles making this one up.

HOPA-GIMMICK - This can be made up withing minutes and enables you to force two cards as convincingly...

★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 8 by Alexander de Cova

MY MAGIC SQUARE - I worked a long time to get together my "perfect" magic square. This one is different, because on the back of the card, where you make the grid, the square is predicted in big bold letters! A very good number force is described that has been long time underground and that can be used in many other effects as well. I always carry this one with me in my wallet and it has never ceased to really amaze people. [Note: In order to perform this magic square effect you will either need E-Z Square 4 by Werner Miller or Patterns of Perfection Revisited by Sam Dalal.

HOFZINSER IN MY WALLET - A very convincing and bold "card to wallet". NO palming whatsoever. Based on ideas by Peter Duffie and Chip Kleiman. I took the original...

★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 15 by Alexander de Cova

BERMUDADREIECK - Das ist der Trick, über den alle beim Seminar gesprochen haben. Eine geliehene Münze durchdringt sichtbar eine (unpräparierte) Karte und landet in der Hand des Zuschauers. man muss es gesehen und vor allem gefühlt haben, um zu wissen, wie effektvoll dieser kleine Trick wirkt.

DAS FENSTERKUVERT MAL ANDERS - Diese Feinheit zum Fensterkuvert habe ich lange Jahre zurückbehalten. Es ermöglicht dir alle klassischen Effekte mit einem Fensterkuvert, jedoch mit dem Unterschied, dass das Kuvert von allen Seiten gezeigt werden kann und verschlossen ist. Auch kommen keine Durchschreibetechniken...

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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 9 by Alexander de Cova

THE REAL PREMONITION - My take on Eddie Joseph's famous Premonition effect, which eliminates all calculations through the use of a devilish "prompter list", which is in full view but can't be seen. Also, in my version the freely chosen card (which is the only card missing in the deck) is predicted in a letter in a sealed envelope! For the gimmick you get the printing templates which can be found at the end of the PDF.

REVERSE TAKE - The most convincing "take" with a thumb tip possible. This one will fool even the experts, guaranteed. It will take some time until you get this down, because it works completely against...

★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
TNT: card in sealed envelope by Alexander de Cova

TNT is the ultimate card in envelope. A signed card appears in a sealed envelope that has been in full view all the time. So easy to execute, but completely baffling. Perfect for close-up, parlor and trade show magic. A real stunner that can be built in minutes. Detailed video explanation in English.

1st edition 2014, runtime 7 minutes

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MP4 (video)

Alexander de Cova
Lager Switch by Alexander de Cova

This has nothing to do with Lager Beer, but a lot with David Regal. REGAL read backwards is LAGER and that's where the name comes from. David's excellent "Clarity Box" that he marketed was the inspiration, in fact I actually use his box in this video (although you could use any container or suitable drinking glass).

This is my handling with the UNPREPARED crystal box, acchieving the same result: a folded card, which has been in full view inside the box is switched out for a signed card. This is a no-frill switch for the worker with a heavy rentention of vision aspect to it.

Of course, it could be...

★★★★ $6.50
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MP4 (video)

Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 10 by Alexander de Cova

CONFABULATION - The routine I have been doing since the 80s (oh my gosh!). Out of the need to create a DIY version of the marketed effect of Alan Shaxon, I devised this baby. It's easy to use, practical and you don't need any Kaps wallet for this. At the end, everything can be left with the spectators.

SOAP BUBBLE CARD - Finn Jon is a genius with both threads and his omni-present soap bubbles. In 1987 I created a revelation with a smoke filled soap bubble that is really eye candy and surprising. A signed selection appears with the burst of a soap bubble. Easy, simple and visual. A truly unusual...

★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 16 by Alexander de Cova

Die aktu­elle Aus­gabe stellt eine Beson­der­heit dar: Das Thema ist die Falt­karte von JORO. Der Effekt also, bei dem eine signierte Karte gefal­tet in einer Schach­tel (oder irgendwo anders) erscheint. Zuerst wollte ich ja nur mei­nen "LAGER Switch" beschrei­ben, dann aber merkte ich schnell, dass in dem Thema noch viel drin ist und dazu noch viel mehr gesagt wer­den kann und ich sam­melte Ideen. Dar­aus wur­den dann zwei Hefte, die sich sehr aus­führ­lich mit dem Effekt aus­ein­an­der­set­zen und ihn von allen mög­li­chen Sei­ten beleuch­ten. Ich könnte alleine...

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Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 17 by Alexander de Cova

Wie ver­spro­chen das zweite Heft der Son­der­aus­gabe zur Falt­karte. Und da sie noch recht­zei­tig im April erschie­nen ist, befinde ich mich wie­der im Timing. In die­ser Aus­gabe beschreibe ich wei­tere Tech­ni­ken und Ideen zur Falt­karte. Von man­chen wirst du noch nie gehört haben. Wie auch im ers­ten Heft geht es vor­ran­gig um Metho­den des Fal­tens und des Aus­tau­schens. Anzu­mer­ken wäre noch, dass vie­les von dem Mate­rial in den bei­den Hef­ten sich sehr gut auch in der Men­tal­ma­gie mit Zet­teln ein­set­zen läßt. Hier der Inhalt:


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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 11 by Alexander de Cova

This time I start a little series on the "signed folded card in box" plot. The effect that a signed card ends up folded in a little box is a classic and has been performed by many top professionals and amateurs alike. I am a great lover of this trick and accumulated quite a lot of methods and ideas concerning this top trick. These I will share with you through my Scrapbook magazine. This is the first issue dealing with this highly interesting topic. After a lengthy and detailed discussion on my opinions, strategies and thoughts about this effect, learn:

THE WILD WILD WEST FOLD - A novel method...

★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 18 by Alexander de Cova

Die legendären Becherspielroutine des Wiener Zauberkünstlers Kurt Freitag.

Auf diese Rou­tine haben viele Zau­ber­freunde schon sehr lange gewar­tet. Nun ist sie end­lich da: Die Becher­spiel­rou­tine von Kurt Frei­tag aus Wien. Seit vie­len Jah­ren eine legen­däre Vor­füh­rung, die Erin­ne­run­gen an BOSCO, Döbler und Gosh­man wach wer­den lässt. Für mich per­sön­lich ein sehr wich­ti­ges Pro­jekt, weil ich end­lich nach Jah­ren mein Ver­spre­chen Kurt Frei­tag ein­lö­sen konnte, seine Rou­tine in allen Details zu beschreiben.

Kurt Frei­tag hat...

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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 12 by Alexander de Cova

This issue deals with two routines. The first one is de Cova's version of the famous 'Ten Card Poker Deal'. This is a routine in four phases and makes use of a full deck, which is shuffled and cut. Each phase is build up and more challenging. All the time the spectator wins against you and he has no idea how. With all phases the spectator makes absolute free decisions and the climax is an overwhelming Royal Flush of Spades in his poker hand. Easy to do and entertaining.

The second routine is called 'The Green Card' (has nothing to do with Lennart) and it was one of the main routine in Alexander's...

★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Locked Books 02: The Traveller Effect by Alexander de Cova

This was the routine magicians talked most about at Alexander's last lecture tour in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Holland.

Here is the effect: You write a prediction on a card, which is placed into an envelope. This in turn is deposited in a small leather wallet. All this is done BEFORE anything starts and in full view of the audience.

A spectator (no stooge) gets a sheet of newspaper. He pretends being a passenger that is sitting and waiting for his train in a train station at a certain track, reading his newspaper. The spectator names freely a train station in any city in the world...

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Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 19 by Alexander de Cova

Die 'ROARING 40ties' - Irgend­wann beim Sur­fen ent­deckte ich Bil­der aus der 'guten alten Zeit' von New York. Bil­der aus den Vier­zi­ger Jah­ren, die mich inspi­rier­ten, in die­ser Aus­gabe der NAM Tricks zu beschrei­ben, die teil­weise aus die­ser Zeit stam­men und die natür­lich von mir ent­spre­chend 'auf­po­liert' wur­den. Hier der Inhalt:

CASHING THE CHEQUE - Ein Klas­si­ker, bei dem ein Stück Papier in kleine Stü­cke zer­ris­sen und auf ein umge­dreh­tes Wein­glas gelegt wird. Dann nimmt der Vor­füh­rende ein bren­nen­des Streich­holz, berührt...

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Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 20 by Alexander de Cova

In der neuen NAM 20 habe ich mich die­sem bis­her in unse­rer Lite­ra­tur etwas stief­müt­ter­lich behan­delten Thema ange­nom­men und alle meine "krea­ti­vi­täts­för­dern­den" Mit­tel­chen und Metho­den zusam­men­ge­schrie­ben. Du erfährst Kniffe und Tipps, die dich krea­ti­ver wer­den las­sen. Ich ver­wende diese Metho­den schon seit Jah­ren und viele mei­ner Tricks sind unter ihrer Zuhil­fe­nahme ent­stan­den. Ich wollte die­ses Thema schon ewig lange ein­mal auf­grei­fen, und jetzt ist es end­lich geschafft. Der Inhalt ist auch die Basis mei­nes...

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Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 21 by Alexander de Cova

In der August-Ausgabe geht es um Design in der Zau­ber­kunst. Hier wird alles bespro­chen: Vom Gol­de­nen Schnitt über die Fibonacci-Spirale bis hin zur Farb­ge­bung und Kon­struk­tion von Zau­ber­re­qui­si­ten. Ich zeige dir ver­schie­dene Tische und Abla­gen, wie man sie desi­gned und warum sie so gestal­tet wur­den. Design in der Zau­ber­kunst ist ein lei­der stief­müt­ter­lich behan­del­tes Thema, das uns aber alle angeht, denn (fast) jeder Zau­be­rer braucht eine Ablage, Kof­fer oder Tische. Hier fin­dest du genug Anre­gun­gen, deine Shows ein­zig­ar­tig...

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Alexander de Cova
Burners 1: Geile Tricks, die funzen by Alexander de Cova

Es sind in jedem Band über 60 Routinen, Tricks, Ideen, Moves und Gimmicks beschrieben, und das aus fast allen Bereichen der Zauberei. Es gibt (viele bisher unveröffentlichte) Tricks mit Münzen (u.a. die Scottish Coins Routine und meine Variante des Fred Kaps Chinese Coin Trick), Tricks mit der Okito Dose, mit Poker Chips, Färbemessern, Umschlägen, Karten, Kronkorken, Schreibblöcken, Zeitungen, Seilen, usw. Zusätzlich auch einige theoretische Artikel, die interessante Themen behandeln. Wer meine bisherige Arbeit kennt, der weiss, dass ich in meinen Seminaren und Veröffentlichungen immer eine breite...

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Alexander de Cova
Wäscheklammer Austausch by Alexander de Cova

Ein Arbeitsbuch mit allen Feinheiten zu diesem Griff sowie der neuen Beancounter-Routine und einigen Tipps und Anregungen. Im Download enthalten sind das PDF sowie einige Kurzvideos, die die Abläufe zeigen.

[Die Files lassen sich ganz einfach in jedem Browser öffnen. Ladet das ZIP-File herunter, das ihr entpackt. Dann die index.html in einem beliebigen Browser öffnen und ihr könnt loslegen. Wer lieber direkt das PDF und die Videos einzeln anschauen will geht in das resources/content Verzeichnis und wird dort alle Dateien finden.]

Erstausgabe 2018, 72 Seiten und 5 Videoclips.

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