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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Conjuring: page 64


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Devin Knight
Blindsight: the original by Devin Knight

One of the most talked about effects at the 2006 Mindvention. It virtually fooled anyone who saw it. Since then over 5000 copies of Blindsight have been sold world-wide. It has become a classic of mentalism and used by some of the biggest names in mentalism. In fact, one performer was able to book a $10,000 gig by performing this one trick alone for the decision maker! Yes, Blindsight is that good.

This routine is now available in a Do-It-Yourself PDF and can be easily made up in a few minutes.


Performer patters that Blindsight is the apparent ability to see colors and shapes...

★★★★ $7
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Devin Knight
Tri-Epic by Devin Knight

If you are looking for a large visual stage mental effect, then look no further! Tri-Epic is an updated mental epic type effect, but without the old fashion chalk boards, and WITH NO ONE-AHEAD method. Tri-Epic is new, novel and different! This effect sells from magic dealers for over $300 new with all the props. You can make it for a fraction of that.

(Although similar to the smaller, In The News, the method and handling are different. This is designed for stage work. In The News was more for close-up and parlor work.)

If you liked David Copperfield's Graffiti Effect then you will love this. Creates...

★★★★★ $7
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Dave Arch
JoJo the Mindreading Dog by Dave Arch

Add a live animal to your act at no cost!

Imagine being able to announce that you have a live dog as part of your show - performing a card trick. Now imagine that you didn't need to own or transport a dog for this hilarious routine to work.

This manuscript gift from Dave Arch gives you a routine he has used for years - making his show look bigger without any fuss or muss.

Comes complete with a commissioned poster Dave had created for his own use. You're free now to use it in your own shows.

"I consider it one of the best gimmicked decks there is ..." - Andy Jerxmann in the book ...
★★★★ $7
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Mystic Alexandre
Anomalous Cognition by Mystic Alexandre

Intuitive ability is more common than you might think. We all have it but most of us never use it, we're blocked, our minds too busy, distracted. In Anomalous Cognition Mystic Alexander presents an empowering approach to the "Which Hand" effect. Created to empower the subject, not just show how "clever" we are!

  • A nice touch that will leave the subject with a moment to remember
  • An unexpected pleasure to perform
  • Has a positive impact
Note: Anomalous Cognition should not be performed as a "trick" for maximum effectiveness, but rather as a fun/casual "experiment" or "test".

Did you know...

★★★★ $7
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A. K. Dutt
Shuffle The Spectators by A. K. Dutt

If you already own Some Total 2.0 or if you buy it together with this one, you will get this ebook for just $4.

This routine is a blend of a card effect and a couple of simple coin moves, designing a game of choices that ends on a high note. In brief, three spectators freely select a number and a card, then they switch places, which means they will receive the number of somebody else, but their card still appears at that new number.

It can either be presented as card magic or as a mentalism effect, both close-up or on stage, depending on your performing taste or choice. Everything appears fair and square,...

★★★★★ $7
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Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron
Phantom Mindreader by Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron

The answer to the mentalist's dreams! Available once again is Nelson's perfect, undetectable means of immediately securing full knowledge of written questions and detail. Spectator simply writes a question, seals it in an ordinary envelope and retains it. At no time does the mentalist so much as touch the writing or sealed envelope. Yet, in a flash, the mentalist has full knowledge of the written data.

Nelson's Phantom Mindreader does the work for you. It truly is a 'Phantom'; as it is never seen by the audience. It delivers the message to the mentalist in seconds in a most natural, unsuspicious...

★★★★ $7
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Devin Knight
Psychic Money Sense by Devin Knight

Designed for an intimate close up show, this experiment apparently shows that a spectator has an excellent psychic sense as he achieves an impossible outcome using three pay envelopes and some ordinary coins.

Apparently give a spectator psychic intuition. The magician shows three small coin envelopes. On the front of each envelope is attached a different coin. One envelope has a penny attached to the front, another has a nickel, and finally the last envelope has a dime. The magician says he has made a written prediction and points to it. It is on the table in full view. The coins on the envelopes...

★★★★★ $7
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George Ernest Arrowsmith
Magical Mentalia and Magical Originalia by George Ernest Arrowsmith

Magical Mentalia

  • Introduction
  • Psychic Magic
    • Psychometrical Divination
    • The Word That Spells Itself
    • The Library Problem
    • Psychic Photography
    • A Novel Novelty
    • A Word Of Three Letters
    • Psychic Sight
    • A Silent Mental Act
    • The Key Of Knowledge
  • Miscellaneous Tricks
    • Watch The Milk!
    • The Magnetic Wand
    • A Miniature Derby
    • Wringing A Stocking
    • Baby Austin
    • The Penetrative Woman
    • Kill The Brute!
    • The Uncontrollable Doll
    • The Witch At The Stake
    • The Arrowsmith Glass Penetration
    • The Body In The Bath Illusion
Magical Originalia
  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • A Letter Embodying Two Magical Ideas ...
★★★★★ $7
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Dale A. Hildebrandt
Star Struck by Dale A. Hildebrandt

Star Struck is the latest small manuscript authored by Dale A. Hildebrandt. In this ebook, you will learn:

  • How to prove that you have previously predicted the star sign of a total stranger inside a packet of 12 Zodiac Sign Cards.
  • Also included is Dale's very moving effect "Star Child" which becomes a familial legacy passed down through the generations from parent to child. ("Star Child" has been previously published.)
  • A take on a psychological force, with an ingenious two-way out, framed around UFO's and secret government projects. (This presentational framework has been shared by Dale...
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Devin Knight
Fortune Telling Card Trick by Devin Knight

After working a few card tricks, how many times have you been asked "Can you tell fortunes with cards?" Fortune telling with cards has always been interesting; but, how many of us have wanted to spend the time to learn and memorize the meanings of all the playing cards? I would dare say, very few of us. Besides, there is no trick to it.

Now you can say, "Yes." Not only that, but you can actually tell people how many brothers and sisters they have, how many children they have including their gender, number of pets and the month of their birthday, including their current age (without doing...

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S. W. Reilly
Spirit Rope Ties by S. W. Reilly

If you are a magician or psychic entertainer looking for something different and exciting to add to your act, then your search is over!

The Spirit Rope Tie, long a staple of bogus spirit séances, offers the clever performer a fantastic array of performance possibilities for injecting fun, humor or mystery into his or her show. Whether played "straight" as a recreation of a vintage spirit séance, or as a comedic effect that gets funnier with each repetition, any one of the rope ties described in the ebook is strong enough to be a reputation maker for you.

Reilly doesn't make the reader...

★★★★★ $7
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Dave Arch
Gypsy Eradication Ritual by Dave Arch

Just in time for your Halloween shows. While the rest of the group stands in a circle reading in unison the ritual instructions printed on what appears to be an aged piece of parchment paper, the person who'll be receiving the benefits of the ritual sits at a small table in the center of the circle with a piece of paper, matches, pen, candle, and plate. As that person follows the instructions being read by the group, the ritual unfolds - working itself. The only suggestion is to collect the ritual instruction sheets at the end of the ceremony to keep the mystery in the experience - preventing...

★★★★ $7
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Dave Arch
Interactive Matrix Formula by Dave Arch

No doubt you've seen this formula applied to magic tricks on television specials or internet websites where you've been encouraged to put your finger on any card showing on the screen. Then as you follow the magician's series of instructions - moving your finger from card to adjacent card (with a sense of free choice), the magician begins to inexplicably remove cards on which your finger isn't resting until only one clearly predetermined card remains.

Although the formula has been used for decades as the basis for creating variously themed magic tricks (from comedy to the bizarre), the sharing...

★★★ $7
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Dave Arch
Turning the Tarot by Dave Arch

Maybe a friend of yours needs a bit of encouragement in their life. Maybe you'd like to give them that encouragement in a mystical/magical way. Consider this handling of the Tarot cards. Using eleven cards from the Major Arcana and the first name of someone who has been particularly encouraging to your friend during his/her formative years, s/he'll be amazed as s/he inexplicably one-by-one eliminates all but the Sun card - arguably the most positive card in the Tarot deck.

1st edition 2019, 2 pages.

★★★★ $7
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Devin Knight
The Ultimate Question Reveal by Devin Knight

One of the best ways to secretly know what questions a spectator has sealed inside an envelope.

When I was performing as psychic, Jason Michaels, this was one of my favorite ways to secretly learn information without carbons or center tears. This is one of my most guarded secrets.

The mentalist hands the sitter or spectator a small piece of paper, a pencil and a coin envelope. He requests the person to write on the piece of paper, one or two important questions that he would like answered psychically.

Once the spectator has written the questions, he is told to fold it into a small billet...

★★★★★ $7
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W. A. Stevenson
Ballyhoo Prediction by W. A. Stevenson

Headline prediction.

Here's publicity for you. Predict a newspaper headline weeks before publication. Predict an event that is to take place in the future. Can also be used on T.V. No locked boxes and no elaborate chests. This is a simple, straightforward method that is sure-fire and 100 per cent. convincing.

Performer visits the local newspaper office, or he may 'phone to inform the editor that he is sending a letter through the mail, addressed to the editor and marked "Prediction." "In this letter," he tells the editor, "is a prediction of an event or a news happening, or a front page...

★★★★★ $7
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Edward Bagshawe
The Mind Reader by Edward Bagshawe

Print and Perform.

One of the advantages of the following effect lies in its absurd simplicity of operation. Quite a change from some of the "mentally selected" card effects you may have run across.

Briefly, the effect can be stated as follows. A sealed envelope is first given into the keeping of a member of the audience. Two printed slips of paper (ready to print for you), each bearing the names of cards, are given to a second spectator, who is asked to examine them and note that the names of all the fifty-two cards have been listed upon them. The spectator mentally selects one of the...

★★★★★ $7
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Renzo Grosso
The Magic Stone by Renzo Grosso

In many mentalistic effects, the spectator answers the performer's questions in a sincere way or not, without the performer knowing the choice made.

The concept of "lie or truth" makes the effect stronger and the idea that the illusionist guesses however reinforces the memory of an effect as an exceptional event, almost a miracle.

In the effect presented here, a further degree of freedom has been added: after the first response, the viewer can decide whether to maintain the same behavior (lie / truth) or if he prefers to change it.

In practice, the two answers can be LIE / LIE, TRUTH...

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Renzo Grosso
Tarots and Arcana by Renzo Grosso

Honestly, I have not been able to trace the author of this principle, which I think is lost in the mists of time. My Master of Mentalism Valerio Bovolenta taught me, and I want to give credit to him. I have done nothing but study it and try to indicate a method to be able to propose it with any number of cards.

The procedure is very simple: the spectator chooses how many cards he wants to use, puts away the remaining cards (they will not be used further), shuffles the cards he chose and, on the instruction of the performer, chooses a number, looks at a card, and reassembles the deck; even...

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Adam Hudson
Double Think by Adam Hudson

Two mentalism card routines.

Cut It Out

The spectator is asked to cut a regular packet of cards and to complete the cut by placing the bottom half on top. The performer ribbon spreads the cards face-down onto the table, inviting the spectator to slide any card from within the spread. The selection is at this stage kept face-down with its identity remaining unknown.

The packet is once again gathered up before the spectator is asked to again cut the deck into two piles. The position cut to is marked by placing the lower half of the deck onto the upper at a right angle. The selected card...

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William W. Larsen
Final Houdini Seance by William W. Larsen

A captivating 45- to 60-minute lecture-demonstration about Harry and Bess Houdini's pact to find a means of communicating with each other after Harry's death. A complete lecture script with suggested effects. Perform it any time of year, but especially during the month of October (since Houdini died on Halloween). This is sure-fire entertainment for adult, college, and high school audiences. Earn money by performing this lecture-demonstration for civic group luncheons, college campus special events, at libraries, haunted houses, spook shows, and more.

This presentation revives the age-old...

★★★★★ $7
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Graham Hey
What's in the House? by Graham Hey

Five different colored cards are shown to the spectator and each one has an object written on it which you can find in your house. The performer turns away and spreads the cards. The spectator is asked to select a card and show it around. There is no forcing. The card is replaced anywhere in the spread the whilst the performer is still turned away and then they are shuffled by the spectator ... then the performer places the cards into an envelope. The helper is asked to think of the object on the card they selected. The performer opens his hand to reveal a miniature object - it's the object...

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Ken de Courcy
The Systematic Seer by Ken de Courcy

A simplified system of fortune telling.

One of the most effective ways of entertaining informally is by Fortune-Telling and, as a magician, you must have been asked many times if you can "tell fortunes". To do this properly requires much study and memory work, time you can probably not afford. So here is a new, simplified system that can easily be applied to Palmistry, the Tarot, Sand Reading, and almost every other form of divination. Apart from anything else, it's a great way to make friends.

The problem has always been to obtain sufficient 'cues' with which to give a 'reading'. Whilst...

★★★★ $7
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Mystic Alexandre
Secrets of a Vaudeville Mind Reader by Mystic Alexandre

In the dimly lit chambers of an old book store, tucked away in the heart of an antiquated town, I stumbled upon a handwritten booklet that would alter the course of my journey as a mentalist and psychic entertainer. The booklet, tattered and cloaked in mystery, beckoned to me like a siren's call, promising revelations of an enigmatic world that had long faded into obscurity - the world of a Vaudeville Mind Reader. As a seeker of esoteric knowledge and a student of the arcane arts, I would unearth in this dusty place a small treasure of wisdom that transcended most of what I had encountered...

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