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Clue and other Mysteries

Jack Yates
Clue and other Mysteries by Jack Yates...
  • ...
  • Winston: A spectator is handed a small envelope which he places in his pocket. From a shuffled deck a card is freely selected. The envelope is opened and inside is a duplicate of the spectator's selected card.
  • P & S System: A system for simulated mindreading.
  • Magi: A self-working effect with four cards bearing the letters M, A, G, I.
  • Revelation ESP: Five spectators are asked to merely think of an ESP symbol. Without looking at the faces of any of the cards the performer is able to identify each mentally chosen symbol in a very convincing manner.
  • Clue: The professor has invited six guests...
★★★★★ $20
more than one
type to choose



Magigram: 10 effects from volume 10

Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 10 by Aldo Colombini


  • A FOUR ACE TRICK (John Yeager): A very clever and unique four-ace routine.
  • SEVEN-CARD WILD CARD ROUTINE (Stewart Judah): A great presentation for this classic theme. A very easy handling.
  • ESP-ECIALLY (Stanton Carlisle): Two sets of ESP cards. Two spectators shuffle the cards and end up selecting the same symbol.
  • THE SPECTATOR ACES (Alan Shaxon): A spectator cuts a shuffled deck into four piles. On top of each pile an Ace appears.
  • A TWO DECK TRICK WITH ONE DECK ( I. Rowland): A Do As I Do routine using only one deck. From a shuffled deck you and a spectator pick two mate cards (say the two...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Mark of the Devil: Six Slick Routines with a Marked Deck

Paul Voodini
Mark of the Devil: Six Slick Routines with a Marked Deck by Paul Voodini

This manuscript features six routines from Paul Voodini, all utilizing a marked deck. As well as fully explaining the routines, Paul also discusses many subtleties that allow the performer to use a marked deck with confidence and the 'tricks of the trade' that mean the spectators never suspect for a moment that there is anything 'funny' about the cards.

The routines included are:

The Keeper of Secrets. The performer is able to correctly divine a chosen card despite the spectator desperately trying to keep its identity a secret.

Thought Transfer. Performer and spectator work together...

★★★★ $6.50
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Magigram: 10 effects from volume 16

Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 16 by Aldo Colombini


  • ROPE, HANDKERCHIEF AND RING MYSTERY (Ken de Courcy): A handkerchief is draped over the center of a piece of rope which is tied over the handkerchief. The whole thing is given to a spectator to hold. A ring is vanished and it appears knotted on the center of the rope.
  • AN E.V.T.V. PREDICTION (Arthur Carter): A method to predict basically anything you want: Names, places, cards, etc. The principle can be used for many other routines.
  • DICE CHOICE (W. Rory Coker): Two ESP cards are removed as predictions and two are selected by a spectator. These symbols match your predictions.
  • WHIRL (Aldo Colombini):...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Blindsight: the original

Devin Knight
Blindsight: the original by Devin Knight... is that good.

This routine is now available in a Do-It-Yourself PDF and can be easily made up in a few minutes.


Performer patters that Blindsight is the apparent ability to see colors and shapes which cannot be seen. You offer a simple experiment. The performer introduces four ungimmicked colored cards: Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow. These in turn are placed into four opaque manila envelopes and mixed so the spectators do not know which color is in which envelope. You ask a participant to point to any envelope. Free choice, no magician's force of any kind. You hold it up and ask him what color...

★★★★ $7
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Simon Caine
Razorsharp by Simon Caine
"This ebook is full of practical and highly interesting ideas in mentalism. Great explanations with photos that make reading fun and flowing. I will be mixing Meridian in with my own work with ESP cards!" - Pablo Amirá
Razorsharp is a collection of practical, powerful and entertaining mentalism routines using the simplest, most direct methods. With not a center tear in sight, these routines are designed to be easy to perform whenever, wherever, and whatever the circumstance and deliver the hard hitting moments of mystery your audiences deserve. Crammed with audience tested effects, fooling subtleties...
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Powerhouse Routines

Paul A. Lelekis
Powerhouse Routines by Paul A. Lelekis... 5 excellent routines that you will love to perform. All actions and patter are provided for a seamless performance. Included with this e-book are 4 videos by Paul, explaining three excellent Passes and a Cull.

TELEPATHIC FOUR ACE REVERSE The spectator chooses any four-of-a-kind and these four cards are placed in obviously four different places in the spread deck. The spectator then uses "her magic" - with no moves - to make that four-of-a-kind, gather together in the center of the deck - REVERSED!

GRAVITY This is as much as it is amazing. Three selections are made and are placed into...

★★★★ $10
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Unknown Mentalist
Coin'cidence by Unknown Mentalist

The owners of this ebook can get Absolute and Ultimate Coin'cidence for half price.

This is a routine which defies categorization. It is inexplicably weird and amazingly powerful.

It can be performed with your own coins or borrowed coins. With your own business cards or borrowed business cards. It can be performed with real coins or even with imaginary coins.

The performer makes a prediction on the back of his business card and keeps it face down in full view right before commencing the routine. A participant is asked to make a free choice from among 5 coins, real or imaginary. After the participant lands on a coin,...

★★★★ $18
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2 Can Play At This Game

Kyle MacNeill & John Gelasi
2 Can Play At This Game by Kyle MacNeill & John Gelasi...
  • ...
    1. ...
    2. "Rule of Gum V.2.0" by Kyle MacNeill (From the Ebook American Dream) - A very clever and creative way of revealing a card using two packets of gum. Ends with a kicker they certainly won't have predicted!
    3. "Off-Tempo Jazz Aces" by John Gelasi - 'Jazz Aces' with the four aces and four black spot cards. One by one, the aces switch places with the black cards in the card case, all leading up to a kicker ending. Lots of fun and magic with very little effort; you'll love performing this one. . Originally appeared in Fit for Kings by John Gelasi.
    4. "Hands Hof! : The Complete Project" by Kyle...
★★★★ $12.50
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Steve Sanders
ZenerPhobia by Steve Sanders

ZenerPhobia is a compilation and collection of ten effects that can be done with a Zener deck or as it is more commonly known the ESP deck.

Included in the book:

An introduction to the symbols and a brief description of the Piatnik and Royal Magic ESP decks and their little known secrets.

A spectator uses her inane ESP powers to predict whether five unseen cards will match another five unseen cards.

Janus Syndrome
Five Zener cards are openly put into five envelopes and mixed by a spectator. The magician predicts what symbol will be chosen, and another spectator chooses...

★★★★★ $12
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Openers and Closers 3

Paul A. Lelekis
Openers and Closers 3 by Paul A. Lelekis

This series of Openers & Closers (#1 and #2) have been selling like wildfire. Openers & Closers 1 sat at #1...and now, Openers & Closers 2 is #1 on the Hot List.

Now...Openers & Closers 3 is the last e-book in this series...and probably the best one! The easiest to perform "magician-foolers" and ESP effects ever. What an arsenal. There are many photos and 3 videos included.

Openers & Closers are so crucial to every magician's repertoire, that they, literally, dictate how your audiences will perceive you as an entertainer.

1) The 21 Card ESP Trick - This effect will fool all magicians...guaranteed. It begins with a clever...

★★★★★ $12
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Practical Mental Effects

Ted Annemann
Practical Mental Effects by Ted Annemann...
  • ... feats).
  • Ch. 6. Miscellaneous Mental Masterpieces (38 pages, 25 feats).
  • Ch. 7. Envelope Necromancy (28 pages, 13 feats).
  • Ch. 8. Miracle Slate Routines (57 pages, 38 feats).
  • Ch. 9. Money Mentalism (12 pages, 9 feats).
  • Ch. 10. Blindfold Reading (13 pages, 6 feats).
  • Ch. 11. Mentalism with Cards (49 pages, 34 feats).
  • Ch. 12. Psychic Codes (25 pages, 8 feats).

It will be clear, from even a casual examination of this list, that Practical Mental Effects covers the field of "mentalism" with surprising thoroughness. The absence of information on "radio mindreading" is doubtless attributable...

★★★★★ $6
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The Amateur Magician's Handbook

Henry Hay
The Amateur Magician's Handbook by Henry Hay...
but it should at least give him an excellent start.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction by Milbourne Christopher
  • A Few Words Before Curtain Time

  1. Chapter One: The Magic State of Mind
  2. Chapter Two: Hard Easy Tricks and Easy Hard Tricks
  3. Part One Hand Magic
  4. Chapter Three: Hand Magic With Cards
    1. Hand Magic
    2. Hand Magic with Cards
    3. 1a. Breaks: little finger
    4. 1b. The Glimpse
    5. As Easy As Spelling Your Name
    6. 1c. Permanent Breaks: the crimp or bridge
    7. Paul Rosini's Location
    8. 2. Shifts or Passes
    9. 2a. The Conventional Two Handed Shift
    10. The Stabbed Pack: effect
    11. 2b. The side Steal or Side...
★★★★★ $25
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Dustin Dean
Phenomental! by Dustin Dean... method. That's right. Anything!

The "WatchStop" Principle: A clever, brand new principle that allows you to cause a moment of synchronicity for two participants. Can be totally propless.

Vaporize: A routine that creates an amazing experience for a participant. Cause someone to feel a deck of cards (or photos, index cards, business cards etc) to slowly dissolve in their hands. Leaving only their thought of card.

The Mind-Meld Principle: An amazing principle that can be used to enhance many routines. Create an initial connection between two participants' minds and demonstrate how this...

★★★★★ $30
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The Giant Sidewalk Shuffle

Wolfgang Riebe
The Giant Sidewalk Shuffle by Wolfgang Riebe

Originated by Martin Lewis, retailed for many years, and manufactured in a larger than jumbo size, by Ken Brooke, and enhanced by Wolfgang Riebe.

An incredible giant 4 card routine that totally bamboozles your audience. Three blank cards and an ace are shown and the audience is instructed to follow the Ace. They always get it wrong. An unexpected surprise finish occurs when there is only one blank card and three aces!

An incredible stage routine for any serious professional.

The video instructions include:

  • Full explanation
  • Custom make your own giants cards for under $15
  • 30 years of refinement explained ...
★★★★★ $50 $35
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MP4 (video)

Extra Sensory Perfection

J. G. Thompson Jr.
Extra Sensory Perfection by J. G. Thompson Jr.

Here's a complete four-phase routine using a deck of ESP cards.

Do you know the true facts about the ESP deck? J. G. Thompson, Jr. has thoroughly analyzed the deck and come up with some most amazing discoveries which he has blended into the first completely routined demonstration with a standard deck of Rhine E. S. P. cards.

Now you can prove your mastery over extra sensory perception (ESP) and demonstrate to your audience that you are a mentalist by using an ESP testing deck - a scientifically approved accessory. You go through a series of experiments such as Rhine has only hoped to...

★★★★★ $8
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Above Suspicion

Jack Yates
Above Suspicion by Jack Yates

A self-working principle which determined a person's thoughts . . . Listen to this bewildering effect. A pack of cards is shuffled and a spectator merely thinks of a card. The pack is then dealt once, twice and finally a third time into two piles. Before completing the last dealing the spectator may, if he so wishes, shuffle both halves. Despite all this, when the spectator deals through the pack he finds there are only 51 cards; the thought-of card has vanished! The performer produces the card from his pocket before the spectator names his chosen card. An astounding climax which completely...

★★★★★ $6
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Spell-Binder Magazine

Stephen Tucker
Spell-Binder Magazine by Stephen Tucker...
  1. ... Volume 1, Issues 1 to 12
  2. Publishing Information
  3. Spell-Binder Days – Martin Breese
  4. Index for Volumes 1,2 & 3

  1. Spell-Binder Magazine, Volume 1, Issue 1, May 1981 – Stephen Tucker, editor – 16 pages
  2. Jargon – comments from Stephen Tucker
  3. Sandwich Box – card effect with marked cards – Stephen Tucker
  4. Mark – card effect – Stephen Tucker
  5. Curio – coin routine – Stephen Tucker
  6. Demonology – runic card effect – Stephen Tucker
  7. Double Shoot – card move – Joe Dignam
  8. Numero – card effect – Stephen Tucker
  9. Ishida – coin routine – Stephen Tucker
    • Transmute
    • Invisi
  10. Pseudo – four ace routine – David Britland

  1. Spell-Binder...
★★★★★ $39
more than one
type to choose


(on CDROM)

The Magician (Club 71): 2006

Geoff Maltby
The Magician (Club 71): 2006 by Geoff Maltby...
  • ...Letters — Your chance to have your say
  • Unclassified Ads. Buy Sell, swop or exchange
  • Magical event diary. Put your society on the magical map
  • JJ and a matter of fees
  • Al Smith carries on about regulation stuff and rounds off with a Bob Read story
  • Alexander Allen describes how to get blank looks, not from the audience but from the cards!
  • Peter Duffie teaches a Lessen (rather than a lesson) in downright Dishonesty
  • Stephen Tucker relays Andrew Hawke's More Life on Mars, an elegant multi-climax routine culminating in a four-ace discovery
  • Tom Batchelor produces an actual card shark from within a deck of cards
  • Walt Lees and...
★★★★★ $10
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Consumer Control

David Britland
Consumer Control by David Britland

Five ESP cards are laid out on the table. Point to one and push it aside. Point to another and push it aside. Discard two more until just one is left. Do you think I could have predicted that card in advance?

A duplicate set of ESP cards has been on view throughout. They are all face down except one. It's your card. Not only that, but it has a completely different colored back from the rest!

Consumer Control is simple, easy and direct. No counts, moves or sleight of hand. A baffling demonstration of psychological persuasion.

[Note: This ebook does not come with the specially prepared cards. One set of ESP cards is regular. The other set is prepared with rough and smooth but in a very special way. If you have a roughing spray or stick you will be able to make your own cards. You will need ESP cards with two different backs. You will also need two double backers that match the two different backs and two envelopes.]

1st edition 2001, 1st digital edition 2013, 9 pages....

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Cardially Yours

Al Baker
Cardially Yours by Al Baker

Here's a terrific ebook with seven mental-flavored card miracles that you will surely add to your arsenal. Written by Al Baker, past Dean of Magic for the famed Society of American Magicians, these effects are entertaining, yet do not require difficult sleight of hand. Your audiences will enjoy watching them as much as you will enjoy performing them.

Here's what's included:

Color Flight - A beautifully routined Cards Across effect where three selected blue backed cards travel across the stage and join a packet of red backed cards.

Out on Location - A great card location that looks absolutely...

★★★ $6
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The Complete The Mentalist

Don Tanner & Jack Dean
The Complete The Mentalist by Don Tanner & Jack Dean

Enjoy the great mental magic by contributors such as Al Koran, Bill Miesel, Peter Warlock, Dai Vernon, U.F. Grant, Eddie Clever and even T. A. Waters, and of course a good amount by Don Tanner and Jack Dean themselves.

You will receive issues 1 (October 1962) - 33 (September 1965) and the incomplete issue number 34. Includes a foreword by Paul Alberstat.

No. 1

  • Central Time / North Bigbee
  • Impromptu Clip Board / U. F. Grant
  • Mindevelopmental / Howard A. Adams
  • Mental Memos / Don Tanner

No. 2

  • ESP Elimination / Joe White
  • Long Wave Reception / T. A. Waters
  • Shine / Jack Ketch
  • Mental Memos / Don Tanner

No. 3

  • Bold / Julies...
★★★★★ $35
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It's a Biddle Thing

Paul A. Lelekis
It's a Biddle Thing by Paul A. Lelekis

Learn some of the most deceptive magic ever created, by a modest man, Elmer Biddle ... 5 impromptu effects plus a bonus trick!

Included with this e-book are 3 videos and 10 pictures. This e-book is a deep dive into the famous "Biddle Move", which is composed of The Biddle Steal and the much less known, The Biddle Switch - and all 5 tricks are impromptu. The videos teach the proper way to perform both Biddle Moves with in-depth instruction - plus the 4 as 5 Count.

Bonus effect: A 6th trick taught here is topological and can be used as a fun ESP effect or a straight-up prediction. A written...

★★★★★ $12
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Beyonce and Elton ... and more

Graham Hey
Beyonce and Elton ... and more by Graham Hey

Beyonce & Elton is a new ebook featuring several excellent self-working card tricks for close-up. Also included are a few excellent visual gags and one-liners to help you add a bit of humor to the presentations. So, what's in this ebook?

Beyonce & Elton: Two cards are freely placed into the deck (no forcing) - and they end up right next to the only other two matching cards. When the deck is shown, all the other cards are Rolling Stones cards. An updated version of an old classic.

An Invisible Card Trick: A prediction is placed on the table in advance. The spectator is asked to select...

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