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Aldo Colombini
Cardboard Curiosities by Aldo Colombini

Effects created by George Hills. George Hills comes from the UK and performs for kids, after dinner parties, close up and basically everywhere. He has a unique ability to produce entertaining and commercial comedy items. On this download DVD you will get a sample of his productions - performed by Aldo Colombini.


  • JUMBO JAPE: Small cards stuck on regular sized cards to create a funny look are shown and used to obtain an entertaining routine. This is a comedy item that can be presented with jumbo cards.
  • ART CLASS: Using an amusing storyline about your time at an evening art class,...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Carosello by Aldo Colombini


Difficilmente troverai un gioco che possa sostituirsi ad essa per chiudere il tuo numero con le carte!

Eccoti l'effetto nelle stesse parole di Aldo

"Esorto l'amico lettore a mettere in repertorio la routine "CAROSELLO" in quanto è di quelle che creano fama di grande artista e “cardician”.

I numerosi effetti contenuti creano un’accattivante programma cartomagico e la sola routine può sostenere un quarto d'ora di pura magia visuale. Coloro che mi hanno visto eseguire il gioco durante le mie conferenze sanno alla perfezione cosa intendo...

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Aldo Colombini
The Seventh Floor by Aldo Colombini

An act in itself. Seven cards are selected. One card is signed by a spectator and then all seven cards are lost in the deck. Eventually, one by one, they are found by the performer. The signed card continuously reappears and then finally, it is found inside your wallet. It also contains a multiple control of cards called Colombini's B.S. Control.

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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Sleights and Subtleties 4 by Aldo Colombini

These are detailed explanations of sleights and subtleties with cards used in many tricks and routines. They come with tips, history, applications, etc.


  • KISS COUNT (Boris Wild)
  • AN OPTICAL CONTROL (Alain Choquette)
  • INZANI FORCE (Remo Inzani)
  • EASY DOUBLE LIFT (Aldo Colombini)
  • THE ELMSLEY SWITCH (Alex Elmsley)
  • CHRIST FORCE (Henry Christ)
  • OVER COUNT (J. K. Hartman)
  • KARDYRO-BIDDLE MOVE (Elmer Biddle-Tony Kardyro)
  • DOWNS CHANGE (T. Nelson Downs)
  • HAMMAN SWITCH (Bro. John Hamman)
  • AN UNDER-DOWN FORCE (Werner Miller)
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Aldo Colombini
Double Decker 3 (download DVD) by Aldo Colombini

Ten more routines with two decks of cards.


  • DOUBLE S'ENTENDRE (Ken Krenzel): Two decks and two spectators. Every action is performed with the decks in their hands. They pick a card and each spectator finds the other spectator card.
  • INFLUENTIAL PAIRS (Karl Fulves & Roy Walton): A deck is shuffled and a spectator sorts the cards face up according to colors. You follow the moves of the spectator and at the end the colors have separated.
  • UNSURPASSED (Aldo Colombini): A blue-backed card is placed in a red-backed deck. Three cards are removed from the red deck. The blue card vanishes from...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 15: Howard Adams Part 5 by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are self-working with no sleight-of-hand whatsoever.


  • QUINCIDENTA: A spectator freely selects a design. Two other persons select a design each. The designs match. A deal leads to two more designs and they all match.
  • FACEY ESP: A freely selected symbol finds its matching sign. All is done in the hands of a spectator.
  • REPEATOTEST: You find three designs a person is concentrating on. Then you reverse two cards which prove to be duplicates of two more designs he has selected.
  • THIRTEAM ESP: Great routine and a new principle. Cards are shuffled and dealt in pairs...
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 16: Various Authors Part 5 by Aldo Colombini

Several famous performers have contributed to create a high standard product with strong effects and routines.


  • PERSONALITY TEST (Ken de Courcy): You show a chart with ESP symbols. A spectator names his (or her) month of birth and on the same chart the symbol that corresponds to the month is selected. You predicted that symbol.
  • STRICTLY STRAIGHT ESP (Aldo Colombini): A spectator (or more) picks five cards each time forming four packets of five cards each. Each group contains the five ESP symbols.
  • ESP ASSOCIATES (Peter Duffie): A spectator deals two packets of cards at random and finds two matching...
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 17: Various Authors Part 6 by Aldo Colombini

Several famous performers have contributed to create a high standard product with strong effects and routines.


  • HENRY CHRIST & ESP (Arthur Carter): The deck is cut by a spectator and he then picks a card. You have predicted that card.
  • CASE FOR ESP (John Yager): A spectator freely picks a symbol from five. You show that you knew in advance what the selected symbol would be.
  • THAT’S THE ONE (W. Rory Coker): A self-working effect where a spectator finds the four symbols similar to your prediction.
  • STRANGE ESP (Max Maven): A spectator cuts a packet of cards and picks the top...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Scacco Matto by Aldo Colombini

Questa te la consiglio davvero. E' una delle mie routines preferite e può diventare anche una delle tue con lo stesso successo. Una serie di effetti uno più bello dell'altro con un normalissimo mazzo di carte e le chiarissime istruzioni . Sono spiegate nei dettagli tutte le mosse necessarie per ottenere questa serie di stupefacenti effetti sul tema della "CARTA SANDWICH" Eccoti l'effetto

a) Uno spettatore sceglie una carta che viene guardata e mescolata poi nel mazzo. L’artista estrae i due re neri (di fiori e di picche)ponendoli sul tavolo. Un secondo spettatore sceglie un'altra...

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Aldo Colombini
What's Up Deck? by Aldo Colombini

A notebook on card magic with more than 50 routines including wide range of different themes. All moves are being taught. A self-contained work with practical, effective and easy-to-do card magic.

"He has that brilliant mind that enables him to invent tricks which are easy to do and entertaining at the same time." - Obie O'Brien

"This new book will, I think, be welcome by all sleight-of-hand artists. Aldo has set out to describe several major improvements, and the items he has included in this book have been chosen from his collection of material that is the outcome of a wide experience...

★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Card Trips (French) by Aldo Colombini

Cet ebook sur la magie des cartes contient 25 superbes nouvelles routines pour le close-up, la déambulation ou n'importe quelle situation. Dans cet ebook vous avez de nombreuses routines qui vous obligeront à renoncer à quelques moments devant la télévision ou à quelques parties de golf ou de football.

[Traduction et adaptation en langue française par Patrice Bernard.]

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Aldo Colombini
Snake Eyes (French) by Aldo Colombini

un ebook avec des routines superbes utilisant des dés ordinaires et un jeu de cartes. Ces effets sont tous différents des routines présentées dans les deux DVD d'Aldo produits par Meir Yedid et intitulés Card and Dice Deceptions.

Parmi les contributeurs : Howard Adams, Charles Brent, Aldo Colombini, Tom Daugherty, Karl Fulves, Thomas Henry, Stewart James, Lewis Jones, Stewart Judah, Marty Kane, Harry Lorayne, Max Maven, Norm Osborn et Robin Robertson. Vous allez adorer ces routines.

[Traduction et adaptation en langue française par Patrice Bernard.]...

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Baroque Cards (French) by Aldo Colombini

27 routines de cartes pour le stand-up, le close-up et la magie en déambulation. Tous ces effets ont été créés en écoutant de la musique baroque. Aldo a rassemblé vingt sept tours et routines pour la plupart inédits. Certains d'entre eux sont parus dans des magazines à travers le monde, d'autres sont apparus dans une ou deux notes de conférence, mais la plupart n'ont jamais connu l'encre avant d'être écrits pour cet ouvrage.

[Traduction et adaptation en langue française par Patrice Bernard.]

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Aldo Colombini
Direct Hits (French) by Aldo Colombini

Cette fois-ci, Aldo vous offre des routines à fort impact qui nécessitent un peu plus de dextérité que celles qu'il édite habituellement. Aldo a bâti sa réputation sur des sujets assez faciles avec des mouvements simples et subtiles. Dans cet ebook, il a conservé les subtilités, mais il vous propose des routines plus difficiles qui ne sont pas destinées à satisfaire seulement les spectateurs, mais également vous et votre «égo».

Aldo combine les cinq premières routines en un seul enchaînement.

[Traduction et adaptation en langue française par Patrice Bernard.]

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Aldo Colombini
Card Journal (French) by Aldo Colombini

Après quatre livres sur la magie des cartes impromptue, Aldo est de retour avec un ebook contenant différents effets avec des cartes, impromptus et pas tout à fait impromptus, mais toutes les routines mettent l'accent sur des effets forts et qui laissent un souvenir durable aux spectateurs. Card Journal n'est pas seulement «un livre de plus sur les cartes» ... C'est quelque chose de bien plus spécial, quelque chose de différent du point de vue des thèmes et des effets. Ceci est un ebook rempli d'effets testés et qu'on se doit de posséder.

[Traduction et adaptation en langue française par Patrice Bernard.]...

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Aldo Colombini
Cardsdotcom (French) by Aldo Colombini

Vous disposez ici de 25 routines de cartes entièrement nouvelles que vous ne trouverez dans aucun autre des ebooks d'Aldo ! Cet ebook comporte des joyaux tels que : Contact Color, Punch His Match et plein d'autres encore.

[Traduction et adaptation en langue française par Patrice Bernard.]

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Aldo Colombini
Double Decker (French) by Aldo Colombini

A ma connaissance, c'est la meilleure collection de tours et de routines avec deux jeux de cartes jamais rassemblés dans un livre ou un Ebook. Vingt effets par les plus grands noms de la magie : coïncidences, changement de couleur, transpositions, etc.

Les contributeurs sont: Alex Elmsley, Karl Fulves, Tony Bartolotta, Edmund Balducci, Ken Krenzel, Aldo Colombini, Roy Walton, JK Hartman, Roy Scott, Stanley Jaks, Nick Trost, Arthur Setterington, Francis Haxton, UF Grant, Gus Southall et Martin Gardner. Un grand livre avec beaucoup de photos.

[Traduction et adaptation en langue française par Patrice Bernard.]...

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Aldo Colombini
La Banda El Buco by Aldo Colombini

I fori sulle carte che si spostano…veramente! In questo manoscritto trovi tutto il segreto per eseguire questo fantastico trucco che lascerà il tuo pubblico a bocca aperta !


Una carta scelta viene firmata. Sulla stessa carta vengono fatti quattro piccoli fori nei rispettivi angoli. Ora leggi attentamente:

Uno dopo l’altro i fori si spostano per riunirsi in un unico angolo. I fori si spostano effettivamente e ogni volta il pubblico vede la carta VERAMENTE forata.

Infine, la carta con i quattro fori in un angolo viene mostrata ed è proprio quella scelta e firmata!...

★★★★ $7
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Aldo Colombini
Nick Trost's A Coincidence and Divination Routine by Aldo Colombini

Aldo Colombini performs and explains an amazing three phase routine from Nick Trost, which requires only a regular deck. Very easy to perform.


1) The deck is shuffled and divided in half. A spectator reverses a card in one half. Both halves are placed side by side face down. You turn the top card of each half over dealing them above the halves. The dealing continues. All the pairs are different. When the spectator´s card is reached, the card of the same color and value turns up in the other half!

2) The spectator now riffle shuffles the halves together (read that again). You hold the...

★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Ballata by Aldo Colombini

Ancora un volumetto con grande cartomagia dalla fertile penna di Aldo. Aldo ha raccolto in queste pagine una serie di effetti tutti splendidi che da molto tempo fanno parte del suo repertorio. Materiale testato in pubblico di sicuro successo e di semplice esecuzione.

Il materiale trae spunto da effetti e metodi di grandi della cartomagia quali Marlo, Duffie, Harthman West, Mentzer, Walton, Leech e altri ricostruiti e trasformati dal “tocco di Colombini”…

Eccoti un assaggio del contenuto:

  • AUTOGRILL - Quattro Re sono mostrati. Le facce dei Re spariscono e infine si trasformano...
★★★★ $7
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Aldo Colombini
The Band (French) by Aldo Colombini

Les effets d'élastique sont maintenant très populaires dans le domaine de la magie. Dans ce livret, vous trouverez plusieurs effets avec des élastiques et des cartes, concernant surtout des révélations de carte, qui devraient vous donner assez de matière à travailler, en espérant que vous serez capables de créer de nouvelles routines par vous-même.

[Traduction et adaptation en langue française par Patrice Bernard.]

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Aldo Colombini
That'll Be The Day! (French) by Aldo Colombini

20 nouveaux tours de petits paquets. Les tours avec des petits paquets sont toujours très appréciés et vous avez ici un formidable recueil de routines d'un grand nombre d'experts dans ce domaine.


  • IMPACT (Roy Walton)
  • MORE AMAZEMENT (Luis Gavilondo)
  • A ROYAL SEPARATION (Francis Haxton)
  • HAMMAN FIVE CARD REPEAT (Stephen Tucker)
  • COME BACK QUEENS (Lin Searles)
  • SHORT WAVE (J.K. Hartman)
  • FIVE IN A ROW (Nick Trost)
  • ELMER'S WEDDING (Peter Duffie)
  • ACES & JACKS (Stewart Judah)
  • STRANGE SANDWICH (Aldo Colombini)
  • ALL RED (Sam...
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Aldo Colombini
Alta Quota by Aldo Colombini


Un ebook che spiega nei dettagli una bellissima routine di cartomagia con un normale mazzo di carte


Tre spettatori scelgono altrettante carte e le lasciano sul tavolo .L'esecutore mostra chiaramente tre Jolly. Poi pone una delle carte scelte tra i Jolly e, senza guardarne la faccia, riesce a nominare la carta scelta. La carta viene rimessa sul tavolo. La stessa cosa si ripete con le altre due carte scelte. Ora per il climax finale: le caste scelte vengono girate una alla volta e si sono trasformate in altrettanti Jolly ! Ora le tre carte scelte...

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Aldo Colombini
A Cut Deeper (French) by Aldo Colombini

A CUT DEEPER : Il s'agit d'un ebook concernant des effets avec des cartes pour le magicien à la recherche de routines de cartes impromptues très fortes. Il comporte vingt-cinq nouvelles routines exécutées avec un simple jeu de cartes et comme mentionné précédemment, totalement impromptues.

Contributeurs : John BRAGOLI, Stephen Clark, Aldo Colombini, Tom Daugherty, Ken de Courcy, Paul Gordon, Tom Hubbard, Joe Hustler, James Stewart, Kinos, Paul Marcus, Max Maven, Peter Rees, Joe Riding, John Yeager.

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