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Cards in Magic & Conjuring: page 83


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves ACAAN Stacks Marked Rising & Levitating Gaffed Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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Nick Conticello
The Cerebral Approach: Book Five: Twin Killing by Nick Conticello

Problem: To divine or locate two cards that are merely thought of by two persons.

This effect has intrigued me for many years. I've published several approaches in the past ("Think Stop" in Automatic Placements, "Talons of the Hawk" and "Talons of the Bat" in Potpourri 2, to cite a few) but these tricks smack openly of mathematics. They lack the directness of selection and revelation I would deem ideal.

Two classic but widely divergent approaches are Ed Marlo's "Double Thought, Single Deck" and Simon Aronson's "Simon-Eyes." Recently, I combined Marlo's basic premise with a concept of Aronson's and a hitherto unpublished key card...

★★★★★ $6
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Abhinav Bothra
The Empirical ACAAN by Abhinav Bothra

Love it or hate it but most of the numerous versions of ACAAN out there end up in the same ball park -- look what I can do or I manipulated your choices without your knowledge or simply as a coincidence. The Empirical ACAAN drifts from all of that, here is an ACAAN that makes people connect to each other. An ACAAN that is not about you but about the audience with virtually no sleight involved.

What’s great is that 70% of the times you'll have a hands-off / clean ACAAN and for the rest 30% you have to do something logical which is covered by the presentation to make it look like a hands-off...

★★★★ $9.95
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Lucas Carlson
E.R. Redux by Lucas Carlson

The best magic happens in the spectator's hands when the magician never touches the cards. Imagine ... The spectator secretly picks any card and shuffles it back into the deck themselves. The magician doesn't even need to be in the room while this happens. The spectator then turns the deck over and the magician gives a custom card reading culminating in the ultimate and surprising reveal of the spectator's card. The magician never needs to touch the cards.

In this 23 page PDF, you are given 6 different selection procedures, 4 different revelation alternatives, and 3 presentation ideas (coincidence,...

★★★ $10
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Ken de Courcy
New Zealand Brag by Ken de Courcy

A close-up "lay-out" type effect based on a mythical game, "New Zealand Brag".

You deal out the shuffled Aces, Kings and Queens, yet miraculously when the hands are turned over they have separated into suits and, what is more, each hand is in their right order, Queen, King, Ace! Something very different in card magic.

1st edition 2018, 5 pages.

★★★★ $4
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Wolfgang Riebe
Joker Surprise by Wolfgang Riebe

If you are searching for a visual 'packet style' card trick with normal (even borrowed) cards, then this is the trick for you. Three red numbered cards are removed from a regular deck of cards and all simultaneously shown to be normal cards. One at a time, each card changes into a Joker. The last change is the most visual of them all. The cards are clearly all shown to be jokers and instantly they change back into the original three normal red numbered cards.

A packet card trick with normal cards. Can be done impromptu with a borrowed deck.

The video instructions include:

  • Two full performances...
★★★★★ $11.99 $10
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MP4 (video)

Paul A. Lelekis
That's Impossible! by Paul A. Lelekis

This e-book has four beautiful routines with patter, by some of the masters of magic, brought up to date by Paul, and presented to the magic community. Do not pass this up. These are professional routines that will make you smile. 3 videos included!

THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! - The "title cut" from a Jack Avis effect. Marlo marveled at the genius of this effect...he loved it. This full routine features an impossible transposition of selections. The cards may be borrowed and signed by the spectators. This is devious. Wait until you see the ingenious method employed.

CHANGES - Al Leech (creator of Red Hot Mama), presents...

★★★★★ $10
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Bob Farmer
Turnantula by Bob Farmer
"The sleight ... is to my knowledge new and is certainly a lovely maneuver promising wide applicability. If anything can shine through the welter of material being published today, I should think this sleight deserves to. It is quite simply, very, very good ... your applications ... [are] ... excellent in their construction." - Stephen Minch

"... [Turnantula] ... is quite excellent and I have never seen anything like it before." - Roy Walton

"The venomous bite of the Turnantula caused me to see outstanding close-up card magic that may not have been possible otherwise. Buy it now before an antidote is discovered and spoils...

★★★★ $20
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Michael Kociolek
Double Duke by Michael Kociolek
"I LOVE the plot, Michał! A truly intriguing proposition, where the performer engages in a progressive game of "one-upmanship" that's easy for any audience to grasp; leaving no doubt as to the performer's consummate skill with a pack of playing cards." - Jack Carpenter

"Michał Kociołek's 'Double Duke' is a terrific addition to your repertoire. Great thinking and a demonstration of inexplicable skill that will impress any audience." - Andrew Wimhurst

"Michał's thinking and construction is top notch and sophisticated. It's the kind of card magic I love." - David Malek

Michał has spent several years mastering...
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Couples by Moonshadow

Unfortunately, some of our magical effects have something of a "who cares?" stigma: pick a card, lose the card, find the card . . . and our audience is thinking, who cares? Couples gives spectators a "stake" on the effect, creating audience involvement and interest.

You're performing walk-around at a party and a couple, sitting at a small table, catches your attention. They ask to see some magic. You introduce yourself and they introduce themselves as Jim and Mary. They laugh and enjoy your magic, and are thrilled when you say, "I'm going to do something really special for you. This is a...

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Devin Knight
Incredible 3-Way Match by Devin Knight

EFFECT: The performer shows five playing cards that are cut in half width-wise, making a total of ten half cards. He shows that there is a matching card half within the small packet of cards. The performer invites two spectators to help. We’ll refer to as Spectator A and Spectator B. He gives the packet to Spectator A and has him shuffle the cards thoroughly so no one knows the order of the cards.

The performer turns his back and says to Spectator A, “While my back is turned, please deal to the other person; face down, as many or as few cards as you wish. What cards you get is unimportant....

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Wolfgang Riebe
Green Carpet v1.2 by Wolfgang Riebe

This incredible visual card effect was originated in the 80's and has been adapted, fine-tuned, up-dated and changed to what could easily be considered to be one of the most visual and surprising card tricks ever.

The magician admits he has a special set of trick cards and shows 8 regular blue backed cards each with a huge black cross drawn on the back. However, nobody one can see the crosses, even as each is clearly shown. In fact the cards magically turn face up too. Eventually all the cards change to different color back cards with a huge black cross drawn across each back.


$20 $15
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MP4 (video)

Kevin Parker
Fair Mix by Kevin Parker

Kevin Parker has created a prediction effect that is too impossible to be true: you predict where their card will land in a shuffled deck (*this many* cards down in the deck), mixed in someone's hat to eliminate false shuffling in the hands.

This uses no gimmicks and no trick decks. Use your hat or their's, no specific type. Very practical.

  • Spectator can assist the shuffle in hat.
  • Use anyone's hat, even your's, no specific type.
  • Easy, a complete beginner could do it.

1st edition 2018, length 10 min

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MP4 (video)

Raphaël Czaja
Toucan by Raphaël Czaja

As he shuffles a deck of playing cards, the magician talks about how cards and numbers have been used for centuries to predict the future and how it translates into his art. He writes down two predictions on the face of a random card and tables it face down. He grabs the deck and deals the cards two by two — top and bottom card together. At the stop of the spectator, he removes and tables the two selections.

Then, he reveals what he wrote on the prediction card: "27" and "35". The spectator combines the value of one selection (eg: 5 of Clubs) with the suit of the other one (eg: Queen of...

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Larry Brodahl
Scripted #19: Sidewalk Shuffle by Larry Brodahl

For all performing venues, the classic monte style trick, scripted in two different ways to allow the trick to be performed at any time in your parlor/stage routines.

Note: The trick is not fully explained. You MUST own the trick to be able to perform this.

For all performing venues. The classic monte style trick, scripted in two different ways to allow the trick to be performed at any time in your parlor/stage routines. The scripts also removes any "sting" for the spectators, simplifies the handling, and fools the spectators while giving the trick an understandable, clear, and amusing...

★★★★ $8
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Jon Racherbaumer
A Promising Premise by Jon Racherbaumer

Unpacking Dai Vernon's Pact

When Vernon's trick appeared, its puzzling aspect centers on the fact that the spectator chooses one of three cards and the one chosen changes into his selection. In other words, the spectator is permitted to make two decisions. He selects any card. Then he selects one-of-three cards, which changes into his selection. It is essentially a quickie.

  • Introduction
  • 1, 2, 3 Dai Vernon
  • RECOUNTING ON 1-2-3 Dai Vernon
  • LASSO-DOE-TRE Edward Marlo
  • THE PROMISE II Edward Marlo
  • STICKING TO THE PROMISE Jon Racherbaumer
  • ISOLATED 3-2-1 Jon Racherbaumer
  • 1-2-3 INFINITY Jon Racherbaumer ...
★★★★★ $12
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Jon Racherbaumer
Daley Bred by Jon Racherbaumer

A study of Daley's Aces its history and spin-offs.

This treatise is a compilation of methods for performing a simple transposition of pairs of cards - namely the red and black Aces. The basic plot has a checkered history and, despite being associated with Dr. Jacob Daley, there are lots of tangled connective tissue and ancestral than meets the eye.

Besides these aspects, you will discover that this treatise is a rich mixture of memes. That is, there are lots of bits and pieces to play with and, if you are the kind of student that likes to study the history of a trick and then work through...

★★★★★ $12
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Bob Farmer
Cheat! by Bob Farmer
"Verrrry nice!" - Roberto Giobbi

"This is a gem." - Matt Field

"This looks terrific, in no small part because it addresses three items I've always been fond of: the Christ Aces, Vernon's "Aces to Order" and Semel's Pirandello Cut. ...Your approaches are fascinating ...." - Stephen Minch

No Skill? No problem!

Look like a card cheat without years of practice, self-denial, cheap bourbon and wild women. The most impressive thing you can do with their deck - the one they just handed you - is to discover the four aces in a variety of astounding ways. And it's even more impressive if they tell you...

★★★★ $9.50
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Scott Xavier
Signed Card to Bottle by Scott Xavier

This is one of my dream effects. This takes the card to impossible location theme and stands it on it's head. A signed card is found inside a sealed bottle of liquor, wine, beer, or water. The choice is yours. It leaves the audience with a moment of real magic that they can keep forever. You will create a keepsake that will leave your name on the audience's minds. I have used this method to guarantee repeat performances for Fortune 500 companies from Kellogg to Harley-Davidson. This is a reputation maker!

1st edition 2018, 8 pages.

★★★★★ $12
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Edward Marlo
The Faro Shuffle: Revolutionary Card Technique No. 6 by Edward Marlo

This ebook describes Marlo's techniques for the Faro Shuffle. It contains methods for executing a faro, such as The First Technique, Faro Riffle Shuffle, and The Butt Shuffle, as well as Faro Aids, such as the Fourth Finger Table and the Rock and Reweave. It also contains more complex variations, like the Off Center Faro, Above Crimp Faro, and 26th Card Faro Check.

  • The Faro Shuffle
  • - The First Technique
  • Faro Aids
  • - 26th Card Faro Check
  • - The 4th Finger Table
  • Faro Riffle Shuffle
  • - Variations In Technique On The Faro Riffle Shuffle
  • - In The Hands
  • The Butt Faro
  • Partial Faro Check ...
★★★★★ $7.95
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Jon Racherbaumer
Processean Princess by Jon Racherbaumer

Henry Hardin's plot has been around for 107 years and his initial three methods are explained in The Art of Magic (1909). Card tricks of this kind were atypical when Hardin devised his trick. During his time, spectators physically picked cards. They seldom, if ever, mentally selected them. Because only five cards are used in "The Princess Card Trick," Hardin strengthened the challenge by finding the mental selection by tactile means while the five "possibilities" were in his pocket.

This is how the his trick appeared to audiences: Five cards are shown to a spectator who is asked to think of one of them....

★★★★ $12
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Brick Tilley
At Last: card index by Brick Tilley

A practical card index that is optimized for fast withdrawal of any card from a standard 52-card deck.

1st edition 2018, 4 pages + video

★★★★★ $10
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Hugh R. Johnston & F. B. Sterling
Modern Card Miracles by Hugh R. Johnston & F. B. Sterling

A complete card-act with patter.

This ebook describes moves and routines for a stacked deck. The authors are using the Si Stebbins stack, but most of what is taught applies to other stacks, memorized or algorithmic. At the very end a simply two person code is taught.

Dornfield, President of the Chicago Society of Magicians writes in The Sphinx magazine, November 1919 page 209:

"On the same program, Hugh Johnston put over his line of incomprehensible sliders and puzzlers. The way that fellow can make a card or a whole deck do his bidding is nothing short of miraculous. He is at present busily engaged in conducting the only...

★★★★★ $10
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Al Leech
Cardmanship by Al Leech

A suave combination of technique, showmanship, and salesmanship in selling card magic. The tricks are full of flair and sparkle that is the Leech trademark.

  • A Faulty Cut
  • The Lie Detector
  • The Spectator Does A Trick
  • Doubly Ambitious
  • Name Speller
  • The Double Count
  • A Sandwich Change
  • The Casino Trick
  • Ace, Three, Five
  • A Subtle Sucker Effect
  • A Triple Discovery
  • Routine Royale
  • One Among Four
  • A Dishonest Mistake
  • Again, The Elevator
  • No Crimp Ace Cutting
  • Easy Aces Reversed
  • About The Author

1st edition 1959, 28 pages; 1st digital edition 2018, PDF 25 pages.

★★★★★ $7.95
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Corner Rounder: 1/8" (3 mm), 3/16" (5 mm), 5/16" (8 mm) by

This is a multi-use rugged manual corner rounder that produces round corners in three sizes:

  • 3 mm (1/8")
  • 5 mm (3/16")
  • 8 mm (5/16")
3 mm is ideal for perfectly rounding corners for playing cards, as well as other cards like ID cards, badges and business cards. It is also the ideal tool to round corners for cards that have been shortened, as for the preparation of a Svengali deck or a simple short card, or cards that have been cut conically - so called stripper decks. Whenever you need to correct the corner rounding this tool will help you.

The 5 mm rounding is great for corner shorts....


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