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All Clear Champagne Prediction
by Wolfgang Riebe

MP4 (video) | by download [284 MByte]  
All Clear Champagne Prediction by Wolfgang Riebe

A complete comedy prediction routine with a surprise finish.

A spectator is shown various words written on sheets of paper. These are folded and dropped into a bag, placed behind he spectator's back and any paper is selected - the future predicted word. On stage the magician has a large book with the word 'PREDICTION' on the cover that has been in full view all the time. Before the spectator unfolds and reveals the chosen word, the magician pages through the large format book revealing various comedy predictions. Eventually the spectator reveals the word and the entire book drops open in concertina fashion revealing the chosen word, 'Champagne'.

  • Can be adapted to suit your style and needs.
  • Easy to follow straight forward prediction with surprise ending.
  • Gags work in all languages and cultures.
  • Easy to perform and make.
  • In short, many old principles and gags have been combined into one complete, practical and entertaining stage routine.
The video instructions include:
  • Full explanation
  • A complete routine
  • Sourcing what you need for under $15
  • 25 years of refinement explained
  • Creating a reputation builder
  • Pack small - play big
  • Perform this routine anywhere
  • Easy to do
  • Maximum entertainment
  • Global appeal
1st edition 2019, length 23 min.

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Magic & Conjuring / Video clips (download)

Magic & Conjuring / Comedy Magic