Bisac: NONFIC000
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ER DiaryBrick TilleyBrick Tilley began as an extra on the famous ER series TV show. He worked his way up to stand-in and finished as an actor. This is a diary he kept during 15 seasons. Included among other things is a detailed history of the Warner Brothers Studio and a description of a typical day of filming on the lot. It is a must-read for anyone who is interested in working in the motion picture industry. This is the information you need in order to have a successful career in film. You will learn a lot of bits and pieces about the cast and crew, and what it was like working for the show, including... | ★★★★★ $20 to wish list | |
How to DMCA Subpoena without a Lawyer (pro se) and Save Thousands of DollarsChris WasshuberThe DMCA subpoena is a tool that can help you identify an anonymous online copyright infringer. It is a cost-efficient arrow in your quiver against online piracy. It is the lesser-known sibling of the common DMCA takedown request. I will explain to you how to use a legal tool, the DMCA subpoena aka section 512(h) subpoena, which few lawyers know about, how to effectively deploy it without the help of a lawyer and thereby saving you hundreds and even thousands of dollars. With a DMCA subpoena, you can force an Internet service provider to share private account information, such as names,... | $9.99 to wish listPDF & EPUB | |
How To Get Your Screenplay ReadGraham HeyThousands, even hundreds of thousands of writers out there would love to get their work in the hands of a Hollywood production company, but how do you do it? Well, there are the traditional routes of getting your work read, or there is the way that I did it. My way is the way to do it if you haven't been to some top screenwriters academy (is there such a thing?) or don't have the inside connections that it's always really useful to have. I had all the same sort of replies that everyone else gets: "No unsolicited scripts!" I had zero contacts, so I formulated a plan. In the past few years,... | $10 to wish list | |
How to Farm and Plot Chia Coins with just a Raspberry PiChris WasshuberThere are lots of guides and recommendations you can find online that will tell you what the 'ultimate' Chia cryptocurrency plotting setup is. Sometimes these are thinly disguised attempts to sell you hardware. In other cases, these are well-intentioned but in my opinion misguided recommendations that will cost you more money than you will most likely make farming Chia. I have been down that rat race with bitcoin mining. It is very hard to make a profit as a small participant particularly at this current time (July 2021) where the price of Chia is dropping and the total network space rising.... | $15 to wish list | |
Build a Rowing Machine which Generates ElectricityChris WasshuberInstructions on building a rowing machine that generates electricity. An average healthy but non-athlete adult can generate about 100W for extended periods. I row most days for about 20 minutes. This ebook describes my build, some of the dead ends I ran into, lessons learned, and some additional suggestions and alternatives. I do provide all the details that will allow anybody reasonably handy to build the same or a similar machine. You will find photos, sketches, schematics, links to all components I had to purchase and approximate measurements. However, I will not provide instructions for... | $19.50 to wish list | |
Fogelism: An Attitude to LifeMaurice FogelThe famous British mentalist, Maurice Fogel, leveraged his success as performer to branch out into the self-help category, by writing this book. He writes: There is no strange mysticism about Fogelism; it is simply a mental attitude towards life which, I have found, achieves unsuspected results. It is the logical training of one's mind so that it sizes up the approach to a problem and tackles it rationally, instead of allowing the magnitude of that problem to overwhelm.
| $10 to wish list | |
The Unknown ColumbusAl MannIn 1477, a young Columbus made a voyage to the Arctic seas and then wrote notes telling us exactly where he had gone to. These well known notes have become "Mystery Notes" for no one in 500 years has been able to interpret them. Here for the first time is the expert interpretation, word for word of the Columbus "Mystery Notes." In short Columbus visited in 1477 a land that would later be called America! Please read the story, for it is truly breathtaking. After a comprehensive examination of nautical tables, tide charts, various historical records, as well as notes by Columbus, Gilbert Aleman,... | $19.90 to wish list | |
Master Spool with CoverChris WasshuberThis is a remix of the Master Spool concept by RichRap to include a dust cover. I think the spool should also be the filament container. It keeps everything small, compact, and dirt free. By closing all the holes on the side of the Master Spool and adding a sleeve that slides around the spool we can accomplish this. It keeps dust away from the filament. It also avoids having a coil of filament jump over the spool rim and cause a filament jam. To have filament feed out of the spool two screws are loosened so that the cover can freely rotate around the spool. For storage the screws are tightened,... | ★★★★★ $0 to wish listSTL | |
Überleben in der WendeGottfried von WerdenbergAufbruch ins 3. Jahrtausend Dieses Buch ist ein bedeutender Beitrag zur Stärkung der persönlichen Abwehrkräfte, um Zeiten einer totalen Wende seelisch, geistig und körperlich gewappnet gegenüberzustehen. Schonungslos wird mit dem verwirrten Zeitgeist und den verheerenden Folgen für Umwelt. Mensch und Tier abgerechnet. Sieben Kapitel fügen sich zu einem gesamtheitlichen Überlebensbuch zusammen. Als Beispiel seien 3 Kapitel angeführt: II. Dieses behandelt die wichtigsten Marienerscheinungen in diesem Jahrhundert, sowie einige weitere aufsehenerregende Visionen. IV. In diesem... | ★★★★★ $33 to wish listPDF_facsimile | |
Vision 2004Gottfried von WerdenbergDie nächsten 10 Jahre - Österreichischer Seher bricht sein Schweigen Dieses hochaktuelle Buch unterscheidet sich sehr wesentlich von herkömmlichen Schriften über Prophezeiungen, Offenbarungen oder Erscheinungen. Zum ersten Mal wird hier aufgrund von Aussagen eines in der Gegenwart lebenden Sehers aus Österreich eine genaue Paraprognose von höchster Brisanz für die nächste Zukunft ermöglicht. Die Gesichte dieses Sehers sind etwas Besonderes: Vielfach sieht er sich selbst, wie er die kommenden Jahre, den dritten Weltkrieg, die kosmischen Ereignisse und die erste Zeit einer nachfolgenden... | ★★★★★ $33 to wish listPDF_facsimile | |
The ArtRob ChapmanThe Art is your path to Transformation, Healing and Happiness. Drawing on aspects of the western mystery tradition, symbolism and self hypnosis. Rob leads you through a powerful yet simple system for personal growth and change. With a simple message of DO IT! This ebook will show you how to make small changes in your life that lead to success and fulfillment. 1st edition 2017, 137 pages. | $10 to wish list | |
Musings from the Pilgrim's GroveRob Chapman | $4 to wish list | |
You Can Do It - MeditationRob Chapman | $4 to wish list | |
Clock Your Boston Qualifier: By Running Less, and Running FasterEnrico Varella"I have finished reading your book and I am EXTREMELY impressed, Enrico! Your advice and observations are meticulous. Your book is fantastic! LOVE THIS BOOK ENRICO!" - Paul Lelekis, Author.The prestigious Boston Marathon is respected as a race, and as a metaphor in this ebook. It represents any big goal or dream that you have. You can certainly apply the life-hacks and strategies in this ebook to help you achieve your Boston Marathon goal. One may not want to necessarily become an 'Ironman Triathlete' or Boston Marathon finisher, but an 'Everyday Athlete'. The information within this ebook can... | ★★★★★ $10 to wish list | |
Blumen Einst und JetztGerhard WasshuberVom Vorwort: "Das Buch überschreitet Grenzen, indem hier mit Herrn Wasshuber ein exzellenter Meister seiner Zunft, der Drucktechnik, sich in die Botanik vorwagt und ein Glanzstück alter Fachliteratur aktualisiert hat." - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Grabherr In unermüdlicher zehnjähriger Arbeit hat der 1683 in Regensburg geborene Apotheker Johannes Wilhelm Weinmann das gesamte botanische Wissen der Barockzeit gesammelt und ein beeindruckendes vierbändiges Kompendium mit 1025 Kupferstichabbildungen geschaffen. Der neue, vergleichende Bildband wählt aus diesem zu Unrecht in Vergessenheit... | $19.90 to wish list | |
アメリカ大統領選完全ガイドブック: これさえあれば100倍楽しく観戦できる!アメリカ大統領選挙早わかり!Marie Nishimori | $6.99 to wish list | |
The Power to Dominate GoogleDevin Knight#8 In Devin's Knights Magic Marketing Secrets For Magicians Government backlinks can put your magic website at the top of page one for Internet searches. That means you can be in position one or two! This eBook gives you the power to dominate Google. It is the goal of every entertainer to have their website on the first page of a search engine's results. The biggest search engine of all is Google, and if your website is not on either the first or second page of Google, then you might as well not be in business, because few people will find you. Here are the current click-through statistics... | ★★★★★ $9.95 to wish list | |
One Simple Step to Higher Web RankingsDevin KnightThis is e-book #6 in Devin Knight's "Magic Marketing For Magicians Series." This ebook contains a new, never before revealed technique that will catapult your website to the first page of Google searches in one simple step. This is Devin's most closely guarded web secret and he has used it in the past to get clients on the first page of Google when everything else failed. You will not find this method in mainstream SEO books, because this is a technique Devin Knight created called "Piggybacking" and it will get you on the first page of Google searches for performers in your area. In most... | ★★★★★ $15 to wish list | |
I Ching Oracle Divination CardsMichael DanielsThe I Ching Oracle Divination Cards have been designed as an alternative to more traditional ways of consulting the I Ching (e.g., those using coins or sticks). PDF templates are provided (both US and European page sizes) that you can print out yourself to make the cards. Please note that no actual cards are supplied. You can use standard Avery Business Card stock (e.g., C32015 for European A4, or #8471 for American Letter). Avery stock is pre-cut allowing quick and very clean separation of the cards. Alternatively you can use ordinary medium weight card stock and cut the cards manually to... | ★★★★★ $4 to wish list | |
How To Supercharge Your Entertainment Business With FacebookDevin KnightThis is ebook #2 in Devin's "Marketing For Magicians Series". Almost everyone is on Facebook nowadays and odds are you have a Facebook account. But are you using it to properly promote your entertainment business? Do you even know how? Sadly, most entertainers don't realize the full potential of Facebook. To them, it is a place to shoot the bull and play games, but did you know that the proper use of Facebook could double the amount of shows you do in a year? No, this isn't hype, this is a hard fact. The trouble is most performers aren't even aware of how this can be done! Just being on Facebook... | ★★★★★ $10 to wish list | |
Rank Your Act on Google's First Page in 24 HoursDevin KnightThis is ebook #1 in Devin's "Marketing For Magicians Series". If you need bookings now and you have not worked on your website SEO (search engine optimization) you will benefit from this ebook.
Devin's most anticipated ebook in years is finally... | ★★★★★ $35 to wish list | |
The Secrets of Ghost WritingRichard WebsterHow to earn a substantial income writing autobiographies. This ebook outlines a proven method of making a full time living as a writer, even if you have never had anything published before. I am assuming that you like writing and are happy spending time in what can sometimes be lonely work. There are many advantages to this method of making money. There is also one major disadvantage. Basically, you become a 'ghost writer', writing people's life stories for them. There is nothing hard in this, though there are a few 'tricks of the trade' which will be covered in this ebook. At this stage... | ★★★★★ $5 to wish listPDF & EPUB | |
Get Gigs Right NowRobert MarsiAre you a financially broke performer? Are you complaining that your gigs have dried up due to the economy? Or you might be that brave entrepreneur who wants to start performing magic or mentalism as a full-time profession but have to take a detour around the waiting time it takes to make money and getting your name out there? You might be in a "do or die", gun-to-the-head situation where you have to start generating 'immediate' income to provide for yourself and your family, or else... This step-by-step ebook course is the answer for those of you who want to jump-start their performing career.... | ★★★★★ $37 to wish list | |
Sun Tzu: The Principles of WarBarton WhaleyA new translation of Sun Tzu's Classic book on war, designed specifically for soldiers intelligence specialists, deception analysts, and magicians!
Most translators and commentators of the previous 37 complete translations in English of Sun Tzu have interpreted this famous passage about knowing yourself and knowing your enemy and always winning... | $20 to wish list | |
The B.S. Factor: The Theory and Technique of Faking It in AmericaArthur HerzogA lecture, really, on American deception and hype. If written now, it would have concentrated on the war in Iraq. Fakery and hypocrisy in American communications are the subjects of this outspoken - and hilarious - ebook. Uncovering our thought-pollution problem for perhaps the first time, Arthur Herzog exposes Executalk ("name of the game" for "point" or "purpose," "ball-park estimate" for "rough guess"), Quote Facts (opinions made to seem like facts by virtue of being quoted), and Complex Complex (the compulsion to make things more complicated than they need to be), to mention only a few... | $9.99 to wish listPDF & EPUB | |
17 Days: The Katie Beers StoryArthur HerzogKatie Beers, a young girl, was hidden in a secret cellar for two-and-a-half weeks. Except for the cops, she might have died. On December 28, 1992, two days before her tenth birthday, Katie Beers disappeared. She had left for an outing with a close family friend, John Esposito, and her whereabouts remained mysterious as the year drew to a close and her family grew frantic, fearing the worst. On January 13th, Katie was found alive in a secret, dungeon-like vault beneath Esposito's Bay Shore, Long Island house. Families nationwide followed the story of Katie's heartwrenching ordeal, as she bravely... | $9.99 to wish listPDF & EPUB | |
The Church TrapArthur HerzogA study, of the decline of organized religion. Churches today are caught in a sociological trap. Parishioners want to keep comfortable status quo organization. Churchmen feel the pressure to modernize, to "get where the action is." This ebook is a provocative and zesty analysis of the problem. Dishonest to God? The churches have followed corporations in emphasizing fat figures and solid annual growth. If religion were sold like stocks you would have the "high fliers" like the booming Southern Baptists and the Roman Catholics, the "blue chip" denominations - Episcopalians, Congregationalists,... | $9.99 to wish listPDF & EPUB | |
McCarthy for President: The Candidacy That Toppled a President, Pulled a New Generation into Politics, and Moved the Country towArthur HerzogWritten during Eugene's campaign the book attempts to portray the movement's excitement and potential. McCarthy for President: the words recall an endeavor both brash and quixotic, unpredicted and unpredictable, a political campaign of permanent interest to voters and historians alike. Even in defeat the McCarthy movement racked up considerable success: the dramatic toppling of the President, pressure to initiate the Paris peace talks, the political involvement of most of the young generation, and a massive re-examination of the Democratic Party. Arthur Herzog's account is no mere chronicle,... | $9.99 to wish listPDF & EPUB | |
The War-Peace EstablishmentArthur HerzogAn early review of the strategies of the military intellectuals, from maximum to minimum deterrence. The author chose minimum, today's American stance. There has come to exist in the United States, as a result of the cold war, a body of specialists accustomed to dealing with issues of war and peace which may be described as a war-peace establishment. It is clear that there are important divisions of viewpoint in the United States, especially among those who have concerned themselves most with it, on the question of what to do about the threat of thermonuclear war. To some, risks must not... | $9.99 to wish listPDF & EPUB | |
Robert Vesco: the king of white collar crimeArthur HerzogThe adventures of the fugitive financier - accused of looting a quarter of a billion bucks - who fled south of the border, engaged in the drug trade and wound up in a Cuban prison where he languishes. Today's high-flying, high-rolling conglomarateurs and corporate raiders are a tame lot compared to their immediate predecessors. The most notorious of these is Robert Vesco, the Kingfish himself, who in 1973 fled the United States accused of looting $250 million from Investors Overseas Services. Now, in this riveting account, noted author Arthur Herzog tells the astounding story of this high... | $9.99 to wish listPDF & EPUB | |
How To Write Almost Anything Faster And BetterArthur HerzogWhether you are an experienced or novice writer, How to Write Almost Anything Better and Faster! will be an indispensable addition to your library.
| $9.99 to wish listPDF & EPUB |