Aloys Christof Wilsmann
(Werl, Germany: 18th April 1899 - 20th April 1966)
Aloys Wilsmann was a German writer and amateur magician. After graduating from high school, he studied philosophy, literature, art history, economics, and medicine in Marburg and Münster. In Münster, he received his doctorate. After World War II, he was the founder and for a time editor-in-chief of the illustrated magazine Gong-Funk-Fernsehwelt and the youth magazine Liliput - Die fröhliche Jugendzeitschrift (Lilliput - The Happy Youth Magazine).
As amateur magician he specialized in mathematical card tricks with ingenious wording. Died in Nürnberg. Wrote Die zersägte Jungfrau: Von Magiern, Schwindlern und Charlatanen (1938, 238pp; Swedish translation 1939 as Svindlare, Magiker, Charlataner; 2nd German ed 1941, 237pp), Heitere Jagd auf Fragezeichen (1940, 118pp; 2nd ed 1941), and Wunderwelt unter der Tarnkappe (1959). Articles. See book by R. Braunmüller.