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Andrew Perry

Andrew Perry

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★★★★★ $15
Andrew Perry
Close-up Ex-Perry-ence by Andrew Perry

Andrew Perry, or Drew as his friends call him, started out with cards and they are still his favourite genre. Therefore you will find mainly card tricks and sundry sleights in his new ebook. But there is also something with matchboxes and several interesting ideas and techniques. His one handed double lift is quite a treat.

1st edition, 2002.

  1. Introduction
  2. Foreword by Peter Duffie
  3. Impromptu Rising Card
  4. Ungimmicked Rising Matchbox
  5. Matchbox Madness
  6. The Better Bet Count
  7. Coin Monte Surprise
  8. Clip 'n' Swap
  9. Water Monte
  10. A Perfect Gambling Demonstration
  11. The Telephone Number Trick
  12. Impromptu Counting...