This small spring-loaded Bingo Shooting Device causes a loud bang by exploding a gunpowder cap.
According to its creator, S.S. Adams, ". . . It goes off with a loud bang when moved or disturbed. This little fun-maker can be used for jokes in a hundred different ways. Place it in a napkin or magazine, under a plate, cigarette box, hat, etc. [it’s] entirely harmless and always creates a big laugh."
Adams himself was known to install them in decks of playing cards, cigar boxes, books with risqué titles, and a whole lot more. Many of the ideas originated by Adams are sprinkled throughout this ebook along with a relatively deep dive into its history and various resources where you can learn even more.
Inside this ebook not only will you discover the fun and exciting history of the Bingo Shooting Device, but you’ll also find 115 Pranks, Games, Magic Tricks, Emcee Bits, and more that are all accomplished with this one tiny little device. Take the ideas. Make them your own. Prank your friends. Surprise your audience, and most of all watch out for things that go BANG!
- Learn the exciting history behind this explosive little device
- Over 115 pranks, games, magic tricks, emcee bits, and more
- Bingo shooting device not included
- Art Work Credits
- Preface
- Introduction
- The Mechanism
- Setting the Trap
- Vocabulary
- Bathroom Bingo
- 1 - Porcelain Pop
- 2 - Doorknob Detonator
- 3 - Blind Blast
- 4 - Towel TNT
- 5 - Door Floor Fire
- 6 - Scale Shatter
- 7 - Window Wham
- 8 - Closet Combustion
- 9 - T.P. Thunder
- Kitchen Kablooey
- 10 - Spirit Cabinet
- 11 - Cool Crack
- 12 - Snap, Crackle, BANG!
- 13 - Silverware Sound Off
- Clothing Combustion
- 14 - Thunder-wear
- 15 - Armoire Artillery
- 16 - Shoe-t, BANG!
- 17 - Pocket Pops
- 18 - Hangin' and Bangin'
- Workplace Whammies
- 19 - Calendar Concussion
- 20 - Mushroom Mouse
- 21 - TNT Toys
- 22 - Lunch Launch
- 23 - Back to Work Bang
- 24 - Self-Sabotage, Sort Of
- Media Missiles
- 25 - Book Blast
- 26 - Remote Rupture
- 27 - Movies, Music, and Mayhem
- 28 - Modem Mine Field
- Furniture Freak Outs
- 29 - Folding Firecracker
- 30 - Picture Pop
- 31 - Against the Wall Ammunition
- 32 - Moving Day Dynamite
- Gift Grenades
- 33 - Bubble Gum Bang
- 34 - Matchbox Blast
- 35 - Heavy Heart
- 36 - Snake Shot
- Private Pop-erty
- 37 - Gunpowder Gateway
- 38 - Screen Door Detonator
- 39 - Knock, Knock, Bang, Bang
- 40 - Burglar Blast
- 41 - Cash Concussion
- 42 - Private Pow
- 43 - Treat Torpedo
- 44 - Wallet Weapon
- 45 - Wallet Weapon Too
- Complicated Combustion
- 46 - The Sound of Light
- 47 - Controlled Concussion
- 48 - Bang Your Head-Ache
- 49 - Pen Pop
- 50 - Lip Bomb
- Double Jeopardy
- 51 - Spider Spook
- 52 - Bangin' Breath
- 53 - Popped Poop
- 54 - Bug Blast
- 55 - Aqua Arsenal
- Building Drama
- 56 - Modified Mechanism
- 57 - Noisy Kneecap
- 58 - Sneaker Bomb
- 59 - Sneakier Bomb
- 60 - Delicate Detonations
- 61 - Storytime Terror
- 62 - Don't Touch That, It'll Explode
- 63 - Rodent Rupture
- 64 - Cowboys and BANG!
- 65 - Rubik's Revenge
- 66 - She Sells Bombshells
- Bingo Bango Games!
- 67 - Penny Pop
- 68 - Popsicle Pow
- 69 - Popsicle Pow-er
- 70 - Pop Shots
- 71 - Bang-a
- 72 - Chocolate Roulette
- 73 - H-2-Oh No!
- 74 - Cup Roulette
- 75 - Money for Nothing
- Explosive Magic Tricks
- 76 - Trick Gun
- 77 - Under the Box
- 78 - Coin Con
- 79 - Squirt Gun Transposition
- 80 - Squirt Gun Too
- 81 - Secrets of Magic
- 82 - Lighter
- 83 - Secret Bang
- 84 - Wrong!
- 85 - Card Bomb
- 86 - Real Bomb
- 87 - Finger Gun
- 88 - Resolving Tension
- 89 - Nest of Boxes
- 90 - Russian Roulette
- 91 - Himber Gag
- 92 - Ball Breaker
- 93 - Loaded Gun
- 94 - Backfire
- 95 - Gun to Lunch
- 96 - Gun to Dinner
- 97 - Cups and Bangs
- 98 - Break Away BANG!
- 99 - Interactive Reading
- 100 - Sponge Bombs
- 101 - Three Shell Bang
- 102 - It's Real
- 103 - Kill the King
- 104 - Ghosts in the Graveyard
- 105 - The Devil Made Me Do It
- 106 - Muggles
- 107 - Another Secret
- 108 - Don't Point That Thing at Me
- Emcee Bits & Gags
- 109 - Double Bubble
- 110 - Fragile Bubble
- 111 - Ex-Wife
- 112 - Soda POP!
- 113 - Premature Pop
- 114 - Finger Snap Contest
- 115 - A Letter from the Mafia
- Final Thoughts
1st edition 2021, PDF 87 pages.
word count: 17581 which is equivalent to 70 standard pages of text