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Bizarre Magic
by Tony Shiels


(4 customer ratings) ★★★

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Bizarre Magic by Tony Shiels

Stephen King in his book Dance Macabre, a book that deals with horror in literature and film, pointed out that the only two kinds of movies which produced an audible reaction from an audience were comedy and horror.

It was Tony Shiels who pushed magic in the direction of horror and, long before magic-as-theatre became the latest fad, suggested that tricks could be made more entertaining if their presentations were more dramatic; perhaps a little out of the ordinary. Few took up the suggestion but those that did went on to found what is today known as Bizarre Magick; magic which involves those who witness it.

In this recording, Tony takes clever effects, adds a little supernatural spice, a dash of shamanic showmanship and turns them into memorable theater. This recording will introduce you to the character of Tony 'Doc' Shiels, tell you a little of his background and influences and offer a glimpse of his extraordinary brand of Magick. Shutter the windows, bar the doors, sit back and enjoy the high priest of bizarre magic to frighten you - if you dare!

This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette and MagiCD series created by Martin Breese - now owned by, first released in 1988.


This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Conjuring / Mentalism & Spiritism / Bizarre

Magic & Conjuring / Audio / Martin Breese Audio