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C. Golo Naito

C. Golo Naito

It's always the same story, a kid sees a great magician (in this case, David Copperfield) and gets hooked instantly. How it is possible to make a train disappear in mid-air, puzzled him more than anything in his life. His father explained to him, that magic is all just an illusion. From this day on, C. Golo Naito tried to create this kind of illusion with his magic. What followed, are countless performances in Germany and in Japan, where he spent his nights working as a magician in Tokyo's Magic Bars. The results are described in his book The Tokyo Tables, where you can get a glimpse of his creativity.

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C. Golo Naito
The Creative Tables by C. Golo Naito

The Creative Tables is a 30 day training workbook, which will make you start thinking about your magic in a new way by generating new ideas.

Do you want to be more creative with your magic? The way to push your magic to the next level is not by buying the latest effect, but by becoming an idea machine. Anybody can buy an effect and perform it like everybody else. But to make the effect really your own, you have to give it something more. This is exactly what this ebook will help you accomplish. The Creative Tables is a 30 day training workbook, which will make you start thinking about your...