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Capers with Papers
by Billy West


(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Capers with Papers by Billy West

Something different for your magic show! A paper tearing routine with patter in rhyme. Very easy to do. You will have an original act in your program.

A paper-tearing routine makes an entertaining contrast in a magical act, especially when the program is lengthy as in the case of many programs for children. The following paper tears are not offered as original material. The routine and Patter-to-Rhyme is. The paper tears are well known and many performers may be already acquainted with them, but for the benefit of those who are not, the manuscript offers simple directions and suggestions that will enable the items to be torn without difficulty. This rare manuscript written by a master of the caliber like Billy West will be a wonderful addition to your show.

1st digital edition 2013, 7 pages.
word count: 1756 which is equivalent to 7 standard pages of text