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Capture the Coin
by Dave Arch

#3 Paper & Paper Money author

(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Capture the Coin by Dave Arch

You can almost smell the popcorn and hear the screams from the roller coaster as the magician unfolds the game board to demonstrate this seldom seen scam entitled Capture The Coin. With two coins placed on a checkerboard-like mat, the mark attempts to beat the game operator by moving in turn their coins one square at a time. If the mark successfully eludes the operator's coin from catching (moving into the same intersection of the lines as his), the mark wins. If the operator corners the mark's coin and then moves his coin into the same intersection of lines as the mark's coin, the operator wins. Needless to say the operator is always in charge of who wins in this three-phase routine. With a reproducible game board created in a colorful carnival theme by a professional graphic artist, this demonstration intrigues the viewer. Then you might consider giving the game board to the viewer (with your marketing information on the back of course) for him/her to demonstrate to their friends.

Alternatively you can sketch the game board impromptu style on a napkin, piece of scrap paper, or with a stick on the ground. It is super simple and only needs a couple of lines.

1st edition 2019, 2 pages.
word count: 290 which is equivalent to 1 standard pages of text