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Card Bonanza
by Eddie Joseph

#3 Gambling author
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Card Bonanza by Eddie Joseph

Excerpt from the Introduction:

In my opinion, anything Eddie Joseph produces needs no introduction for he has proved to the world at large his ability as an originator and as a writer on magical subjects. His thought and ideas have high rating among Magicians. In fact, I know many Magicians who will buy any trick, book, or manuscript with Joseph's name to it. So this does not leave much more to say as an introduction to this manuscript.

However, the contents herewith are so good that we felt justified in saying so in writing, especially in respect to the "Telephone Repeat". It is our hope that it will entertain and amaze you as much as it did yours truly.

  • Introduction
  • Contents
  • Joseph's Repeat Telephone Trick
  • By Mind Alone
  • Tear It - Restore It
  • India Calling

1st edition 1959, 13 pages; PDF 14 pages.
word count: 5688 which is equivalent to 22 standard pages of text