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Charles Sylber

Charles Sylber

Charles "Charley" Sylber (18th July, 1896 – 11th February, 1967) was an American movie actor, technical consultant and author. He is perhaps best known as the owner and operator of the Magic House of Charles magic shop, based originally in Hollywood, later moving to Riverside, California.

Born Charles Edgar Silber, Jr., in Cincinnati, Ohio, he changed his performing name to Charles Sylber, after a Numerology reading suggested greater success in a performing career with this name.

The Internet Movie Database lists five movies that Sylber appeared in as an actor. He claimed a total of 70 movies in which he consulted on magic scenes during his Hollywood career.

Coauthors: T. A. Whitney

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★★★★ $4
Charles Sylber & T. A. Whitney
33 Deceptions with a Changing Bag by Charles Sylber & T. A. Whitney

You'll no doubt be surprised at the many sensational uses Sylber and Whitney have discovered for this reliable magician's prop. Nine out of ten people interested in magic own a change bag, but there are many who use it for just one trick, or leave it in their drawer of magic odds and ends. This isn't right. The changing bag probably has more uses than any other piece of magical equipment.

To fill this need, Sylber and Whitney have developed this compendium of 33 clever tricks, ideas and routines that you can do with the change bag. Many are effects that you'd gladly pay upwards of twenty...