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Club 71: 10 effects from volume 2
by Aldo Colombini

#2 DVD (download+stream) author

(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Club 71: 10 effects from volume 2 by Aldo Colombini


  • FINALE (Brian Davies): A card is selected (face unseen) from a red-backed deck and retained by a spectator. A number is chosen and counted in a blue-backed deck. The two cards match.
  • THE POWER OF SUGGESTION (Barrie Richardson): A ring is placed around the neck of a Coca Cola bottle. The ring is removed, vanished and it appears back on the neck of the bottle.
  • DOMINO TELEPATHY (Anonimous): All the domino pieces are put together in line. You devine the spots at each end of the chain. A classic.
  • COLOR CROSSER (Max Maven): A series of stunning effects using just a packet of cards.
  • SCAT (Sebastian Cody): Here you have a packet routine, which combines elements of 'Twisting the Aces,' 'The Six Card Repeat,' 'Wild Card' and Alex Elmsley's 'Four Card Trick!'
  • OPTICAL DELUSIONS (Sebastian Cody): To an appropriate story, three cards with colored circles on the front undergo a variety of changes.
  • THE P.K. KEY (Nico Thelman): A key is handed around for examination. It is attached to a string which is hung around the neck of a spectator. The key acquires a corkscrew like twist. The key may be examined.
  • EVEN FURTHER THAN FURTHER THAN THAT (Cushing Strout): A funny version of the classic trick with several climaxes including a lie detector test.
  • CHINESE CHOUSE (Sebastian Cody): Four cards bearing question marks, reveal the name of a selected card. Funny routine.
  • QUICK KNOT THAT'S NOT (Angelo Carbone): You clearly tie a knot on a rope and the knot disappears while you pull the rope.

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Magic & Mentalism / DVD (download+stream)

Magic & Mentalism / Magazines & Journals / Club 71 - The Magician