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College Bridge Series Second Semester
by Chris Hasney

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College Bridge Series Second Semester by Chris Hasney

2nd semester contains only 11 prepared lessons, several of which can be assigned as homework reading. This allows instructors time to complete any unfinished work from 1st semester and still have extra time for integrating new members into the club, final prep for online College Bowl competition, etc. It should be noted that the rules for the competition have changed. You now have two chances (one each semester) to qualify, but they occur much earlier in the calendar year in fall and winter. Adapt and overcome.

Originally I had planned to integrate match point play and full 2/1 Game Force system features into this batch, but I've decided to hold those things for 3rd Semester. So, my students won't be asked to play in a local club just yet. This semester finishes modern Standard American bidding including many gadgets which are common to 2/1, so next semester won't be that difficult of a transition and students won't be lost in online team competition. I've also included some work on declarer play and defense, including standard lead and carding methods. I rely heavily on reading assignments. There simply isn't enough class time to cover everything in detail. Some assignments are from books students must purchase, others are from the web.

Remember that these lessons are free, courtesy of our friends at Lybrary. Much of the work is mine, but the foundation is from works previously donated to the bridge community by ABTA and other bridge teachers, and from published works by Eddie Kantar and other authors. Any attempt to sell this material would violate their copyrights and the spirit of their work for the good of our game. If you adapt this for your own lessons to paying students please donate a portion of your net income to your Unit's college outreach fund.

1st edition 2016, 86 pages.
word count: 24983 which is equivalent to 99 standard pages of text