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Commercial Card Magic
by Wolfgang Riebe

#2 Kids & Children author
#2 Video clips (download) author
#2 with Demo Video author
MP4 (video) | by download [579 MByte]  
Commercial Card Magic by Wolfgang Riebe

A teach-in video for card magicians who are searching for reputation-building commercial tricks that are fast, visual, and mind-blowing for a lay audience, yet will also blow away fellow magicians. Full performance video followed by a detailed explanation of every trick. 8 tricks in total of which 5 can be performed with a borrowed deck.

ALL BACKS: Ideally performed with a borrowed bicycle 'seconds' deck, but any deck can be used. All cards change to double backs, except for the chosen card.

OUT OF THIS WORLD - OUTDONE! The ultimate impromptu version of this classic using a borrowed deck, and it fools magicians too.

UNIQUE ACE APPEARANCES: Are you searching for a truly original and unique 4 ace appearance? Then this is for you.

CARD TO PAPER WALLET: This is no ordinary card to wallet. A signed, selected card appears in a paper wallet folded up in front of the spectator. Very novel.

3, 4, 5 OF SPADES: A visual effect where the middle pip of a 3 of spades disappears onto a 4 of spades changing it into the spectators' selected 5 of spades card.

JOKER SURPRISE: 3 regular red cards change into 3 Jokers one at a time, and then back again. Use borrowed cards. Extremely visual.

FRED OUTDONE: If you thought you knew the classic Fred trick, here's the ultimate version that fools magicians too. Any thought of card is the only blue-backed card with the name Fred written on it in a red backed deck. No rough and smooth.

BLANK CARD SURPRISE: Here's a use for all those extra double blank cards. A spectators' signature written on one card ends up on 3 inspected blank cards.

The video instructions include:

  • Full performance with spectators
  • A full, clear explanation on how to perform each trick
  • Use your own cards
  • Card sleight difficulty level - 6 out of 10
  • 20 years of refinement explained
  • Logical easy to follow routines
  • Create reputation builders
  • Maximum entertainment
  • Global appeal

1st edition 2021, length 53 min.

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Cards

Magic & Mentalism / DVD (download+stream)

Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video