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David Neighbors

David Neighbors

(USA: 1953, fl.1980s - 90s)

Close-up magician in Denver, working mainly coins and some cards. Wrote Slightly Gaffed (1986, 25pp), Innovation (1986, 14pp), Coinjuring (1987, 78pp), etc. See also Ken Simmons, David Neighbors' Freshly Minted and David Neighbors on the Double Coin Gimmick (46pp). Tricks in Onyx.

(The photo is copyright Robin W. Dawes, and is used with permission.)

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★★★★ $6
David Neighbors
Pocket Coins by David Neighbors

You place a ripped off empty jeans pocket on the table. Magically you take three coins one by one out of it. You magically make them disappear and appear inside/under the pocket. The climax is that all three coins disappear inside the pocket.

You will need two coins and a matching expanded shell. The video includes a detailed explanation of the "Palm to Palm", "Classic Palm to Fingerpalm Transfer" and "Toss Up Production" moves.

runtime: 24min 37s