Magic is dead; it is the magician's responsibility to persuade his spectators to believe otherwise.
Deceptions is a journal dedicated to the improvement of the art of magic taken directly from the studies of Daniel Madison from the year 2000 to 2009. Deceptions will study, explore and exercise ideas and concepts of modern magic and subterfuge.
Each issue will focus on a different area of the art teaching new exclusive and related close-up magic effects. Each volume will be packed with professional insight, teachings and guidance with full training in sleight-of-hand. Subterfuge, deception and psychological illusion; hosting thoughts, advice and bonus effects from friends and industry professionals. Recommendations for related effects and ultimately offer the reader a new resource for modern magic.
Magic is dead; it is the magician's responsibility to persuade his spectators to believe otherwise. With your help Daniel now invites you into his most personal work ever.
Keep magic alive. Welcome to Deceptions.
The theme of this issue is "Torn and Restored."
Featuring all new torn and restored effects
- Res
- Cure
- Square 1
- Fragment
- Push
- Anchor
- Stifle
- Bounce
- Fix
- Bonus: Trip
- Bonus: Rip
- Dee Christopher: Cinders 2
- Thoughts...
- The Underground
- from Christopher Alexander
- What is underground magic?
- from Meraux Dantes
- the R3man Challenge...
- The Sharp Switch
Journal entries
- I am Daniel Madison
- The Deception
- Something Wicked
1st edition 2009; 42 pages.
word count: 17105 which is equivalent to 68 standard pages of text