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Edwin Ash

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Edwin Ash
Hypnosis in the Lancet by Edwin Ash

These are two articles published in the famous Lancet:

  1. Some Experiments in Hypnosis, January 27th 1906.
  2. The Induction of Hypnosis, August 25th 1906.
1st edition 1906; 9 pages.
Edwin Ash
Hypnotism and Suggestion by Edwin Ash

Edwin Ash was a celebrated medical doctor who practiced and lectured in London. He was published in the Lancet which is to this day the most important and respected peer reviewed medical journal.

As the subtitle 'A Practical Handbook' suggests, this is a work for the practitioner. It covers various methods to induce hypnosis, describes muscular and sensory phenomena, post-hypnotic influence, suggestive therapeutics, and a lot more.

1st edition 1906; PDF 118 pages.

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