Erick Castle
If you have biographical information of Erick Castle please email us. We would like to add it here. We can also add a follow-on-twitter if you have a twitter account and an author video, for example an interview or similar. |
If you have biographical information of Erick Castle please email us. We would like to add it here. We can also add a follow-on-twitter if you have a twitter account and an author video, for example an interview or similar. |
The performer proposes an imaginary game of Blackjack. The stakes are high because the performer has made a sealed prediction which is kept in full view the entire time...
The cards are freely chosen - only thought of by the volunteer.
A sealed envelope is opened showing a prediction matching 100% correctly with the volunteers selection.
1st edition 2007; 8 pages.
There are many kinds of methods devised over the years for catching a glimpse to secretly written information anything from doing peeks, billet switches, center tears, pocket writing, using specially made covert type of cuing systems. Alternatively you could just as easily obtain information with a swami gimmick, or stooge, double-writing, mnemonics sound or muscle reading etc.
Now with A Timely Reveal you will learn how to perform some of Erick's most closely guarded mentalism routines. These are strong mentalism routines you could perform anytime and anywhere. You'll learn different ways...