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ESP Card Magic Vol. 18: Werner Miller Part 2
by Aldo Colombini

#1 Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups author
#1 DVD (download+stream) author
#2 Magic & Mentalism author
#2 Cards author
#3 in Italian (italiano) author
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ESP Card Magic Vol. 18: Werner Miller Part 2 by Aldo Colombini
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Werner Miller is certainly one of the most prolific creators with regards to ESP cards. All these routines are self-working with no sleight-of-hand whatsoever.


  • MIXED DOUBLE: Two spectators pick a card each and they lose it in the middle of two packets. At the end of the routine, they find their own symbols.
  • 1,2,3,!: A matching symbol routine.
  • TRIPLET: After a spectator freely picks an ESP card, you find two more symbols matching the selection.
  • EMPTY NET GOALS: Two spectators pick a card each. You place two packets on the table and turn over cards at the same time. Only two pairs match, the first pair matches the first selection and the second pair the second selected card.
  • 100 PERCENT: A spectator freely picks a card. You proudly show twice how to find a card with a symbol NOT matching the chosen one. The selected card appears between the two wrong cards.
  • THE LAST PAIR(S): Six pairs of ESP cards turn out to actually be SEVEN pairs of matching symbols.
  • IDENTIDEM: A beautiful routine with several coincidences and revelations of symbols of ESP cards.
  • MIRIMODIS: You and a spectator amazingly reveal three matching symbols.
  • ANOTHER ESP TWIZZLER: A matching sequence you will love to perform.
  • PARALLEL ESPLUS: A fantastic routine with multiple matching effects.

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / DVD (download+stream)

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / ESP