If you have a photo of F. B. Sterling please email us. We would like to add it here. |
F. B. Sterling
See M. S. "Doc" Mahendra, his stage name under which he was much better known.
Coauthors: Hugh R. Johnston
If you have a photo of F. B. Sterling please email us. We would like to add it here. |
See M. S. "Doc" Mahendra, his stage name under which he was much better known.
Coauthors: Hugh R. Johnston
A complete card-act with patter.
This ebook describes moves and routines for a stacked deck. The authors are using the Si Stebbins stack, but most of what is taught applies to other stacks, memorized or algorithmic. At the very end a simply two person code is taught.
Dornfield, President of the Chicago Society of Magicians writes in The Sphinx magazine, November 1919 page 209:
"On the same program, Hugh Johnston put over his line of incomprehensible sliders and puzzlers. The way that fellow can make a card or a whole deck do his bidding is nothing short of miraculous. He is at present busily engaged in conducting the only...