This is a COMPLETE 3-in-1 training system that will sharpen your tactics, calculation and visualization skills.
Modern chess = DYNAMIC chess
Modern chess, thanks to our 'silicon friends' Fritz, Houdini, and company, have advanced to a level that is never seen before. Just have a look at today's GM games - full of tactical twists and turns, intense fight for the initiative, sacrifices for dynamic compensation, and mind-boggling complications in ALL phases of the game.
Gone Are The Days When You Can Single-Mindedly Follow An Abstract Plan And Win Games!
True, positional play and strategic...
Planning is one of the MOST important skills in chess! Learn how to read the chessboard and plan like the PROs.
Do you want to reach the HIGHEST chess goals? Do you want to become not just a strong player, but an EXTREMELY strong one? Then use Your Winning Plan - the most direct way for a chess success!
What is the main factor of success in chess?
Chess is inherently a strategic game. That's why strategic skills are the most important thing in chess. They allow you to understand what you should do in any position. Chess players usually call it "a chess understanding". In fact it is...
Master the 5 Chess Weapons and learn how to defeat opponents that are 200 or even 300 rating points ahead of you.
Nowadays, you need to have some unique skills if you want to beat an experienced opponent. You need to have special knowledge which is not presented in chess books. Some strong players know these weapons, however they will never tell them to you. Nevertheless, now you can get this knowledge from the course How to Beat Titled Players.
This course should not have been created.
Actually, I wasn't going to share this information with a huge audience. I've had doubts about whether...