Gilbert Walker
If you are Gilbert Walker, a family member, or friend, and you would like to claim and edit this author page, please do the following:
If you are Gilbert Walker, a family member, or friend, and you would like to claim and edit this author page, please do the following:
... and other practices like the same; a myrror very necessary for all young gentilmen and other sodenly enabled by worldly abundance, to loke in. Newly set forth for theire behoufe.
This work contains a vivid description of the tricks and practices in vogue amongst gamblers of the sixteenth century. Written by a Puritan preacher, it is a scathing critique of the gambling culture during Elizabethan England and the moral outrage surrounding it. It has many curious allusions to the manners and customs of the period. Featuring firsthand accounts of dice games and their negative societal effects....