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GPS by Unknown Mentalist

GPS stands for Geopsychic Past-Life-Positioning System.

Using nothing more than a single double blank business card and a piece of paper, you can accurately divine the place of birth of a participant either in a past life or a future life, as per her choice.

The only inputs you will be taking from your participant are her place of birth in this life and details of her birthmarks if any. The result will not only be stunning for the participant but also will be verifiable for her.

Most of the effect is self-working and very easy to perform. But the presentation is key and all the necessary presentational aspects are described in detail. The effect works in most languages or can be easily adapted to any language. There are no sleights, no stooges or instant stooging, and no preshow. There are no peeks, no switches, no equivoque, no memorization. No dual reality, no one ahead, no nail or pocket writing. No apps and no electronics.

Everything can be freely handled by both the performer and participants before, during, and after the routine. You can perform this in different venues like one on one, close-up group, parlor, street. And you can easily carry the single double blank card and the piece of paper always in your wallet or pocket and you are always ready to perform at a moment's notice.

You can present this routine either as a serious, bizarre effect or a light-hearted fun effect. And while on the way, you will learn several interesting principles, which you can use in many other routines and effects.

1st edition 2021, PDF 17 pages.
word count: 3960 which is equivalent to 15 standard pages of text