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H. Syril Dusenbery

H. Syril Dusenbery

(San Francisco, California: 15th January 1894 - 22nd August 1982)

Learned at age 13 from gift box-of-tricks. Electrical engineer. Amateur magician. He has traveled extensively through Europe and the Orient and has seen the Hindoo, Chinese and Japanese magicians perform in their native land. Founding President of Pacific Coast Society of Magicians (now SAM Golden Gate Assembly #2) in San Francisco in 1912. Articles in Sphinx and Stanyon's Magic (1914 and 1919). Wrote Making Magic Pay (1923; repr 1997, 24pp).

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H. Syril Dusenbery
Making Magic Pay by H. Syril Dusenbery

Excerpt from the Introduction:

Magicians, like all other living beings, must eat. Perhaps it does seem rather strange to the layman that the Magician can not conjure his money out of space a la "Miser's Dream," but alas, we all know only too well that if we want to get money we have to go out and work for it. It is my purpose to try and help those who are interested in turning their magical ability into dollars and cents.

From the commercial point of view, Magicians are divided into three parts. First there are those who depend entirely on Magic. It is their life work and profession....