Harlan Tarbell
(23rd February 1890 - 15th June 1960)
Born in Delavan, Illinois. Inspired at age 11 seing White the Magician. Learned at age 14 from travelling salesman. Naprapathist (a form of homeopathy) and semi-pro magician. Then pro magician.
Originally hired as illustrator for a magic course to be written by Walter Baker, he was given the entire job when Baker defaulted. Thus, beginning in 1927 as a series of 60 mail-order lessons, he produced the influential Tarbell Course. Illustrated Hilliard's Greater Magic. SAM President 1949-50. SAM Hall of Fame.
Invented over 200 effects, including color-changing handkerchief (c1905), Chines Laundry Ticket (by 1906), Tarbell Rope Trick (c1919), and Tarbell Egg Bag (1927).